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Sierra Chart Server Settings

General (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings)

General (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General)

This sub-section contains general settings for when this installation of Sierra Chart is being used as a Server.

Detailed Heartbeat Logging (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> General)

When this option is set to Yes, then additional information is entered in the Message Log that can be used to help determine network inefficiencies. This option should typically only be enabled when requested to do so by Sierra Chart Support Staff.

Use Port 80 for Historical Data (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> General)

Normally this option should be set to No. Only set this option to Yes when the standard port for downloading historical data from the Sierra Chart historical data server, which is 10149, is blocked or throttled on your network. When this option is set to Yes, then port 80 will be used instead.

Always Use Port 443 For Real-time Data (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> General)

Set this option to Yes to always use Internet port 443 for real-time market data for Sierra Chart provided data services.

Set this option to Yes if you notice a significant number of lost connections to the data servers used by Sierra Chart real-time data feeds. This may or may not help. If it makes no difference, then set this option to No.

This setting has no effect upon the streaming delayed data feeds. Those do not support port 443.

UDP Port (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> General)

This is the port number that is used for Sierra Chart for the UDP Interface. The UDP interface is for specialized purposes and is not commonly used anymore.

This Port number normally should be set to 0 to disable this functionality. It should be disabled unless you need it.

Use Encryption For Historical Data Downloads (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> General)

When this option is set to Yes, then the historical data downloads are encrypted.

Max Depth Levels (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> General)

This option sets the maximum number of market depth levels which are requested from the server and transmitted by the server when using any of the Sierra Chart data services which provide market depth data.

This only applies to Sierra Chart market data services. It does not apply to any other external service. It does apply to the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed and Denali Exchange Data Feed.

Setting this to 0 causes the server to send all market depth levels available.

It is important to reconnect to the data feed after changing this setting for it to go into effect and for the management of the number of levels of depth to function properly. Select File >> Disconnect and then File >> Connect to Data Feed to do this.

There is also the ability to control the number of market depth levels which are requested from the server on a per symbol basis, rather than using this setting for all symbols. Refer to the information on the Number of Depth Levels to Subscribe setting in the Symbol Settings documentation.

Within each chart you also have the ability to control the number of levels of market depth displayed. Refer to Maximum Market Depth Levels in the Chart Settings documentation. In charts you can only reduce the depth further from the global setting which affects the number of levels actually subscribed to. You cannot display more depth than what has been set in this setting.

The Max Depth Levels setting has no effect upon the downloading of Historical Market Depth Data. The full amount of market depth data is always downloaded. There is no way to limit this other than the number of days which is downloaded.

Support Downloading Historical Market Depth Data (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> General)

When this option is set to Yes, then it is possible to download Historical Market Depth Data for symbols that are part of the Denali Exchange Data Feed and the Delayed Exchange Data Feed.

Otherwise, if this option is set to No, then historical Market Depth data will not be downloaded.

For complete detailed information, refer to Downloading Of Historical Market Depth Data.

Also refer to Maximum Historical Market Depth Days to Download.

Maximum Historical Market Depth Days to Download (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> General)

Sierra Chart supports downloading historical market depth data from the Denali Exchange Data Feed and the Delayed Exchange Data Feed.

This data is used by the Market Depth Historical Graph study. And also used during chart replays when replaying market depth data.

This setting controls the maximum number of days of historical market depth data to download. It is recommended to keep this number as small as possible because it does take a lot of time to download historical market depth data.

To enable the downloading of historical market depth data, it is necessary to enable Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> General >> Support Downloading Historical Market Depth Data.

When this setting is set to 0, then the maximum amount of days of available historical market depth data is downloaded.

Subscribe Market By Order Data When Market Depth Subscribe (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> General)

When this option is set to Yes, then for those symbols that are part of the Denali Exchange Data Feed that are able to receive Market Depth Data (the activated exchange(s) support Market Depth), then the Market by Order data will also be downloaded and can be displayed in the appropriate Chart/Trade DOM columns for the Market Orders.

Otherwise, if this option is set to No, then the Market by Order data will not be downloaded along with the Market Depth data.

Use Separate Connection For Market By Order Data (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> General)

When this option is set to Yes, then a separate connection is used to request and receive the Market by Order data.

This option must be set to Yes because a separate connection is definitely required. The server will not provide data on the primary connection for market by order data.

Use Real-Time Data Compression (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> General)

This setting enables compression of the real-time data stream for Sierra Chart provided data feeds. It does not apply to any external supported data feed.

The choices are No Compression, Standard Compression, and High Compression. The default is Standard Compression.

It is definitely not recommended to use No Compression. Compression only provides a benefit. It reduces the amount of bandwidth usage, and it also reduces latency. No Compression is only an option for troubleshooting and should only be changed when requested by Sierra Chart Support Staff.

Remote Buffer Delay Send Time In Milliseconds (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> General)

This setting only affects Sierra Chart data feeds. It controls the transmission interval of data from the server, specified in milliseconds. Using a value of 0 uses the default.

Any changes to this setting requires that you reconnect to the data feed.

For more information about this setting, refer to Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feeds.

Maximum Historical Order Fills Days to Downloads (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> General)

This setting is only for Sierra Chart Order Routing services, server-based trade simulation services, and other DTC based services.

This setting controls the maximum number of days that historical trade order fills are downloaded from the server.

Historical Data Client (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General)

This sub-section contains settings related to the historical data client.

Timeout in Seconds (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> Historical Data Client)

This controls the timeout time, in seconds, for the historical data client.

Num. Retries After Timeout (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> Historical Data Client)

This defines the number of retries that will be attempted to download historical data if there is a connection failure.

Log Historical Price Data Fields in DTC HD Service Client (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> Historical Data Client)

Special (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General)

This sub-section contains settings that are special to Sierra Chart Server connections and general network connections.

Use Internal LAN IP for CME Data and Order Routing (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> Special)

In nearly all cases this setting must be set to No.

In the rare condition, that you are using a server colocated with Sierra Chart order routing servers for the CME and on the same internal network, then this can be set to Yes for CME order routing and market data.

Use Single Network Receive Buffer for Linux Compatibility (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> Special)

In the case of when you are running Sierra Chart on the Linux operating system by using Wine, it is necessary to set this option to Yes to ensure good network performance, and not have data corruption. Otherwise, you may have these issues.

CME Exchange Data Feed Server Address and Port Override (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> Special)

This setting is for specifying a specific server address and port number to use for connecting to the Denali Exchange Data Feed for CME Group data. Normally this needs to be left blank. Although you may want to choose a particular server to connect to.

It is in the format [server address]:[port].

CME Exchange Data Feed Historical Server Address Override (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> Special)

This setting is for specifying a specific server address to use for connecting to the Denali Exchange Data Feed historical data for CME Group data. Normally this needs to be left blank. Although you may want to choose a particular server to connect to.

It is in the format [server address].

Do not specify the port number. It is not used in this particular address.

Network Socket (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General)

Network Socket Connection Timeout Time in Seconds (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> General >> Network Socket)

This setting specifies the timeout in seconds to establish a network socket connection for DTC type connections. The default for this is 24 seconds. We recommend keeping that setting. You can decrease it to a lower setting or increase it to a higher setting. Usually increasing it to a higher setting has no effect because the underlying timeout at the operating system is 20 seconds.

DTC Protocol Server (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings)

DTC Protocol Server (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

For complete documentation for the DTC Protocol server, refer to DTC Protocol Server.

Enable DTC Protol Server (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Use Delayed Sends (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Listening Port (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

DTC Protocol Server is Listening (Read only) (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Historical Data Port (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

DTC Protocol Clients (Read only) (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Historical Data Clients (Read only) (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Interprocess Synchronyzation Servers (Read only) (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Access All Trade Accounts Individual Servers (Read only) (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Auto Send Security Definition for New Symbols (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Allow Trading (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Require Authentication (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Require TLS (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Automatically use JSON Compact Encoding for Web Socket connections (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Encoding (List) (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Disconnect Clients (Button) (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Allowed Incoming IPs (List) (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

TLS Historical Data Port (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Enable JSON Logging (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

Network Socket Delayed Send Interval in Milliseconds (Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server)

*Last modified Monday, 03rd June, 2024.