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About Us

Sierra Chart has been in business since 1996 developing and supporting financial market analysis and trading software. Sierra Chart supports all markets including futures, stocks, forex, indexes and options.

Sierra Chart develops and supports complete front-end advanced charting and trading software and backend order routing infrastructure. We develop high-performance server software for market data for Sierra Chart.

Sierra Chart provides complete market data services from various exchanges for our front-end trading and charting software.

We acquire, install, configure, monitor and maintain our own high-performance server and network hardware, which runs all of the backend (market data, order routing and web services) infrastructure for Sierra Chart.

Sierra Chart is truly a global operation with users throughout the world. We develop top-quality and well engineered software.

Sierra Chart is an effort of engineers around the world developing and supporting the software and services we offer.

The Sierra Chart charting and trading software is supported by many different financial market brokers and clearing firms, trading educators and existing user referrals. We provide a complete solution for brokers and clearing firms. Contact us at [JavaScript is required to view the email address. Enable JavaScript.] if you are interested in making our software available to your customers.

Sierra Chart is not a clearing firm or broker. We only develop the charting and trading software and related backend infrastructure for market data and order routing used by individuals, businesses and brokers.

User Comments

  • Thanks for the help and quick reply, you guys are amazing at your service!
  • Absolutely love the platform btw. And all the documentation that is available, it is just fantastic!
  • Sierra Chart is the greatest trading software I can think of. Thank you for your continued work.
  • From Support Board: Just a note of thanks to the SC Team
  • Your charting platform and order routing service are both leagues ahead of the competition. Keep up the good work.
  • Alright. Thank you immensely for all the time you've taken to reply. You truly are one of the best supports I've ever seen. ... Sierra Chart having the best charts in the business ...
  • I truly appreciate your quick response and solutions to the issues I had mentioned. You are Awesome. The Customer Support is excellent. Keep up your good work.
  • You guys are doing a fantastic job with the platform. The biggest home run for me was when you removed the character size limitation from Alerts. I can write 2-3 pages of code in a single alert instead of doing multiple alerts. Kudos to your engineering team!!!
  • I appreciate your help and I'm super grateful for you guys!! You deserve 10x what I pay each month for this amazing software! Sorry just had to throw some long overdue compliments your way. :-)
  • I wasn't sure where to send my thanks to, but after using the Teton order system for a while I have to say it is one of the most amazing order fill systems i've used.
  • Denali feed the same. Been using EUREX and CME feeds for months with no single issue at all. Superb!
  • I tried Ninjatrader 8 today and it is complete garbage compared to your platform (Sierra Chart).
  • For the great service, transparency, and for striving to improve the market experience in many important and often overlooked facets.
  • Thank you. The Sierra team is the best.
  • I'm a huge fan of SC. I've been a user for a countless number of years and have implemented countless custom studies. I've even recently switched to using your fantastic DTC protocol w/ SC as the server for quicker execution.
  • We LOVE Sierra Charts, and have used Sierra exclusively for years.
  • My trading partner and I have recently switched to SierraChart after experience with several other platforms.

    We are simply amazed at the depth and power hidden behind every single feature within SierraChart!
  • In the last few weeks I decided to make the switch entirely to Sierrachart when it comes to my trading and charting platform. I am very pleased with the service and reliability of your tools.

    It has become clear to me that Sierrachart is the best by a long shot. I am not sure if this is in your best interest but more people deserve to know exactly why Sierrachart is the best.
  • The trio sierra/C++/visual studio is underrated. I have some experience programming but never touched c++. I decided to get started with ACSIL. I'm surprised how easy it is to develop things. For moderately/complicated development I find it easier than easylanguage, and even c# trading environments. It's so easy to access data from any study!
  • Sierra Chart is an amazing platform, and your expertise is mostly unmatched. Switching from my previous platform of 12 years has been a pleasure. The customisability and speed/implementation really stand out, as does your knowledgeable support.
  • Keep up the great work. i just cannot stop LOVING your platform. lookign forward to trading with you guys again once you get it all set up. THANK YOU
  • Hello to the greatest software engineers in land of trading!
  • Honestly you are the best and Sierra Chart seems to be a great platform. I like the interface and I wish to keep using it.
  • all updated and system seems to be fully functional. Thank you SC crew. my pleasure doing business with the best in the business!!!!
  • btw just want to say, since changing datafeed from cqg to denali dataflow is very noticeably smooth and my frequent disconnect with cqg is gone. overall im very happy, keep up the good job guys. (Indonesian user)
  • Hello, i’m fairly new to Sierra Charts and finished my free trial and was blown away. Awesome software.
  • I want to continue to use Denali, as the performance and reliability has been excellent.
  • Long time SC user here, you can see I even have subscribed year to year now. Nothing but great things to say about the platform easy to use, and at a good price point.
  • First, I just want to thank you for your wonderful product and service. I have so much appreciation for this platform.
  • I have been using your trading platform for about 3 months now and just wanted to feed back. I don’t normally do this but felt I had to say that I find Sierra Chart incredible!

    The work that has gone into developing this platform is truly outstanding and gives the user almost unlimited customisation features. I am not a trader with huge funds so being able to have access to this platform at an affordable price gets a huge thank you from me. Without it I don’t think I would trade the futures market.
  • Just wanted to say thank you. Thank you guys for an awesome platform. Every time I look for something, there's always an inbuilt solution or a work around in Sierrachart. I have used other platforms before but have never been this satisfied. This is my 4th year with Sierrachart. Thanks again.
  • I'm a huge fan of the work you guys are doing here and would like to conduct [ALL] of my business through your platform.
  • I would like to share the good and phenomenal customer service I experienced. For a long time I had a problem with the historical charts and as much I tried to resolve it I was in no way successful. I got connected through my broker (cannon trading) to the SIERRA CHART customer service and was amazed to see what dedicated and loyal service I got. For more than a week, they kept on contacting me as they tried to help and fix everything Until they found the solution. The program now works perfect and I really owe it to you! I thank you very much for your help and lots of patience. I am really happy to work with such a good company thanks again and again.
  • What can I say - absolutely WORLD CLASS Legendary Support as always. Really can`t thank you enough. No idea how you guys manage to deal with so many queries in such an efficient manner.
  • firstly Well Done with Sierra! The more I use it, the more I like it. My experience with other software has always been the opposite of this and I end up disappointed. Not so with Sierra - stable, robust, minimal lag, customizable = FANTASTIC. After 15 years, software I can rely upon = YES!
  • Thanks for help and keep up the great work on the best trading platform in the world!
  • Also wanted to say I am a new user and love the platform, thanks for making such a great product.
  • By the way, I love trading with Sierra Charts!!!
    Thanks for your magnificent software!!!!
  • BTW - Thanks for doing the work on Denali and this new Order Route Service ... The data with the crazy volumes of the last couple of months was super responsive and didn't have any data issues at all. I'm really happy with the SC platform.
  • I just wanted to write to thank you folk for building some of the most amazing software I have used in the past 25 years. The stability and functionality of your product is above and beyond. The pricing is the best I have ever seen. I just enabled equity data. Being able to trade stocks using market profile with the tools you provide is just amazing.

    Your customer service was also prompt and easy to follow.
  • On that note, your documentation is absolutely splendid. For me, it's practically leisure reading it's so good. :) I appreciate you reaching out!
  • Thank you for such a wonderful platform!
  • I'm 100% done with (***). It is clear they are trying to push their clients into their new software. I can't do business with a company that screws over their clients for the sake of greed(with a highly inferior product). LOVE SIERRA CHARTS and definitely remaining a loyal user, just with a new broker.
  • The more and more I use Sierra Chart, I realise that it really is the best platform out there. Customer service is top notch, even if you can't speak to anyone on the phone! Anyway, I appreciate all the hard work you guys put in.
  • Love that you guys are always updating Sierra Chart, you guys are the best software out there!
  • The more I use your charts...the more I like them. They are stable and loaded with features. The chart trading capabilities are my favorite of all since that is where I make money. The color background based on Alert Condition and the study price overlay are two studies that I use a lot and they work great. With all this capability, they use low resources. I have ran them with NQ, CL, ES, 6E, RB, HO and HE charts and their supporting charts and studies, on a laptop. Very nice. Just my opinions. Keep up the good work. Your work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

    Sincerely spoken;
  • I think Sierra charts is great. And you are always innovating.
  • Thank you guys for the quick and accurate response. You have really built a wonderful platform, and I try to recommend it to everyone. May you have many more years success. Good luck to you all!
  • P.S. You're guys documentation rocks! It is very well written and easy to understand.
  • First, I would like to say thank you for creating such a solid all-in-one trading and charting platform - what you offer vs. the competition is really quite impressive.
  • I have been trading since 2000, and have tried many, many other chart packages and trading platforms. I must tell you - your product is phenomenal!! Stable, nimble, flexible, customizable, and intuitive. I will be customer for a very long time. Thank you for an outstanding product!!
  • Sierra Chart is hands down the BEST out of the box charting software!!! The features included are well beyond what any other charting platform offers (without having to go through independent vendors)... And there is a real "open-source" attitude from the users. I've watched the "User Contributed Studies" grow and grow in just the last year alone. I could not be happier with Sierra Chart!!! When the big drop happened last year, several of the people I trade with who were not using Sierra, had their platforms crash as well... Not Sierra Chart!!!! if you're serious about trading, don't fall for those retail traps that are almost all other platforms... This is just my opinion, I'm not affiliated with Sierra Chart, just a HUGE fan of this software.
  • Thank you Sierra Chart Engineering, your platform is by far and wide the best!
  • By the way your platform is awesome and keep up the great work.
  • I could write a whole whitepaper on the things I find outstanding about your product. Lean, file struture/management, ease of backups, speed because written in a real low level programming language, runs on server, in-app updater, automation, documentation, more studies than I care to count, user contributed studies, ability to write own studies with build in compiler. (What seriously!!!!) :)

    Finally something done right. An intelligent, feature/function rich piece of software that hasn't had features/functions stripped away, hidden, or decommed to be dumbed down (insulting the intelligence of those that have taken the time to understand technology) like most technology companies have done in the past decade. In my option, you guys rank up there with Google and AWS in the technical world.

    Thank you upper management for staying true north with a real application and not selling out to every sales guy that walks in the door trying to sale you the next greatest watered/dumbed down piece of fad tech. True Upper Mangement, not just a title. Thank you engineering for being real engineers and building something complexly simple, smart, advanced. True Engineering, not just a title. Thank you support for keeping us pointed in the right direction and explaining the hundreds of options and features that you offer. True Support, not just a title.

    A man is only as good as the tools he uses. Thank you for providing me a great tool. You could take all the other trading platforms and put them together and they still would not be as good as SC. #LongLiveSC
  • Thank you, I am starting to become familiar and while I still haven' t tweaked the alert as I want to, it is really exciting for me and it showed me what an extreme powerful tool Sierra can be - especially for those more skilled.
  • I'm writing as a FORMER Ninjatrader user of almost a decade. I just wanted to say thank you for a serious piece of kit. Sierra chart is stable and extremely versatile. I am able to realize my ambitions for seriously well functioning intra-day futures systems because of it. Well done, amazing product!
  • You've written truly amazing, performant, perfected software - thank you!
  • Kudos for the Technical Service and a program that is Pure Genius.
  • Every day for a lot of years, I thank you of Sierra Charts for quality, speed, ease of use, reliability. I may not be around forever to say thank you, so thought I'd better do it now even if typing is so hard. Love, appreciation.
  • "Thank You" to all at Sierra Chart. I have been using your software for a few years now and it is a joy to use. I have used other software too but using Sierra Chart is such a pleasure that I don't need to use anything else. I use your software everyday and probably only use 1% of it's capability but if I have an idea for a study, I know that I can find the tools in the software to test it.
  • Outstanding, the problem is resolved. SC support is unparalleled... you guys rock! Thanks.
  • BTW...Your charts are very nice and fast!
  • First of all, my heartiest thanks for such a great platform you guys have made.
  • I wanted to thank you all so much for designing such and incredibly fast and solid product. I have used Esignal for 10 years, ninja, and OEC trader recently, and I am kicking myself mentally for not giving your superior product a try much sooner. Your product beats all of these hands down, and I spent thousands of dollars at EISIGNAL!! I am so impressed with the ease of use and just how "FAST" the charts draw and perform mathematical functions with ease!! THANK YOU.
  • Thank you very much for an excellent service and software. As a formal IT guy your software is one of kind, the best out there.
  • Sierra is a superior platform to TradingView.
  • I am new to Sierra Charts. I am liking how snappy it is and how economical it is with computer resources.
  • First of all, want to say that you are the best and most flexible graphics software
  • I just signed up for the Standard service and this platform just blows my mind!!!! I'm coming from Ninjatrader, after years of struggling and dealing with memory leaks and such.... Anyway.
  • Thanks for the exceptional support - question answered on a Saturday evening. Can't ask for better service than that.
  • I have read here and there that Sierra chart documentation is no good, I do not share this view. It is very efficient.
  • Also thank you for providing a software so excellent and robust. Not one crash, or error during a trading session, in over a year.
  • Also I just wanted to let you know that I love the the customizability and features of Sierra chart, keep up the good work!
  • Tradingview in my humble opinion doesn't come close to the quality, capability, cost and outstanding package that you guys offer at Sierra.
  • Now, I do not want to waste any more of your time than necessary, but since I'm already wasting some, let me express my gratitude for the way you folks at Sierra take care of users -- you are THE BEST BY A COUNTRY MILE, and I have experience with many of your competitors. P.S. Your suggestion works beautifully. As usual. TYVM!
  • I love the platform and after 6-7 months of use I have to say well done for an excellent job! It's such a pleasure to use after years of putting up with the inferior competition.
  • The more I use SC the more I think this is a fantastic platform, and your Spreadsheet implementation is better than any "wizard" type of interface.
  • SC charts are the best on the market, in my opinion.
  • FWIW, I think your charts are the best. They are very stable; and, they seem to be able to do almost anything a trader would like them too.
  • Once you get the hang of it, you'll find it's a fantastic piece of software and has great capabilities + functions.
  • First off I want to say, I've traded with a few other platform, and I Love Sierra Chart.
  • As a long time TradeStation, ThinkorSwim and Metatrader user I find your platform to be a great tool and my preferred. Awesoe customizability of the interface and drawing tools. Great for the self-directed trader using drawing the analyze the Market.
  • It works beautifully! Gotta throw some love your way, you guys are frickin' great! Thank you so much for working with me on this.
  • Dear Sierrachart.. Thank you for enabling me to see a Market Profile chart or TPO for a price I can afford. I am very grateful.. So thanks
  • Anyway your platform is great--better than Ninjatrader and MarketDelta among others--and you guys continue to add awesome features (e.g. historical market depth on chart). Thanks!
  • However, once SC added the ability to stream from their servers high quality data, I remained with IB and am very happy. The IB/SC/SC data solution is robust and IMO very good. I trade ES and NQ primarily with zero issues.
  • By the way, love your software. The more I dive into it, the more I find it amazing. Really thought to perfection.
  • Not only am I a huge "fan" of Sierra Chart but also I experience your software as the best tradingplatform on the market I am a "fan" since I like your business model, I love the ongoing development, the teams speed in solving problems - and even your way of communicating.

    And I love the appearance of SC: nothing fancy, nothing shiny, but - as soon as accustomed to it - complete reliability and even joy: every morning I am looking forward opening my platform!

    So thank you again for all your work and thoughtfulness - and now even granting a longime user discount.
  • I just want to let you know that Sierra Support is excellent !! What you are doing should be the standard for the industry ! The way you follow up questions/issues, explain and the patience. Very very good, outstanding and far ahead of the rest of the pack (I had/have extensive experience with Ensign, Ninjatrader (worst ever), Market Delta and Multicharts).
  • Thanks again man you guys are seriously the best at Customer Service.
  • First, congratulations on creating a fabulous charting package. It makes NinjaTrader feel like a toy.
  • Hi Guys, sorted thanks for the help you have no idea how pleased we are to switch over from Ninja DOM to Sierra. We have been using the Sierra DOM in DEMO for a few weeks now getting used to it and setting things up while continuing with Ninja. We are happy to go live now and it is working 100% and very please. You have a great DOM second to non in my view and I have used a lot of DOM's over the years. We do not use auto bracket orders so deactivating server side brackets is fine. We place manual stops and limits and actively manage and that is all server side happy with that as well. Regards
  • Like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the work you put in to constantly improve the Sierra trading platform. I have been trading for 15 years and used many products including Realtick, Sharescope, J Trader, Interactive Brokers, eSignal, Trade Navigator, Ninja Trader, Omnitrader and Trademaven. None of which offer anywhere near the versatility, capability, reliability or efficiency of Sierra.
  • I have to admit that SC is really a superior product in many ways.
  • You guys are the best. GetAttachedOrderIDsForParentOrder() works perfectly and I have lots to learn about programming. I don't know another charting package this powerful with an easy-enough API for beginning programmers. Everything else is either engineered poorly, or difficult to program for traders, or both. You extended the API to help me, even though I had asked for the thread to be closed so you could get back to work doing more important support; and then you went beyond that and helped me with my programming issue. Thank you!

    I'm a customer for life and hope to return the favor by helping others in the forum over the years.
  • I really do prefer drawing out my trades and teaching using your software - so much more practical than trying to draw out trades with MT4.
  • Cannot speak highly enough of Sierra Charts - Excellent package, superior support, always evolving to the needs of the traders who use it and whatever they request if feasable!
  • Must say... Sierra Chart is Pure Genius. Keep up the good work.
  • Just wanted to say that I have exposure to many trading platforms and Sierra Chart is the most stable, by far.
  • First of all - congratulations to your wonderful charting software. I've tested a lot of software already and I like this the most. I use it everyday now - thank you!
  • You all have my testimony that SC is THE best charting package ever and I have tried them all over the last 20+ years.
  • I just wanted to write a note to say thank you for the quality software that you have produced. As someone who trades for a living, a solid platform is all that a trader can ask for.
  • Excellent customer support, and IMHO, one of the best customer/trader experiences on the internet.
  • I've been using Sierra Chart for a while now and consider it to be without a doubt the best documented and feature-packed market software that one could use today (and believe me, i've tried a good many of them over the years and have found them wanting-
  • SC is the most customize-able charting package ive ever used while still maintaining that professional feel of a solid charting package.
  • Awesome, I can't believe how quickly you implemented this! That's why you've got a customer for life right here. Thanks Sierra Chart, I really appreciate you taking the time to do this!
  • ... SC farrrrr better then N********** ... a credit to you ....! NOW lets spread the word!!!!
  • Can't appreciate enough Sierra Team on this and how nice of an addition this can be to already - "powerful" and "Can do anything" with Sierra platform.
  • ...it is at this point highly unlikely that I will ever switch to a different platform after using Sierra Chart. Despite the fact that other platforms do have some VERY neat features when it comes to footprint/number bars and the DOM, as it currently stands there is no competition to SC when it comes to technical charting and especially the astounding and exemplary support from the Developers.
  • I'm impressed with the power of the tools and how intuitive the software is so far.
  • Cheers and much love to the great people at SC and the best trading software on the planet!
  • ...your platform is very fantastic, fast, and powerfull and with it, i'm better than ever !!
  • Also a big thanks for creating and updating Sierra Chart - thumbs up; it's a fantastic tool that is way ahead of more expensive but less reliable platforms that crash repeatedly and partly self-destruct their databases. Keep it going in 2013 !
  • Like most of people who are using this software, I even could not tell you how much I really like this trading software, because that I don't think words can even explain...
  • Traders really cannot truly appreciate the quality of SC without trying other charting software first, and I'm excited to be newly on-board, considering how SC has helped me already in just a few short months.
  • I wanted to let all you guys know that I have been extremely pleased with the Sierra charts demo that my son A***** signed me up for a couple of weeks ago. I am really considering giving up on the current platforms that I use (both Ninjatrader and Ensign 10) as Sierra charts pretty much does everything that I need in one package.
  • PS Whilst writing I'd like to say that Sierra Chart is absolutely the best charting software I have used by a long way.
  • Hi all the sierrachart team!
    Once again, i would like to say a big THANK's to you SierraChart support group! I really appreciate all the improvments that you offer everytime about the numbers bars in your sierrachart platform; and i love working with SierraChart which is the best platform for me! I appreciate too your client support board, because it is very fast and usefull!
    I'm really proud of using this powerfull software : SierraChart.
    So you can count on me to bring you of new french customer!
    Thank's for all! And please continue to be the best!!
  • I WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL THE SIERRA SUPPORT TEAM FOR YOU THEIR GREAT AND FAST HELP. I really apppreciate the commitment and approach how they react in a support board forum. This is also one of reasons why I will stay with SC platform. Proud to use it!
  • I just wanted to drop a few lines to say THANK YOU for developing such a wonderful platform. I have been trading for a few years now and recently came across this platform. You will be glad to know that my search for a rock solid, reasonable trading platform stops here. This platform gets so many basic things right that even other more expensive platforms lack.
  • Also, I would like to commend you on your charting software. For years I've been using Tradestation until just a few weeks ago and I feel right at home with your software. Keep up the great work! Your trading from the charts is perfectly designed and I couldn't ask for anything better.
  • I'm using SierraChart platform since few month ago, and i just would like to congratulate you for all your job that is great ! I appreciate so much your platform, i have all the tools that i need (time and sales, market depth, number bars, volume profile, etc) it is powerfull software and i appreciate that it is very light for the uc system of the computer. With Sierra, i'm better in my trading :)
  • Thanks again for your efforts in making Sierra Chart the best charting and trading software.
  • I love Sierra Charts! I was working with N****T***** for some time and happened upon your charts. By far you have a superior product. Thanks for the great work!
  • I have no complains about trading SC with (Interactive Brokers) TWS, I use it for so many trades now for so many months and it's incredibly stable. I use the FA (Financial Advisor) adviser group function in SC.
  • PS: SC is most powerful platform for TA (technical analysis) and OFA (order flow analysis) now. Thank you to SC.
  • Great software! Everything works well at my laptop! I don't understand why everybody isn't working with SC! Awesome software! In my opinion it is even better than **** which is also great (but expensive).
  • First off I'd like to say how much I enjoy using Sierra Charts. It's the most intuitive and effective charting software I have come across.
  • Thanks in advance guys for providing a tremendous stable platform.
  • love the software thus far, everything just seems to work well.
  • I'm new here and just want to say I am enjoying the experience. The extensiveness and clarity of documentation is refreshing, and, so far, I've been able to find answers to my most important questions. There is a bit of reading involved, but my goodness, the program has so much diversity and potential for customization. Impressive. My thanks to SC for a great product.
  • Thanks for the fantastic product.
  • No further data feed streaming issues today, your software update continues to work like a champion boxer (knocking out results on data streaming). I'm extremely happy with the software update and the results I'm experiencing. I've experienced a perfect day, Wow! As far as I'm concern my issue/problem has been resolved. Your hard work and outstanding customer support has been greatly appreciated!
  • I am very pleased with your program. Speed and accuracy in the processed data is above the other programs with whom I worked. I wish you much success in the development of SC, and Happy New Year.
  • I would like to say that after using your software for a month, you guys have done a fantastic job with it! I switched from Realtick and your charting is such a pleasure to work with.
  • SC a fine piece of software and amazes with the possibilities it offers. No more ToS for day trading... ever.
  • Thanks again. Your support seems truly outstanding, very quick replies.
  • I think SC may now have the fanciest Median Line/Pitchfork tool in the whole universe of charting.
  • Thanks Kiwi, I have no doubt you've inspired quite a few of the innovations that we all benefit from in Sierra Charts.
    Also thanks to the other heavy hitters tomgilb, jysd, SgtJ..... and all of the rest who make SC the awesome program that it is.
    Honestly does SC have any other competition? Its lonely at the top.
  • Sierra Chart is the best-jim branch.
  • I am so deeply impressed with Sierra Charts and its Documentation Files.
  • By the way, I have used many charting platforms over the 15 years I have been trading futures and Sierra Charts is the best platform I have used, nice work.
  • Hello Sierra Chart Support Team. I just want to give you a big thank you...good work on your new release. I trade for 12 years and have to say your software ist just the best and getting better ...
  • Well done on developing a very impressive platform and excellent video tutorials. I'm addicted
  • PS: Can I just add what a fantastic charting service you offer, I am just starting to get to grips with it and I really like it. It is way better than M********r!
  • And as a side note, just wanted to say that the support here is really really top notch. fast, professional, shows great deal of patience to users. Great work SC team
  • I am very pleasantly surprised with SC. Turns out the �other� software package got it wrong and SC got it right.
  • Thank you one more time.... You are amazing! I'm very very happy with SIERRA CHART !
  • I am quite pleased with the Rithmic/SC combination. March 2011.
  • I have never seen another software that has the candlestick pattern recognition as an indiciator. Very nice. It works well. In addition, I have two chartbooks open for both M and H contract this morning; and, we are in a fast market and S C used very little resources and performed without a flaw. Really nice software. You can't imagine the difference I have seen coming from the " to be unnamed software vendor " that I was previously using. This software rocks! Thanks again. March 2011.
  • Thanks for everything you guys do, in my experience SC is the most flexible and best supported charting package out there - not to mention your very reasonable pricing.
  • Again, I still believe Sierra offers the user the greatest level of freedom in customizing charts to meet their trading need, and most certainly the hardest working support group.
  • At first I was very skeptical about SC auto trading, but I am very pleased with this great tool. It works excellent. Thank you very much.
  • I have been using Sierra Chart for a few weeks and I think it is far superior to any trading application I have used before. I used NT for almost a year and I am honestly kicking myself for putting up with that nightmare for so long and not switching to Sierra Chart sooner.
  • SierraChart is a full-featured, highly flexible, extremely powerful, continually updated, exceptionally-priced, well-documented, fast-response-supported, very stable platform. I recently switched from NinjaTrader, an unstable memory-leaking resource hog.

    The dated interface is not a deal-breaker for me. It's fast, light on resources, and solid. I've never had SC crash in the 5 months I've used it. Every platform has its quirks, but Sierra's pluses far out-balance its minuses, IMHO.

    Also support doesn't say to me : re-install sierracharts, or can't reproduce it, they have some kind of a guy over there working day and night and answering all questions with an ANSWER. Wow. Kudos to Sierracharts. I'm learning their DOM and chart trader so I can use it to the max.
  • SC is very impressive, fast and stable in comparison to NT, though there has been quite a learning curve to move to ACSIL. Overall it is a very impressive trading system. Thank you.
  • After having had the opportunity to use the new TPO study for a few days I want to commend you guys on a job well done. I am a long time user of the TPO study, volume based, as an integral part of my methodology and I am very happy with the improvements and functionality of it.
  • I found SC to be easier and more user friendly than CQG.
  • being an ex esignal,tradestation and many other platform user in the past, i cannot thank you enough for the most comprehensive charting service at any price. with your fees i rank you by far the best and smartest bargin on the internet.
  • As for Sierra Chart Support Staff, I commend you greatly for getting this done for us, it looks great and I will be switching over. I cant say enough about how important good software suppport is, and as a 12+ year trader, i am not usually impressed.

    Quick response, quick action, Thanks Again!!!!
  • Thanks for the wonderful support you guys have...will be making the switch next week...
  • BTW, Sierra Chart and its support team rocks!
  • Thank you very much. I am a programmer with 25 years of experience, and your system is really superb, as is your support.
  • Thanks for a fast response as always.

    Thanks also for the link to the relevant documentation. The amount of documentation you guys have produced is staggering! I've learnt a few more helpful features again today.

    This really is a fantastic platform.
  • OK, thank you very much for the help and quick replies. Customer service much better than my previous charting provider! !
  • SC price is right, it has a responsive support staff, it has C language user interface support, it's got all the major indicators and chart types (even the modern scalper's real-time tick by tick !), a wide, sharing, active user base, easy import/export support, its user interfaces work quickly, accurately, and precisely, its user interfaces sport a short learning curve, and it even supports xls spreadsheets (a prototyping-intensive trader tool)!
  • Good stuff. I have to say it again: Sierra Chart is simply an awesome piece of software.
  • Thank you very much.....you guys delivered as promised and on time ! SC is great product intuitive, efficient and powerful... Support is top notch
  • IMO, I've used Sierra and NT, Sierra Chart is more user friendly than NT. It handles data better than NT, and for non programmers who like to tweak their indicators / systems, there is a built in Spreadsheet system for that. It may be a pain to switch brokers, but it's worth it. And I don't work for SC!
  • Wonderful, after looking at no less then 30 charting programs it looks like Sierra is the clear winner to replace my Ensign, thanks a lot!
  • That is perfect. Your software quite impressive and versatile. I'm sold. Thanks so much for your help.
  • Sierra Chart is the best charting software I have ever used (and I've used a lot of such packages)....I really want you to understand that I, for one, really appreciate your approach to your business. There are very few companies I deal with about which I say that.
  • Thanks for the great support and quick software update! This is why I love Sierra Software and Support.....no else comes close!
  • Thanks a lot admin. For the best service in the industry, even on a Sunday, go to Sierra Charts. God Bless.
  • Thanks for the quick response. I really like Sierra Charts and consider it the best bargin in the charting business: I've used quite a few.
  • First things first...been using the package for months, and love it. Cannot find anything as good and I have been a longtime searcher, so there is no package that I find comes close...I m actually getting up to grips with the learning curve, can even make my own indicators and alerts and getting a real feel for the possibilities with the software...
  • The more I interact with SC the more I realize I made the right decision to go with your product. The switch to VC++ is huge. Great Job!
  • Thanks very much and I am still telling every one to use Sierra since I consider it the best and most user Friendly.
  • Can't believe i got an answer within minutes at midnight on a Sunday
  • What got me interested in fact was a program called n*********r.. but it seemed like too "blah" or something.. but I started to play with things on there.. forgot about it all.. saw something about this software and infinity futures then I was totally hooked..
  • First off, just wanted to say that this is a wonderful forum, and I commend the efforts of the Sierra Chart team in being so active within their own user community, and for truely listening to what the customers say; kudos!
  • I have been using Sierra Chart for two months now. I had an automated trading system that I wanted to run on Sierra Chart. The developers at Sierra Chart used the trading functions which are part of their Advanced Custom Study Interface and Language and coded my system to work on the Sierra Chart platform. Once the specifications were clear and the system was properly implemented, I have been successful using it and profitable with this system. I find that the Sierra Chart platform runs the system very well. This platform provides the ability to do back testing and has an good interface to monitor my position and the results. Doc White.
  • Fwiw, from my perspective I haven't come across any competitors that overall trump the functionality you guys offer (let alone price and performance).
  • It is not often that customers can pass on kind words to the folks who sold you something. Recently, I made a request via this forum, for an enhancement to one of SC's charting modules. The folks at SC gave me what I wanted at an incredibly fair price in the space of a few days. Dealing with a company like this is truly a joy. I can remember times back when I was a t**********n and E*****l customer, when the hair-pulling over simple requests would drive me nuts.

    Anyhow, there's really not much more to say. Sierra Charts - you are a damn fine company and your employees are second to none. I know many of you already do this, but to those that don't, I strongly urge you to inform your trading friends about Sierra Charts. It's a lot easier to complain then it is to give kudos when kudos is deserved. Don't know why that is. Kudos to SC - its deserved...
  • Thank you very much. I have officially cancelled my e*****l after many years to use Sierra going forward.
  • This simulator is awesome. i like it better than e****ns' as it allows me to download the entire month or more, start from anywhere on the chart, and fast forward if i want during the replay. with all it's bells and whistles, t**********n can't do this and e****n, which is great for a simulator, doesn't allow such flexibility for replays. this program is the best all around charting package i've used in the past 10 years... very nice job and incredibly quick tech support.
  • I repeat my praise of you guys, your product and your way of doing business. Many companies I've dealt with would have refused to even investigate this when so few customers were having problems. Continue to care about your product and care about your customers and your ongoing success is assured.
  • I absolutely LOVE Sierra Chart. Furthermore, your support is second to none. Seriously, after the abuse I suffered at the hands of e*****l and q*****s customer "support," it's a breath of fresh air to find a company that realizes that the customer is not the enemy.
  • You guys are the greatest. Many thanks for all your help.
  • This is long over due and I just wanted to say thank you for your advice, help and support with all my questions because it is greatly appreciated. I think you guys do an outstanding job with regards to responding and answering complex and difficult questions and I appreciate all the effort and hard labor that you put into S.C. as it continues to evolve and improve. Again thank you!
  • Thanks for all of the help. Today is my first day as a paying customer as I have completed my trial period and I look forward using SC going forward. It is a great product from my limited perspective of being a user for the last two weeks.
  • I have been a long time Sierra user. There have been times in the past where I have posted questions and I have always had my issues resolved. This past week I have had more issues than normal, which have been issues that were not the fault of Sierra. Nonetheless, Sierra support did a great job in resolving my problems, and in less time that I would have thought. Just a post to thank Sierra for doing such a great job. I just can't figure out why the rest of the trading world doesn't use Sierra. Thanks again.
  • Thanks for your work on improving the Linear Regression Tool.
    It works beautifully and exactly as requested.

    Sierra Charts are the Best ! !
  • All of you quality individuals at Sierra have an amazing happy healthy New Year!!!!
  • happy holidays sierra support team ! !
    You do a wonderful job throughout the year for reseting my login cache and I wanted to send a personal thank you for a job well done ........... admin on the support board is great...... tell them thanks also as they are always on the spot with a fix
    Happy holidays to you all :).
  • I would like to say that of all the real time charting software I have used over the years, Sierra Chart is my favorite. I most recently came from *******, and I was skeptical of finding something I liked as well, but their customer service had become absolutely horrendous and their data was lagging badly. However, having used Sierra Chart for many months and loving its flexibility, I would now never consider returning to *******.
  • I am grateful and floored at your kindness and generosity at adding the Schiff and Modified Schiff capabilities to your Pitchfork tool. How amazing you response to your customers requests there is no other company that can surpass you. I can go on and on but will now end this with you are untouchable in all areas of Greatness. Thanks again.
  • Thanks for the replies, I am getting accustomed to the support board format. I am learning how to unlock some amazing flexibility in your software. All the support is appreciated. Thanks.
  • Wow... customer oriented... now that is rare. You know that is why I kicked e-sig... to the curb. Glad to finally meet like minded folks. Have an excellent day.
  • Thanks.... no worries. You guys are the best, whenever there is an issue, you're right on it!
  • ...the sierra guys work very hard trying to get us a great product, and i feel the customer service is second to none. I dont know of any other service that will answer hundreds of forum posts everyday and still update their software several times a month.
  • Let me start by thanking the SC engineers for all of the great work. The keyboard navigation makes switching between charts, chartbooks, studies or timeframes just a few keystrokes away. Couple that with great chartengine and serverside power and you have the winning muscle car on the racetrack. Just loving it.
  • As I had stated before, Nobody does it better than you.
    Customer service is Amazing Your Software is Amazing.
    Can I give you a Hug?
  • TIA!!! BTW, I am a former TradeStation user and have only a few hours on Sierra Chart. So far, this software rocks!!! The Replay Chart feature is rad, totally rad!!!
  • I just had my first occasion to need to print out a few Sierra charts. These charts print out absolutely beautifully......and.....automatically on a white background I might add. Very nice.
  • As I get more comfortable with Sierra, it's making sense to me. AND I appreciate the fast replies to my questions. You guys are great.
  • I have used all of the major charting companies in the past and i can say with complete confidence that Sierra is the best I've used. The ease of use and features are friendly to any level of user and there support is second to none. Plus they are just getting started with the features they plan to add! Great company.
  • On a side note, I'm blown away by your customer service. I haven't experienced anything like this in the trading realm before.
  • Several weeks ago ... i sent an email to have the ability to trade and see my trades through sierra and transact ....
    thank you ...
    it's great ... i just can't say enough good things about sierra charts ... it's absolutely the best ...
    your hard work and efforts are deeply appreciated ...
    thanks again ...
  • You are a godsend in the overpriced world of trading related software. i hope the gospel i spread about how incredible you are sends you a boatload of new users, All the best.
  • good trouble shooting Sierra Charts. I really like the fast response. I'll be recommending your guys on forums around the web.
  • V294 works like a song, thank you for the effort....You guys at sierra have an unbeatable customer service, my congratulations.
  • I will never forget your attitude, your positivity, And your generosity,in every forum in Israel I am speaking about you, and your best charts.
  • This support board is second to none!! The members and you guys at Sierra are very very quick and helpful. Thanks to you all.
  • I have to probably say that now again I appreciate doing business with sierra charts hehe. Thanks again!!!!!
  • I will say that Sierra Charts is light years ahead of any other software package in this regard
  • Thank you for the updates on my support requests. I would also like to acknowledge that the customer support you've provided is outstanding and addressed promptly. I'm extremly impressed with Sierra Chart Support! I've experienced poor customer support from other companies which I will not mention. Many Thanks!
  • I'm a new Sierra Charts user and I can't tell you how impressed I am with the software you've developed. Great work!
  • This support board is second to none!! The members and you guys at Sierra are very very quick and helpful. Thanks to you all.
  • These charts with the Transact data are an outstanding combo IMHO.
  • Wow...I am not used to responsive tech support! Thank you for the attention!!!!
  • I totally love sc 262, the various ways you have enabled various charts to be combined. The patterns on the CCI can be formed into cascading effect to see what is really a ZLR (for example), what is not ZLR (for example), but in different CCI terms based on a different chart configuration. Then statistics are then not a matter of memorizing numbers, but on screen, live, as you go see the trend, its intensity, and what the pattern really represents in terms of strength and price potential from different angles. No other charting package could put together what you have put together. I am truely amazed with each revision that I work through. Thank you for your interest in my cursor phenomina, your charts. I have seen nothing so amazing in my life.

    ... the chart combinations are an absolute requirement for my style of trading--they work perfectly, once I get things all simulaneously and consistently arranged so that Spreadsheets see the indicators in the same order, thereby eliminating errors that slow down the system.

    Again, Thank you every so much. No charting package but Sierra could do what you do.
  • I've been testing several charting/trading platforms over the past year and have come to the conclusion, that SC (Sierra Chart) fits my needs the best. Getting deeper and deeper into it, I'm enthused again and again with all the features SC offers. Great piece of trading software!!
  • I was also impressed with additional software enhancements/functionality! Many Thanks for the outstanding support and updating the software in a very timely matter to address my issue. Two day turn around approximately from the time I submitted my issues to providing a new software update to correct my issue. Very Impressive! I'm extremely impressed with the Customer Service and Support, and the superior Product you provide to traders. Keep up the good work!
  • SC is pretty efficient and one of the reasons I use it.
    You guys are really doing a good job!
  • Your charting product really is the very best (over Esignal, Tradestation), I haven't worked with Trade Navigator much, but the little I did doesn't compare, especially working with my broker, Transact and the various combinations of charts you offer in your built in package, truly beautiful, truely useable, totally integrateable and tradeable, easily implemented and experimented with!.
  • Your Charting program is the finest in the world in my opinion.
  • I am not an Infinity user, but have recently (2 months ago) switched to Sierra from eSignal. I use DTN data because it has a reputation of long standing as one of the very best. I did many side by side tests using CME intra-day futures data . eSig was no different than DTN/Sierra and all studies like Mov avgs , etc were identical down the last wrinkle. I trade with TS users who publish charts at the 10 tick level as well as much longer. They are also identical to SC/DTN. My conclusion is that only the datafeed will distort charts or studies. Regards
  • I just want to rave about the technical assistance I got from Anthony today. All problems have been resolved and many kudos to Anthony. Remote assistance is truly one of the marvels of this computer age. Dell has aided me immensely through remote assistance as has one other outfit and now Sierra Charts is on the list. Many thanks to Sierra Charts and sign me up for a year.
  • Thanks again. SC is great and your customer service is excellent. I am sure I will become your paying customer after the trial. Have a nice weekend!
  • Really appreciate your help in this matter. In my estimate, Sierra Chart is hands down, the best charting software out there. Thanks again.
  • thanks for your help... I never realized how much sierra charts can really do. I used to use esignal but they are very expensive.
  • Administration: Thank you very much for taking the time and effort to send me this important detailed information. After following it exactly I was finally able to place any of the dll's I so generously received. I can see now that Sierra Chart is a much better program for putting in dll's and for customer support than the name of the other charting program I previusly referred to, but won`t refer to again. I feel I have made a quantum leap forward in understanding how to work within Sierra Chart due to the help of the Administration, [...]. Many thanks.
  • My trial has expired and I have definitely decided to go with SC. Esignal is **, plus the support of sc is amazing.
  • Thanks for the fast response. I was really impressed. I am software engineer and I've learned to live with broken promises about new releases. I guess you are still small ops and have development under control. I've used Sierra many years ago and came back when I saw trading from the charts feature available. So far so good and it seems to me it will get only better.
    Thanks again!
  • First being a former Esignal subscriber for almost 20 years my hat is off to all of you for your exceptional product at a great value price.
  • I have used lots of charting programs and find yours to be the most stable, and cleanest I've run across, it is a professional traders dream!, TS and ESiG are way to retail for my taste, I just a program that can chart what I want to chart and have the flexibility to develop the tools I need to trade, your software far surpasses my expectations! Keep up the good work!
  • For the price, functionality and online support I believe its exceptional value. (Elite Trader Review)
  • I've looked at Ensign and Esignal and didn't like either. I now use SC with Quotetracker and DTN IQ Feed. I am totally happy. Excellant support forum as well. (Elite Trader Review)
  • I do like sierra charts software. its very nicelly done and has great features. the programmers will fix problems on a dime and are very active trying to make it a better program. (Elite Trader Review)
  • the bottom line fact is that for the money this is truly a great piece of software and a much better and cheaper package than tradestation... i recommend it without reservations. (Elite Trader Review)
  • If you are looking for charting for IB, DTN-IQ, Transact, MyTrack, Opentick, or other datafeeds, for $24/mo you cannot beat SC. (1.5% off per each additional pre-paid month) Remember, I'm coming from TradeStation, MultiCharts, Trade Navigator, and several others I don't remember off top. (Elite Trader Review)
  • Iv'e been an eSignal user for 4 years but have been hearing good things about Sierra Charts and decided the potential $120 a month savings was worth checking out. (Elite Trader Review)
  • Thank you for your help and suggestions. I have upgraded to the latest version of Sierra Charts, have re-installed the TWS function, and.......now my chart is fully up to date!! Thank you for your help, and for your support of Sierra Charts.... many thanks. I'm very grateful to you.
  • all i can say is wow! i trade with interactive brokers, trading emini future (ES) so i use their free data feed, realtime. I had sierra charts up and running exactlly as i had my esignal charts set, in about two hours.
  • the features sierra charrts offer (the ones i know how to use) exceed what esignal offers. currently spending $16 for monthly fees where i was previously spending $140 a month for esignal, same service. (Elite Trader Review)
  • not knocking eSignal. i really liked their product but when someone offers the same thing for $120 a month less its hard to pass up. (Elite Trader Review)
  • It's the most flexible charting system I know that allows you to modify your charts and, especially, the technical tools the way you want them to manifest themselves unlike other "rigid" charting software systems that suffer from the "put up with it or lump it" syndrome.
  • I really like SC's drawing tools, both the large selection and the way in which they work.
  • Sierra is becoming so much better than RT and E-Sig.
  • you guys are the best............... have a nice day?? :)
  • The way you are going, SC will become the leading charting software. I better prepay for few years in advance.
  • Thank you so much for all your help - everyone at Sierra has been so kind to me through all of this! You folks are the best!
  • I love Sierra, I am just a computer dummy, so I appreciate the assistance...You couldn't pry me away from sierra with a bulldozer winch and a crane.
  • great software, by the way. today i've decided to cancel the other software i've been using for the last ten years...
  • I find SC easy to use and visually cleaner than many charting packages I have used in the past.
  • I am one of your customers that has been using Sierra Chart for some years and it is far better than Trade Station 4.0, CQG, Aspen, E-Signal to name a few. I've used them all and I would take Sierra Chart over any of them.
  • Great effort! It is amazing how much stuff Sierra Chart is putting out all the time. I now ask myself how was I able to trade without all these toys?
  • First and foremost I would like to express my delight about such great a product you are marketing. Keep up the excellent work.
  • I've been using this for a few months now and would like to say how pleased I am. An easy to use interface with great charting functions at a very competitive price. Keep up the great work.
  • I think that you have the finest point and figure algorithm in the charting marketplace. I mean that sincerely.
  • Great product and one of the best kept secrets in the market place. I have been in the market 6 years and just found you guys a month ago.
  • Just a note to say I really like your program. It does just about everything I need it to do and works without a hitch. Thanks.
  • I thought I would take a minute and tell the developers how much I like Sierra Chart. The more I work with it, the more I respect it.
  • Thanks for providing the trading community with a cost efficient, functional, and largely customizable program. Sierra Chart is an indispensable tool and particularly the greatest I've been fortunate to discover. This is coming from a person who's used RealTick charting, technical analysis and quote software program for the financial markets before. Thanks, you've just gained a loyal customer. Keep up the good work.
  • "I think this is the best bargain on the Web!" George Slezak, Editor http://www.commitmentsoftraders.com/, and Advisor on the "All Star Traders Hotline".
  • I am discovering mytrack & sierra. The latter seems to be the first charting program, I've come across in some time done by someone who understands futures traders. Thanks once again for your fine support.
  • I like Sierra Chart because of it's clean and straightforward interface and good charts.
  • I have had reliable realtime charting for use in my investment research. I am satisfied with both the software and the data feed as being stable and properly represented. I would recommend the service and software to others. Worth the price. (Member of the 89th Illinois General Assembly)
  • I am one of your customers and have been using Sierrachart for some time and find that it is as good if not better than Trade Station 4.0. The strong point of these charts are the many features that they provide and the fact that you can use these charts with a laptop on the road (Dr. John M. Irwin, Professor of Mathematics Emeritus, Wayne State University).
  • After scouring the internet for charting programs I was delighted to find Sierra which seems to do all I want very well. Your program looks as if it's worth at least twice the asking price.
  • Great program!, I am enjoying the sierra charts program. , Thank You for providing such a great program., You have been a great help to me in setting things up.
  • Sierra Charts is excellent!! I really like they way your charts work for me !!!!
  • I have chosen Sierra charts from the many available and I find it an excellent product. UK.
  • Having spent 25 years developing software, I know how valuable user feedback can be and, overall, you folks have done a most excellent job... keep up the good work!

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Sheridan, WY, 82801

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*Last modified Monday, 03rd June, 2024.