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Date/Time: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 08:30:50 +0000

Activation of Services/Connection

View Count: 1196

[2023-01-26 15:34:41]
User904644 - Posts: 9
I made payments this morning when I realized that I did no have data connection. How long until it connects now? I was expecting immediate connection.
[2023-01-26 17:25:07]
John - SC Support - Posts: 35527
Everything about your account looks good. What exactly is the issue you are having?
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2023-01-26 19:49:06]
skyfly93 - Posts: 34
Hi SC Support,

I need help getting setup with Sierra Chart. I have read through quite a few of the SC documentation but would feel most comfortable getting instructions directly from SC based on my situation. My goal is to trade futures on the Sierra Chart platform while using trade evaluator account services such as Apex Funding and Bulenox.

Based on this article - Easy Solution to CME Funded Trading Account Requirement
I have opened and funded an account with Edge Clear using the Sierra affiliate link. I have just received my live account number with Edge Clear today.

I believe the next steps for me are to purchase Denali Data Feed / Teton Routing + SC Service Package 11 (because this package offers TPOs and external connectivity).

I'm unsure how I will be able to connect my trading evaluation accounts with Sierra to trade on Sierra. I know the trading evaluation accounts use Rithmic but I'm not sure how the denali data feed and teton routing are supposed to work together with Rithmic, if those are supposed to work together at all?

Kindly asking for step by step instructions on what to do next to ensure I'm set up correct with SC to use the trading evaluation account.
[2023-01-26 21:45:44]
John - SC Support - Posts: 35527
The next thing, as you say, is to setup the Denali Exchange Data Feed. For the CME Group data follow the instructions at the following link:

And you will need to be on package 11 to be able to get the real-time data and use TPO charts. You can make your package selection at the following link:

Then you will need to first connect to the account you setup with EdgeClear. To do this follow the instructions at the following link starting at Step #6:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing: Setup Instructions

The connection to your Teton Order Routing Service account will verify your account as a non-professional for the CME Group requirement. This will allow you to get the data from the Denali Exchange Data Feed at the non-professional rate.

You will need to connect to your Teton Order Routing Service once a month in order to update your verification date for the CME Group. Otherwise, you will be connected to your Trading Evaluation account. Refer to the following for instructions on connecting once a month:
Real-Time Exchange Data Feeds Available From Sierra Chart: Connecting Only Once a Month to Trading Account to Support CME Group Exchange Fees

In order to connect to your Trading Evaluation service, you will need to go through the Setup Instructions to connect your Sierra Chart to Rithmic. Refer to the information at the following link:
Rithmic Trading Platform Service: Setup Instructions

Once you have the connection to Rithmic setup, you will still get the data from our Denali Exchange Data feed.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2023-02-01 19:11:44]
skyfly93 - Posts: 34
Hi John thank you for the instructions. I have just paid for 6 months of package 11 and activated the CME exchange data. A few more questions for you below to help me get started:

1. Is there an easy/quick way to update all the symbol times to automatically be PST (or match my designated timezone)? I've set my timezone to PST and have set custom intraday session time for ES to match PST which worked. My question really boils down to, do I need to set the custom times for each symbol I want to trade to match PST or is there potentially a 1-2 click button/setting that would automatically set the intraday session times for every symbol to match my designated timezone.

2. In Global Settings -> Data/Trade Service Settings -> Service Settings - Do I need to fill the "Market Data username, Market Data Password, Historical Data Username, Historical Data Password" with any information? I've asked other SC users who are using trading evaluation services like Apex, Leeloo, Bulenox, Topstep, and they have told me conflicting information, to leave it blank or fill it with my Rithmic login information or to fill it with my sierra login information, so just wanted to get clarity on this. The charts seem to update whether or not it's filled in or blank.

3. I have 3 rithmic logins as I am using Apex, Bulenox, and Leeloo trading evaluation services. Is there an easier way to switch between which account I want to trade than to re-input the Data/Trade Service login for each service each time I want to trade using that account? Or can SC save the login credentials for each? I have also seen it mentioned about having multiple SC instances open... would that be a possible solution? For example, having 2 instances of SC open where one is logged into Apex and the other is logged into Bulenox? If so, please let me know how to accomplish that.

Thank you!
[2023-02-01 22:45:29]
John - SC Support - Posts: 35527
1. The Intraday Session Times should adjust automatically to be the generally accepted times within whatever time zone you are in. But, if that is not working quite right, then you need to check the Session Times that are setup for the symbol in the Symbol Settings. Refer to the following for information on how to edit the Symbol Settings:
Global Symbol Settings: Instructions

Note that there is a Symbol Setting that defines the time zone for the entries in the Symbol Settings - it does not matter what this is set to, but you need to ensure that the Session Times are correct relative to that time zone. For instance, if the Symbol Time Zone is New York and you want the Session Start Time to be 06:30 Pacific Time when you open a chart for that symbol, then you would set the Symbol Setting for the Start Time to be 09:30.

2. If you are using our data feed, then it does not matter what you enter there. If you were using the data from Rithmic, then you would need to enter the Rithmic login information. You would never enter the Sierra Chart login information, as that would not do anything.

3. The best way is to have 3 different installations of Sierra Chart, one for each trading service. You are allowed to have 3 connections to the Denali Exchange Data Feed from one computer, so as long as you have all 3 installations on the same computer it will not cost you anything more and you will get the data to all 3 installations. The instructions to install additional Sierra Charts is at the following link:
Using Multiple Data and Trading Services at the Same Time: Step-By-Step Instructions to Install Multiple Copies of Sierra Chart
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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