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[Locked] - Off-Topic (Unrelated to Sierra Chart): Information Regarding a Worldwide Hoax (Covid 19)

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[2020-10-18 12:12:13]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
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Off-Topic (Unrelated to Sierra Chart): Information Regarding a Worldwide Hoax (Covid 19)

Update: The information in this thread is off-topic. It is here to raise awareness of a very serious situation going on in the world which all people must be aware of in order to take back their power, and reduce the ability for those small groups of people who are dominating and controlling humanity, to continue with their crimes against humanity.

And this thread is also here to clearly state Sierra Chart stands strongly opposed to all of the hoax/lies going on related to this alleged virus and all of the associated nonsense controls. And we know very well that is about domination and control of humanity to an extreme level. And that we are intelligent and we know what is going on.

History is going to show Sierra Chart had the courage to post this correct and factual information early in this hoax / plandemic. It is so important for everyone to raise awareness of the facts. And when a critical mass does, these crimes against humanity come to an end.


Off-topic information regarding a hoax:








And for all those people in Victoria Australia, your government is playing games with you, in regards to the restrictions in your area. And great praise to those business people who are attempting to reopen their businesses. They deserve a lot of support.

If people do not wake up to this situation immediately, things are going to go very very wrong and hurt everyone (although that has already literally happened).

And one of the candidates in the US, is proposing, that everyone wear masks:

Whether this is a guidance or a mandate, neither are good because it plays psychological games on people thinking that they should wear the mask. It is unnecessary as said by doctors who know what they are talking about and causes respiratory diseases and decreases oxygen intake.

Update: We want to make it clear, when we use the term "hoax", it is not to say there is not some potential virus that is going around creating illness. It is the extremely disproportionate reaction to it that some governments have done over their citizenry and the claimed number of cases and the claimed severity of the cases (The commonly used PCR test, has a high false positive rate. Reference: Doctor Michael Yeadon (former Pfizer chief scientist)).

It is these last two items, which is the hoax. In other words, the basis of governments restrictions on the free market and people, are based upon alleged facts which are nothing more than a hoax.

Yes there may very well be a virus that was/is going on, that originated in Wuhan China. But clearly the effect of that is diminishing or is not in existence any longer, and has no justification for what is currently going on.

And of course governments are doing this in order to exert their power over the people. So they lie about the basis of their intentions. That in itself is a problem. Governments are not honest as to their ultimate objective with these lockdowns and restrictions related to this alleged virus.

Update 2023-02-12: Another reason for this hoax is to push and get people to take toxic covid vaccine (which it is not). It is completely unnecessary and a bio weapon.

Another major hoax is 9/11 (In regards to the specifics of what happened):

https://www.brighteon.com/f48baf64-62fe-4cd0-aed9-0ecaddd31e0f (added 2021-10-15)

Update: Regarding 9/11, there are specific facts of what happened on that day in New York, United States. It does not matter what anyone wants to or would like to think. Only the facts are relevant. The facts we are referring to do not include who did it and why they did it.

The question is about what caused three steel framed buildings to collapse at freefall speed from only damage at the top of only two of the buildings and office/plane materials fires. When you concentrate on the facts which can be verified, through visual observation and the remaining dust and debris, then it is impossible, that there was not some other means to bring down those 3 buildings (other than fire and plane impact).

If there was a warping of steel due to heat, assuming the fire got hot enough which it did not, and there was a gradual sagging of one floor towards another floor due to warping of steel frame beams, this is not going to pile drive down the remaining floors or cause the steel framing to break apart at the floors below or even the floor where there was some hypothetical warping. There simply is no change in weight load, in this scenario, upon the frame structure below. And if the buildings were really that fragile to suddenly break apart at freefall speed, they would have seemingly have fallen apart during construction, or during the high winds they are exposed to.

As one Vietnam veteran said, in the history of histories, this does not happen (three steel frame buildings collapsing in the same day under the circumstances of what we are officially told). We do not live in a fantasy world. The laws of physics apply.

Software engineering, helps one to critically think about things and concentrate actual facts and logic.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-05-21 20:20:58
[2020-10-20 03:39:42]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Why did we post the above information?

The situation in the world is not good and it is going to be very damaging to the free market and private business if people do not take a stand. Otherwise, we are going to be sleepwalking into a very tyrannical dangerous situation.

It is important, that individual business operations make it clear where they stand. Do they stand for freedom or do they stand for tyranny. We at Sierra Chart stand for freedom and decentralization.

Regarding 9/11, that is an interesting old subject, and as engineers, that is why we have brought it up again because it is an interesting engineering subject. And it is also subject that needs to be questioned. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have done a very good job with their presentation. We have linked to their presentation above.

The relevancy of 9/11, is that if you recognize we have been lied to regarding the cause of what happened on that day, then it helps to question what we see and more importantly are told now related to this alleged virus.

9/11 has even affected the opening of brokerage accounts. With all of these new AML (anti-money laundering) rules, you now have to provide an ID and proof of address and other information to even open an account. You should not have to do that unless the clearing firms think they need it for their own internal security reasons. All this is doing, is spreading around personal information which can then be accidentally released.

Governments always like to claim, that this is to stop terrorist financing. It is nothing of the sort. It is all about governments maintaining absolute financial supremacy over you, and ensuring compliance with their taxes in order to steal more from you. If people want to be more independent and more free, governments simply want to make it more difficult.

So therefore this page could be considered like the Sierra Chart Covid 19 information/policy page. Sierra Chart operations are not impacted in any way by Covid 19 at least not in a practical way. Since we are a decentralized business. Sometimes there are some data center operations which are delayed because of this but there is no practical impact.

Our belief is, that people need to educate themselves and protect themselves if necessary related to this virus, and in the appropriate way based upon their circumstances. Only individuals can make decisions which are right for themselves. This is not a matter for the state because there is no one set way of managing the situation.

It is really quite absurd for politicians around the world and their improperly influenced so-called health experts to be making decisions related to this alleged virus. Their wrongful decisions are impacting the day-to-day lives of people and businesses. This must only be left to individual people and the healthcare people that they choose to listen to.

It is important to recognize that all of these restrictions and policies imposed by governments around the world related to this alleged virus are not to protect you. They are there to enslave you and empower themselves and make you more dependent on the system and themselves.

And we are now seeing major purging on some of these media platforms like YouTube and Twitter, of quality alternative media. The one video we posted above from doctors appearing at the Washington capital, telling factual information about this virus and how to manage it, is simply banned video. This is a completely unacceptable situation.

And as we have said previously, do you ever wonder why it is that Sierra Chart does not use Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram. The simple answer is, why would we want to put our content on those platforms when they can be on our own website and we are in full control over them. We want to direct traffic to ourselves not be enriching these others, who are eventually going to turnaround and take off all the content that a business has put up just because they do not like the content.

This is also why we maintain certain development standards. And we minimize the use of the operating system. We are in the process now, of removing all of these trash Microsoft dialog windows in Sierra Chart and supporting Unicode characters for other character sets which require 16-bit characters.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-11-18 08:34:50
[2020-10-20 10:50:52]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Wait there's more. So now they have got these isolation camps they are going to be building in Canada:

For what? When you watch the two videos here and here:

it is very clear, there is simply no way to detect this virus. Cases of the virus are nothing more than a complete hoax. It is rare for anyone to get very sick from this alleged virus. So what is all this about? So now we know that these conspiracies that we have heard in the past from Infowars.com and Alex Jones, are actually indeed true.

The people of Canada need to wake up. This is a serious situation. Either the government of Canada led by Trudeau are incompetent dummies, or they have some other objective. Common sense is they have some other objective.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-10-20 10:52:56
[2020-10-25 13:49:38]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Good video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKCTkLJbtT4 (Update: YouTube terminated the account of this user who did this video. This video was an excellent high quality production that has all turned out to be true with what is going on in Canada now.)

Of course it is going to get taken down off YouTube at some point because they want to suppress information because they are controlled by the New World order or believe in it.

So how is it that Bill Gates knows that another alleged virus is coming, is happy about it, and it is really going to get the attention of all of us. Obviously this is all planned.

The basic fundamental reason that all of these plans to change how the world works, money works, government works and cities and states and communities work, is that it is all about forced control from people/entities, often unseen and unknown, at a distance, who are unelected, and think they know how to manage things.

These things have been tried before and they are a complete failure and have resulted in serious wars and loss of life.

We are not saying that the way things work now is necessarily good. Certainly central banking, government money, government control, a lot of this is not good in the way that it works. Changes certainly need to occur for the better. However, further consolidation of power, by small groups of people who think they know how to manage things and who do not operate according to free market principles and freedom of choice, makes absolutely no sense.

The US government is operating beyond constitutional limits (as is all governments in the world. They all are a problem). It has an enormous amount of debt as they all do. These systems are broken. No matter which side you support, the outcome of the election is not going to be wanted for those who disagree with the result. And even those who agree with the result, the practical reality is the nonsense and the debt just continue. So in the end no one is happy.

How do you get the entire population of the US to agree on one leader of the executive branch of the government. You cannot. Why does the executive branch have so much power. Why has the U.S. Congress over time, given up authority that has been vested in Congress from the U.S. Constitution, to the executive branch. How many members of Congress even really stand for the Constitution. Very few. You really only have people like Rand Paul and Ron Paul, are truly stand for the Constitution. Whether you like them or not, at least they stand for the Constitution.

The fiat money system is breaking down and going to lead to major inflation. The government only knows how to print more money and throw more money at the problem. This is going to lead to greater market volatility. Just look at these large price ranges we see in the stock index futures at this time.

Increased Tick Sizes are going to be necessary in the charts you are using in Sierra Chart to improve performance when there is large market volatility.

People must be in control of their own lives and control must be returning back to individuals and their communities. Even state governments cannot even be trusted. Look at what we see with the tyranny in Michigan. And we can name other states as well. Only individuals, and their families, know how to manage their own lives. Not some bureaucrat, with some dream of some utopia. It has been tried before (communism) and failed. Maybe they think this is their last chance. Well, they are going to fail. It never works.

This mask stuff is all about training to be obedient. Just like at the airports, where they use these body scanners and they have you raise your arms and hands. Once again part of obedience training.


We saw that there was reference to this thread on the Futures I/O forum. The basis of that posting, is that we are discussing conspiracies. We have made reference to factual information. This is not a time to be part of the sheeple.

Our point is that the world is entering a dangerous point in time with expanding tyranny and severe loss of freedoms. And everyone must stand up and say no to this. Including businesses. That is what we are doing.

Regarding what was said on the Futures I/O forum from those who oppose or are making fun of this thread, they are just simply gullible. If they do not recognize the truth they are gullible for believing the lies given to them. And then they are gullible for reposting this thread of factual information.

And then there is one broker, who says that users do not want to read this stuff. This thread says "off-topic". And was only at the top of our support board for a weekend. You do not have to read it. It is simply formal official information from this business that we recognize the truth of the subject matter here in.

And furthermore, this is a very important information because the freedom of humanity is at stake. This is not something to be quiet about.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-09 22:20:08
[2020-11-04 11:13:47]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
More information:



We may put up an official page on the Sierra Chart website for Covid 19 information. We are going to do something that most no other business has done that we are aware of, where we are calling this a hoax, where Covid 19 has the sole purpose to control populations and enslave people through various techniques, including and not limited to, spreading of irrational fear, rebranding of colds and flus as "covid 19", fake tests claiming someone with a cold or flu, or who is fully asymptomatic and not ill at all has this alleged covid 19 virus, lockdowns, mask mandates, imprisonment, censorship, taking away of our natural freedoms without any real genuine cause, spreading of disease through various techniques.

And share information about this from alternative sources.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-05-29 10:30:23
[2020-11-18 08:40:24]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
More good information:





Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-12-01 07:14:48
[2020-12-05 09:32:23]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Renowned Scientist Tells Fox News: COVID-19 Vaccine is ‘Downright Dangerous’ and Will Send You ‘to Your Doom’:



Absolute hypocrisy going on regarding this virus hoax:

People, there is a very clear attempt at imposing a world government and enslavement of the people and it seems as though they also have a depopulation agenda. Even Trump is promoting a vaccine. It does not matter who is promoting the vaccine. Make your own common sense decisions regarding it. You must be in control of your own life. And not be improperly influenced by anyone.

Everyone needs to be informed, needs to to act in their own interest and not be be misguided by anyone in government. Make your own decisions.

Common sense is, that the alleged virus that is going around, for most people is not serious. Most people have no symptoms, or they are only mildly affected by it. If someone is significantly affected by it, there are known good treatments if it is treated early on (Refer to America's frontline doctors).

We as humans are very resilient to viruses and develop immunity. We know that these PCR tests have an exceptionally high false positive rate. So we know, that this virus is not causing infections as widespread as is being claimed. The data indicating the level of infections is simply false and not to be trusted.

Based upon people's own immunity, and the low incident rate of this virus, and being that the symptoms are nonexistent or mild, there simply is no case at all for an experimental vaccine, which is harming people, to even be utilized. There simply is no need for this at all. And why is it, a harmful vaccine is being promoted, which is enriching drug companies and empowering governments is being forced upon the people. This is simply wrong. Some airlines, even trying to mandate this. Those airlines, are run by a bunch of complete idiot and incompetent fools, to put it mildly.

The reason there are reports of people being badly affected by this vaccine is simply because the human body is rejecting it. It is a toxin and that is very clear. There is not a need for this.

Upcoming litigation:

These PCR tests are a total joke:

Why would anyone trust their life to a known harmful vaccine created by a company which is being enriched by this, and has no interest in you and only their profits and is protected from litigation. It is foolish.

Good discussion:

Update: These vaccines are death by lethal injection shots. They are a bio weapon.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-11-08 19:00:06
[2020-12-14 04:56:49]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Excellent presentation from Doctor Shiva:


"We are all slaves". So true. Everything he is saying is common sense. "Strengthen/Boosting the immune system". So true. So do not destroy it with a toxic vaccine.

We do not need criminals like Bill Gates pushing vaccines and disrespecting people's freedom, and human beings natural immunity functioning. It is really quite ridiculous this pushing of vaccines as if that is the only solution (when in reality it is no solution at all). Bill Gates has outright admitted, the intention of vaccines, is to reduce the world's population. He has on record stating that. And that is not a misstatement.

Overcoming control is what is important at this time.

This is why, we have a vision of a better model of trading and investing and connectivity. This is what we will work towards. And no it is not this crypto currency nonsense where nothing is backing those. There are some good technical concepts with some types of crypto currencies but they need to be properly applied.

What other platform, broker, clearing firm, exchange, has the courage to raise awareness about the enslavement of humanity, by a small group who wants centralized control which has proven to be, and which will be an absolute failure. Nobody else in our category, is helping to raise awareness. This is essential that everyone does this. It is also common that a lot of liberty oriented financial websites, do cover these topics as well.

And we are happy to be criticized elsewhere and made fun of, as if somehow were talking about things that people do not care about, or that we do not understand. This is all common sense. You do not have to be a doctor. Use your own good sense judgment.

The other thing that is just simply so wrong about all of this purchasing of vaccines by governments, and all of this pushing of the vaccine is that people are losing the concept and reality, that there are so many other superior methods to protect and heal oneself.

We have our own immunity system, we have natural treatments and remedies to help with illness. This is where the focus needs to be. Eating healthy. Breathing clean and fresh air. Getting exercise. Maintaining good health. Taking quality and effective vitamins where necessary or helpful. This is what we are referring to.

Instead, there is the pushing of this vaccine by idiot and incompetent drug companies who only want to profit off of people and break down the will of people and do harm to them.

What makes them so smart. What makes them so smart to create a toxic substance, and do harm to people. They are bunch of dumb idiots, and only want to do harm to you.

And then we have the criminals within our governments, stealing our money and wealth through taxation, and wasting it on these toxic vaccines and benefiting drug companies. This is just plain outrageous. Why people continue to put up with this garbage is beyond belief.

Governments do not know how to manage it. They are hopelessly, And inherently incompetent. They are structured failures. Let people be free and make their own decisions and decide how to protect themselves according to their own research and their own intelligence.

Governments, and these big tech companies, and the elite, want you to be a slave, want to dumb you down, want to control you, and think you are an idiot.

Look at the admitted wealth to the Bill Gates foundation with their investment in vaccines which are killing people. Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft and they cannot even produce quality software. They are disrespecting users, creating mayhem, and producing poor quality software, taking away your freedom and spying on you.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-08-23 15:43:04
[2020-12-26 12:12:55]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
More good info:

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-12-26 12:18:20
[2021-01-21 07:31:22]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This is just simply outrageous what the tyrants in the US government are doing to people who have done nothing wrong, and are explaining the truth about this virus and the appropriate treatment:

It is these criminal Marxists and tyrants who have unconstitutionally and illegally taken over the US government, who want nothing more than to put someone like this in jail on false and illegitimate claims. There is no longer any legal or constitutional protections which exist in the US. At this point the U.S. Constitution has been officially overthrown.

And the facts presented in this article here:

only confirms what we have been saying about this vaccine. Nobody should take it (Make your own decisions though). Trust yourself. Trust the human body and your own immune system. You do not need a manufactured toxic chemical from those who are trying to profit off of you, and are dummies, to poison you and control you and make you their slave. Do people really want to be obedient slaves. Of course not. But this is what the vaccine is all about. It is about slavery and obedience and destroying your health.

Update: When one looks at the state of the world, the state of the relationship between people and their governments, you cannot deny the fact that something is wrong.

When there is a requirement for a vaccine to attend public events, to travel, to gain employment, perhaps even go outdoors, then something is wrong. There is one congressman, saying that people have to get the vaccine in order to get the $1400 check they proposed which is just returning of money that they have stolen through taxation and inflation from the people. This is just flat-out insane. This is the level of insanity we are dealing with at this point in time. And this is the basis of this thread to raise awareness of the insanity going on. People need to wake up.

There is total disregard for common sense, the rights of the individual, and healthy people with good immune systems. Not saying the vaccine should even be given to people without good immune systems.

Let us look at the United States Declaration of Independence:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-01-26 07:02:11
[2021-01-26 07:03:39]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We challenge others to create discussions on the various subject matter within this thread. This is important at this point in time for everyone to be aware of this.

The reason this is just so important, is because it is so important to raise awareness and all people and businesses need to do this assuming they understand what is going on and agree.

This is why we quoted the US Declaration of Independence above (post immediately above). This is one of the founding documents of the United States. The US is a good portion of our user base. We would think no in the world would disagree with the US founding documents, at least in general.

So when even the US founding documents demonstrate that what is going on in the world regarding the tyranny being imposed upon people, is inconsistent with these founding documents, how can anyone disagree. And if we allow this to continue, we are all going to get enslaved.

One more thing, we were questioned about this thread, from someone in the industry. Perfectly fine. This was our response:
Thank you for this. I think that these times in the world are so out of balance with what is sane and what is logical that everyone needs to get back to reality and we are trying to help raise awareness as we see things. Everyone should do what they think is right regarding this alleged "vaccine" which really is very different than a typical vaccine and is unproven.

People should do their own research.

We are not telling people what to do. Everyone must make their own decision. But that's the problem. Are people really making their own decision. Are they making an educated decision.

With all of the censorship going on, are people really informed of the facts, or are they being misled and being told what others want to think is good for them.

Web browsers and operating systems (also software products) provide by default newsfeeds which are continuously bombarding people with information that supposedly is news but not news, and is really designed to condition people and influence their minds.

Why do web browsers and operating systems and mobile phones have newsfeeds, by default. This does not even make sense. Does anyone ever think about that? Does anyone realize that there is actually an agenda by technology companies to condition the masses of people in a direction which they want to direct people towards.

YouTube, removes videos that does not contain the narrative that they want. And then they are bombarding people with notices from the WHO.

I would also hope that these postings show the leadership of Sierra Chart is very keenly aware of the absurdities going on in the world and is very sane and is very stable. Now maybe someone takes it completely differently. Perfectly fine.

You have also major technology companies, called big tech, engaging in mass censorship. Which in effect is them wanting to indirectly impose their view upon their customer base.

So here we are, little Sierra Chart, with one thread that is not even at the top of our board linking to other information on the subject matter within that thread. Hardly a problem. Everyone including brokers and clearing firms should be doing what we are doing.

So a single thread on a forum, which says "off-topic" and people do not have to read and which contains a notice at the top that they do not have to read it, is not much of an issue in my opinion. It really is there to raise awareness from a viewpoint which they may not even have thought of or even are aware of.

And how did you come across this thread? I know someone linked to it on Futures I/O. We did not do that. So someone is now spreading this around. That's up to them. We are not advertising this.

So other businesses which are drastically larger than us, and in the category of software and technology, are pushing a view upon the masses, using various techniques, which the establishment wants. So if we try to keep people informed, on actual facts and reality in a tiny tiny way, that is hardly a problem and is not out of place even in the least. It is actually appropriate and we would hope others would follow in their own words.

Here is some interesting math:
There are 536 elected people in the US federal government (members of Congress and the president)

Current US population: 332,103,290

This means for every elected representative, there is 619,595 people. This is an insanely out of balance ratio. There was a Declaration of Independence way back in 1776 when the world was a much smaller place.

What better way for people to declare their independence, than to make their own decisions with their life. Rather than being told what to do through all of the bombardment of false information we are getting from mainstream media and big tech.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-01-26 12:46:31
[2021-02-13 16:30:39]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
"Because There Is A Safer, More Economical & Efficacious Remedy Than Vaccines":

We previously said:
Trust yourself. Trust the human body and your own immune system. You do not need a manufactured toxic chemical from those who are trying to profit off of you

For the drug company Merck:
but the immune responses were inferior to those seen following natural infection

"Merck Discontinues Development of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates":

Interesting discussion:

A good website with a lot of good financial related articles where we pick up a lot of these articles is:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2021-03-15 05:40:32]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Interesting video:

Even if this alleged side effect from the vaccines is not as dire as the doctor is proposing or ends up not being true, mass distribution of an unproven and not extensively tested "vaccine" which is not a vaccine, when the CDC is reporting no excess deaths for 2020 as compared to other years, is very irresponsible.

More information:

Quote from the above document:
one follows the science, and nothing but the science, it becomes extremely difficult to not label
ongoing mass vaccination campaigns as a crime, not only to public health but also to individual
Author: G. Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD; 26 February 2021 Page 5

Here is the full article:

What is said is just basic common sense. This is what we have been saying. People need to rely upon their own immune system and strengthen that immune system. And if you are at risk, then yes isolation would be a good idea. The solution is not some unproven vaccine which is tinkering with the immune system having unintended consequences. And governments, imposing these lockdowns are also making matters worse, and have no scientific backing whatsoever for what they are doing. And whenever they try to prove themselves as being correct, with certain types of analysis, those are manipulated in their favor.

There simply is no science being applied properly, to these vaccines, or lockdowns or wearing of masks. Wearing a mask is wholly unnecessary and far more harmful than whatever minimal benefits it brings. If you want to wear one, then good for you, but you cannot be imposing this on others. Since it is making it difficult to breathe properly. And you are just breathing in again what you are breathing out. Makes no sense.

This stuff is not hard to understand. Simply trust yourself. Be free , be independent and trust yourself.

There is no statistical logic supporting mass distribution of the vaccines simply because the virus is not taking mass amount of lives. This is a fact. Official data proves that. Anything that shows otherwise, is a manipulation of fact, or is deliberate targeting of elderly people. Which further supports, that there is some hidden agenda behind all of this. Perhaps it is just nothing more than profiting off of it and creating a dependency.

Also if a healthy person, is dying within hours, days, or within weeks of taking the vaccine, to simply say the vaccine is only a coincidence and not the cause of death, is very statistically improbable.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-03-15 22:34:17
[2021-04-25 01:22:25]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
"Dr. Michael Yeadon on vaccine passports: We will be standing at the “gates of hell” if implemented, and they will push us in":

It is all about control and slavery. This is why it is important for people to be aware of what is going on.

This person is a former executive of Pfizer.


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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-04-25 02:04:02
[2021-05-06 02:06:12]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 16601
A lot of good evidence posted here:

There is also a good interview posted with:
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
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[2021-05-15 21:20:07]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
A good video interview:

Dr. Carrie Madej

More information:

A New Zealand website with more information on the subject:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-05-15 21:20:22
[2021-05-28 11:01:09]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Excellent speech by Dr. Simone Gold:

We need more leaders like this. That is why we at Sierra Chart are raising awareness of what is going on in the world. Consolidation of power by governments, loss of freedom by individual people. Governments do not know best. Individual people know how to manage their lives best. People must take back their power. Governments and businesses who are involved in all of this crime related to this whole situation surrounding this alleged virus, are criminals.

We have absolutely been proven right here. And all we are doing is simply quoting factual information and conclusions posted elsewhere.

Look at shocking cases like this one, involving this alleged vaccine:

There are so many of these cases.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-05-28 11:04:50
[2021-06-04 02:55:59]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Doctor Peter McCullough:


Another interview with Doctor Peter McCullough:

Dr. Judy Mikovits:

Now that these Fauci emails are out, more people can see, we have been consistently right with everything we have been saying in this thread. Everyone must be raising awareness, about the facts and this crime against humanity going on in the world right now. Sierra Chart is a leader. Sierra Chart is intelligent. Sierra Chart is not afraid! We are the best. Not perfect and we have a lot of room for improvement but we continue to do our best and continue to make improvements day after day.

A nonscientific video, but one which really expresses the hard reality of what is going on (beware of the language):

This is truly a crime against humanity:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-06-06 01:40:53
[2021-06-05 23:26:27]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368

Latest Interview with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology and Immunology:

What is interesting in this last video, what the doctor is saying, being this alleged virus gets in through the respiratory system like the nose and the lungs, there are no antibodies in those places. He says the antibodies, which a vaccine could create, are in the blood and simply are not effective against this type of virus. This makes sense because there has never been an effective vaccine against the common cold which is caused by a type of coronavirus.

Additional video:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-06-06 01:08:28
[2021-06-10 01:31:44]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Voices For Freedom chats with Dr Sucharit Bhakdi:

Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich:

Nobel Laureate Warns Covid Vaccine May Lead to 'Neurodegenerative Illness':
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-06-10 05:52:22
[2021-06-12 10:25:26]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This is a very important video for everyone on this earth to watch:


Post #8 (Above), made back in December 2020 by SC Engineering said this:

The other thing that is just simply so wrong about all of this purchasing of vaccines by governments, and all of this pushing of the vaccine is that people are losing the concept and reality, that there are so many other superior methods to protect and heal oneself.

We have our own immunity system, we have natural treatments and remedies to help with illness. This is where the focus needs to be.

Instead, there is the pushing of this vaccine by idiot and incompetent drug companies who only want to profit off of people and break down the will of people and do harm to them.

What makes them so smart. What makes them so smart to create a toxic substance, and do harm to people. They are bunch of dumb idiots, and only want to do harm to you.

And then we have the criminals within our governments, stealing our money and wealth through taxation, and wasting it on these toxic vaccines and benefiting drug companies. This is just plain outrageous. Why people continue to put up with this garbage is beyond belief.

Governments do not know how to manage it. They are hopelessly, and inherently incompetent. They are structured failures. Let people be free and make their own decisions and decide how to protect themselves according to their own research and their own intelligence.

Governments, and these big tech companies, and the elite, want you to be a slave, want to dumb you down, want to control you, and think you are an idiot.

If you listen carefully to everything that Doctor Michael Yeadon is saying in this presentation, he is confirming all of this. He said in this presentation "these are the most dangerous vaccines ever".

These vaccines contain substances, which have not undergone proper toxicology analysis. And the idea that they are just not going to do harm to people, is impossible. They will do harm to people. This so called "vaccine" is being pushed out to everyone including, teenagers and children. This is a crime against humanity.

The other thing, we should add, and Doctor Michael Yeadon says as well, is there are already existing and proven medicines to treat an infection with this alleged virus: Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and supplements like vitamin C, vitamin D, Zinc ( these supplements are not mentioned by the doctor in this video, but by others who have experience with treating this illness).

We want to reiterate, what this thread is all about:

This was what was originally posted:
The situation in the world is not good and it is going to be very damaging to the free market and private business if people do not take a stand. Otherwise, we are going to be sleepwalking into a very tyrannical dangerous situation.

It is important, that individual business operations make it clear where they stand. Do they stand for freedom or do they stand for tyranny. We at Sierra Chart stand for freedom and decentralization.

SC engineering, can also provide a personal experience, to the tyranny in this world. We generally do not talk too much about our personal selves.

But we feel the situation the world is so dangerous and out-of-control, that it is important, to awaken as many people as possible and if it helps to share a personal experience, we will do that.

I live part of the time, in the country of New Zealand. This is not my birth country. I am originally from the US. It is a beautiful country, in the South Pacific. Rolling green hills, and lots of sheep. Very peaceful.

Sadly, it has fallen under, tyrannical, communist control at this point in time. Just like Canada has. And just like they are trying to do in the United States. The New Zealand government, at this point in time is out of control and a communist criminal regime who has no regard for the law or the country's Bill of Rights.

Even the native Maori people are very concerned with what is going on, and are working to assert their independence.

When I reentered this country, two weeks ago, I had to go through this process of "managed isolation". This is no different than prison. It is a rogue operation, designed to create fear, and is a tool against the country of New Zealand in order to forcefully impose the vaccine by creating an exceptionally high price for travel back into the country ( I can elaborate on that another time). It is absolutely completely senseless and unnecessary, and it is thoroughly outrageous the assault they are engaging in against people there including children down to six months old.

The NZ government will claim they are trying to protect the country against this "alleged virus". That is a pure outright lie. Any careful logical analysis, based upon fact, will prove that allegation 100% false. It is a tool of tyranny, and to violently control the New Zealand people. (You do not have to pay attention to what we have to say about this. Managed isolation is a form of lockdown. And a very extreme form of it, essentially prison. Doctor Michael Yeadon says that lockdowns are completely unnecessary. Everyone entering managed isolation, is already asymptomatic)

Of course New Zealand is not alone in what they are doing. They do this in Australia as well, and also some of the Pacific Islands. No other countries to my knowledge, do this for all people entering the country. Although thinking about it, Canada does this but I think the time is 3 days minimum and if they do not detect any of this "alleged virus", then you are free to go after that short detention. Of course they could pick up the ordinary cold or flu in these unreliable PCR tests.

And in Pakistan, now is going to be taking away people's Mobile phone SIM cards if they do not get this harmful "vaccine". What the hell? This is absolutely insane.:

All of these tactics to get people to take these established harmful "vaccines", are a violation, of the Nuremberg code.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-06-12 11:33:05
[2021-06-13 02:46:44]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
More videos with informative information:




Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. sounds the alarm over genocidal crimes of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates:

No need for us to repeat what they say.

Although we want to quote Doctor Peter McCullough: "The United States, we are a country of rebels, people who want to break the law" (breaking the law of course means not following unjust laws or laws that violate people's natural freedoms)

Doctor Peter McCullough regarding this "vaccine": "Bioterrorism by injection".

Professor of Medicine
Vice Chief of Internal Medicine
Baylor University Medical Center
Dallas, TX

One of the fundamental problems, with taking this alleged "vaccine" is because people are giving up there freedom and health and their consent to big pharmaceutical companies, and government. The two worst possible entities you would want to give up your freedom to. So in effect, the more people which give in to this vaccine, the more that governments and big pharmaceutical companies are getting empowered. This is endangering everyone.

And when we say endangering everyone, they are now pushing this toxic vaccine to children and teenagers. And there are a large number of cases, of heart inflammation in these people directly connected to these alleged "vaccines", and this is now being recognized by the CDC and other health organizations. So as you can see, by people taking this vaccine, governments now are pushing it to children and damaging their hearts, which is going to lead to either an early death, or heart problems throughout their life. This is not us saying this. This is the doctors linked in the videos above. Although the point we make, is that when people give their consent away and give away their freedom, it creates a problem for all of us. Now children are in danger.

Think about the seriousness of this. Think about your child. All that you have invested in them. And then a toxic vaccine is given to them and creating a heart problem that is going to last them their lifetime or cause them to have an early death. This is very serious. Are we the only ones brave enough to say something?

Where is the bravery in this world? Everyone needs to speak out.

Tyranny and extremism, and genocide is descending upon this world and this is being used against us. Everyone needs to speak out now.

Forced vaccination is coming. Make no mistake about it. They are planning this. Everyone is going to be assaulted with a deadly bio weapon. That is not us saying this. This is reasonable intelligent doctors who have now recognized what is going on, who are saying this like Doctor Peter McCullough. They are calling this a bio weapon.

You cannot just leave it to these doctors. It is up to all of us. And the lunatics in the US government do not give a damn, or many of them. Most of them, are part of this whole criminal scheme, and want this to continue.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-07-04 09:12:13
[2021-06-15 11:14:10]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Doctor Matt Shelton on MD on New Zealand's Covid response:

Worse Than the Disease’ – Dr. Stephanie Seneff Sounds Off on Covid Jab After Shocking Jump in Vaccine Deaths:

Criminal Coverup! Hospitals Order Medical Workers to Hide Covid Vaccine Side-Effects and Death:

The Case against Covid-19 Pandemic scare:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-06-20 01:16:13

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