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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 02:03:23 +0000

Missing Data TPO and chart bars

View Count: 277

[2024-04-25 17:53:26]
User240337 - Posts: 7
SC version 2629. Symbol PA is missing data. TPO and bars on charts for February through March are missing data. I have worked through https://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?page=doc%2FContinuousFuturesContractCharts.html#ReDownloadingContinuousFuturesContractData with no success. My other charts in my chartbook group all are functioning correctly. Thank you.
[2024-04-25 21:14:22]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
The data is definitely there. We attached an image showing what we see for February/March 2024 for Palladium (PA).

Make sure you are redownloading data for the M and H contracts when you select "Edit >> Delete All Data and Download".
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-04-25 21:14:46
imagePAM24-NYMEX [C][M] 240 Min #5 2024-04-25 16_12_37.386.png / V - Attached On 2024-04-25 21:14:43 UTC - Size: 43.76 KB - 35 views
[2024-06-25 05:48:33]
User240337 - Posts: 7
Still having problems resolving this behavior. PAU24 and 6MU24 both exhibit missing bars on historical and daily charts. I have completed all of the steps https://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?page=doc%2FContinuousFuturesContractCharts.html#ReDownloadingContinuousFuturesContractData

I have deleted all data and redownloaded all contracts and the problem sill persist as suggested in SC Support reply, thank you.

I decided to download a fresh version of sierra to see if the problem would be duplicated. After downloading the newest version of sierra and loading up PAU24 and 6MU24, both charts were missing the same data as my previous separate everyday installation.

When I followed the documentation to add a screenshot, I encountered an odd behavior that corrected the chart in my new fresh installation. For context-I use continuous contracts, volume based back adjusted in my everyday installation/chartbooks. Per the documentation I went to add the rollover period lines to the chart for uploading a screen per the directions. Because of the new installation, nothing happened to the chart after adding the lines, as the charts were not default set to volume base rollover, back adjusted. I went to settings to amend this setting as by default "Continuous Contract" is set to "none" in my new installation. After changing the setting to "Volume based rollover, back adjusted"- the missing chart bars/data populated and giving me a complete chart in both symbols. But this "fix" cannot be duplicated on my original everyday version of sierra, only is the fresh new download. When I switch the continuous contract setting in my everyday installation and changed the setting back to "Volume based rollover, back adjusted" nothing happens, the same data/bars are still missing from the charts.

There are additional missing chunks of older (in years old) data when I scroll back on the charts. Missing chunks here and there.

[2024-06-25 06:42:45]
User240337 - Posts: 7
Now missing bars for CLQ24 today. Last bar printed at 18:20, next bar printed at 22:30

Also ZLQ24. This a 1 minute chart, missing several bars.

Also ESU24. Big jump in time 22:30 to 02:24, missing all the bars in-between for today

For context, I have been working with sierra and the same charts for over 1 year. Not much has changed, things have always work, I've had no complaints.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-06-25 13:41:04
[2024-06-25 07:32:32]
noStopLoss - Posts: 4
facing the same missing data issue. Last bar on ESU4 printed 18.22 EST and next bar jumped to 02.42 EST.

Delete and download data didn't work.
Delete All Data and download didn't work too.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-06-25 07:32:52
[2024-06-25 14:29:59]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
The issue with Palladium is that you are not setup to get that data from us. You only have the CME exchange activated and Palladium is traded on the NYMEX. As such, you are getting that data from Rithmic, and Rithmic has a lack of historical data. We apologize that we did not catch this originally.

This will also be the case for ZL, which is traded on the CBOT and for CL which is traded on the NYMEX.

As for the ES, what are your Session Times set to?
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-06-25 17:50:14]
User240337 - Posts: 7
I only have CME exchange activated? I'm showing Denali Exchange Data Feed CME / CBOT / NYMEX / COMEX Exchanges with Market Depth for non-professional Trading accounts" activated. I have included a screenshot.

As for ES, my session time for that specific ES chart is Start: 18:00:00- End: 17:59:59. No overnight session included.
Private File
[2024-06-25 18:35:43]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316

Sorry, someone else posted and we did not realize that it was a different account. So we were looking at their account.

You are correct - you have the "Full CME Group (CME, CBOT, COMEX, NYMEX) with Market Depth for Non-Professional Trading Accounts" active. At least that explains how we responded initially about Palladium.

Let's stick to one chart for the moment. If it is a Continuous Futures Contract Chart, then please follow the instructions at the following link for how to re-download the data. Please make sure to select the appropriate futures contracts that are involved with the missing data:
Continuous Futures Contract Charts: Re-Downloading Continuous Futures Contract Data
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-07-02 18:25:43]
User240337 - Posts: 7
I have completed all the steps and re-downloaded the data. I selected "select all" and deleted and redownloaded the data for all symbols listed in the "multiply symbol selection window". Nothing has improved. 6M actually lost data when I completed this step.
I'm having issues with other symbols now including ZL, MBTC, ZM, PA, RB, NG. I'm using 1 or 3 minute time based charts to identify jumps in time not consistent with either time setting. Some are more obvious like 6M that is a complete mess, other symbols like NGQ on 6-30 on a 3min chart jump from 19:21-19:27- seeing similar behavior in MBTC, RB, ZL, ZM most recently.

I have 15 other chartbooks than seem to be functioning fine currently, each dedicated to their own symbol consisting of Historical and Intraday charts in each chartbook.

I'm curious, why does a fresh installation of Sierra produce the same results and not fix the issues? When I load up a fresh separate installation, and load a 3min intraday chart of 6M, I still see jumps in time/missing bars

What is my next step?
[2024-07-02 18:47:16]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
Please choose one chart and do the following:
- Open the chartbook with that chart in it. Wait for all the data to download (if it needs to do any).

- Clear your Message Log by following these instructions:
Message Log: Clearing the Message Log

- On the chart with the problem, follow these instructions to redownload the data:
Continuous Futures Contract Charts: Re-Downloading Continuous Futures Contract Data

- Get us your Message Log by following these instructions:
Support Board Posting Information: How to Post Your Message Log (Required In Some Cases)
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-07-09 06:10:01]
User240337 - Posts: 7
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Software version: 2629 64-bit
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Primary Thread ID: 22420
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Usage end date: 2024-07-25
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Enabled for: Advanced Features 2.
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service.
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed.
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed.
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Enabled for exchange2: CME (Trading Account Required)
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Enabled for exchange2: CBOT (Trading Account Required)
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Enabled for exchange2: COMEX (Trading Account Required)
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Enabled for exchange2: NYMEX (Trading Account Required)
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled.
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Current selected Data/Trading service: Trading Evaluator
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Custom symbol settings values: disabled
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Chart Update Interval: 10
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Time Zone: -04:00:00 (EST-05EDT+01,M3.2.0/02:00,M11.1.0/02:00)
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | 2024-07-09 05:18:35 Local computer time in UTC
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | 2024-07-09 01:18:35 Local computer time in SC Time Zone
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | 2024-07-09 05:11:20 Server time in UTC
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 0 seconds.
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Program path: C:\SierraChart2\
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Data Files path: C:\SierraChart2\Data\
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | OS Version Number: 10.0
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Locale Setting: C
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | DLLs: FabTradingStudies_64.dll, sierra-chart-driver-v2.dll, UserContributedStudies_64.dll
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Allowed protected custom studies: Fab Trading Studies
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 | Crash reporter started: true
2024-07-09 01:18:35.858 |
2024-07-09 01:18:50.012 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZCU24.scid. Thread ID: 15196
2024-07-09 01:20:14.749 | Requested symbol settings for service code tradesimulation.dtctrading. Request ID: 3.
2024-07-09 01:20:16.046 | Symbol settings received. Request ID: 3.
2024-07-09 01:23:22.310 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.scid. Thread ID: 15196
2024-07-09 01:23:35.826 | NGQ24[M]/MNGQ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:23:36.099 | NGQ24[M]/MNGQ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-06-25 01:22:27
2024-07-09 01:23:36.157 | NGQ24[M]/MNGQ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:27:09.333 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.scid. Thread ID: 15196
2024-07-09 01:28:23.866 | Added historical Intraday data request for NGM24 to the queue.
2024-07-09 01:28:23.866 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-09 01:28:23.866 | Added historical Daily data request for NGM24 to the queue.
2024-07-09 01:28:23.866 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-09 01:28:23.866 | Added historical Intraday data request for NGN24 to the queue.
2024-07-09 01:28:23.866 | Added historical Daily data request for NGN24 to the queue.
2024-07-09 01:28:23.867 | Added historical Intraday data request for NGQ24 to the queue.
2024-07-09 01:28:23.867 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NGQ24 is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-07-09 01:28:23.867 | Added historical Daily data request for NGQ24 to the queue.
2024-07-09 01:28:23.867 | Mapping NGM24 to NGM24. Service code: nymex
2024-07-09 01:28:23.867 | HD Request # 126 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NGM24 to the file NGM24.scid. Service: nymex
2024-07-09 01:28:23.875 | Reloading all charts with filename: NGM24.scid
2024-07-09 01:28:23.882 | HD Request # 126 | Download start date-time: 2024-04-08 20:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-07-09 01:28:23.882 | HD Request # 126 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-07-09 01:28:23.882 | HD Request # 127 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for NGM24. Starting date: 1974-07-22. Service: tradingevaluator.dtctrading
2024-07-09 01:28:23.882 | Socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-07-09 01:28:23.882 | Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-09 01:28:23.882 | Socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-09 01:28:23.953 | HD Request # 126 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-07-09 01:28:23.953 | HD Request # 126 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-07-09 01:28:24.254 | HD Request # 126 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-04-08 20:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NGM24
2024-07-09 01:28:24.284 | HD Request # 126 | Decompressing data.
2024-07-09 01:28:24.334 | HD Request # 126 | Receiving Intraday data for NGM24 starting at 2024-04-08 20:00:16.734000
2024-07-09 01:28:24.353 | HD Request # 127 | Requesting historical Daily data for NGM24 starting at 1974-07-21. SC External HD service.
2024-07-09 01:28:24.442 | HD Request # 126 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-04-08 20:00:16.734000.
2024-07-09 01:28:24.594 | HD Request # 127 | Receiving historical Daily data for NGM24 starting at 2011-11-29.
2024-07-09 01:28:24.594 | HD Request # 127 | Writing historical Daily data to the file NGM24.dly.
2024-07-09 01:28:24.620 | HD Request # 127 | Bytes received: 144863
2024-07-09 01:28:24.620 | HD Request # 127 | Received 3147 Daily data records from 2011-11-29 00:00:00 to 2024-05-29 00:00:00 (12.5 years) and wrote 3147 records for NGM24
2024-07-09 01:28:24.620 | HD Request # 127 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-07-09 01:28:24.620 | HD Request # 127 | Daily data download complete for NGM24. Unique request ID: 127
2024-07-09 01:28:24.620 | Removing historical data download ID 127.
2024-07-09 01:28:24.620 |
2024-07-09 01:28:24.620 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-09 01:28:24.620 | Mapping NGN24 to NGN24. Service code: nymex
2024-07-09 01:28:24.620 | HD Request # 128 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for NGN24. Starting date: 1974-07-22. Service: tradingevaluator.dtctrading
2024-07-09 01:28:25.081 | HD Request # 128 | Requesting historical Daily data for NGN24 starting at 1974-07-21. SC External HD service.
2024-07-09 01:28:25.253 | HD Request # 128 | Receiving historical Daily data for NGN24 starting at 2011-11-29.
2024-07-09 01:28:25.253 | HD Request # 128 | Writing historical Daily data to the file NGN24.dly.
2024-07-09 01:28:25.276 | HD Request # 128 | Bytes received: 145920
2024-07-09 01:28:25.276 | HD Request # 128 | Received 3166 Daily data records from 2011-11-29 00:00:00 to 2024-06-26 00:00:00 (12.6 years) and wrote 3166 records for NGN24
2024-07-09 01:28:25.276 | HD Request # 128 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-07-09 01:28:25.276 | HD Request # 128 | Daily data download complete for NGN24. Unique request ID: 129
2024-07-09 01:28:25.276 | Removing historical data download ID 129.
2024-07-09 01:28:25.276 |
2024-07-09 01:28:25.276 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-09 01:28:25.276 | HD Request # 129 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for NGQ24. Starting date: 1974-07-22. Service: tradingevaluator.dtctrading
2024-07-09 01:28:25.677 | HD Request # 129 | Requesting historical Daily data for NGQ24 starting at 1974-07-21. SC External HD service.
2024-07-09 01:28:25.871 | HD Request # 129 | Receiving historical Daily data for NGQ24 starting at 2011-11-29.
2024-07-09 01:28:25.872 | HD Request # 129 | Writing historical Daily data to the file NGQ24.dly.
2024-07-09 01:28:25.890 | HD Request # 129 | Bytes received: 146046
2024-07-09 01:28:25.890 | HD Request # 129 | Received 3173 Daily data records from 2011-11-29 00:00:00 to 2024-07-08 00:00:00 (12.6 years) and wrote 3173 records for NGQ24
2024-07-09 01:28:25.890 | HD Request # 129 | Completion time: 0s.
2024-07-09 01:28:25.890 | HD Request # 129 | Daily data download complete for NGQ24. Unique request ID: 131
2024-07-09 01:28:25.890 | Removing historical data download ID 131.
2024-07-09 01:28:25.890 |
2024-07-09 01:28:25.890 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-07-09 01:28:25.911 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:29.499 | Socket (2) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-09 01:28:29.499 | Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-09 01:28:29.526 | Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-09 01:28:29.526 | Socket (2) | Closed.
2024-07-09 01:28:33.609 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-07-09 01:28:33.609 | HD Request # 126 | Received 2019007 Intraday data records from 2024-04-08 20:00:16.734000 to 2024-05-29 14:25:21.397000 (50.8 days. Delay: 40.5 days) and wrote 2019007 records for NGM24
2024-07-09 01:28:33.614 | HD Request # 126 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-05-29 18:25:21.397000
2024-07-09 01:28:33.614 | HD Request # 126 | Completion time: 10s.
2024-07-09 01:28:33.614 | HD Request # 126 | Intraday data download complete for NGM24. Unique request ID: 126
2024-07-09 01:28:33.614 | Removing historical data download ID 126.
2024-07-09 01:28:33.614 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NGM24
2024-07-09 01:28:33.614 | Intraday chart data file opened for NGM24
2024-07-09 01:28:33.614 | HD Request # 126 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-07-09 01:28:33.614 |
2024-07-09 01:28:33.614 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-09 01:28:33.614 | HD Request # 130 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NGN24 to the file NGN24.scid. Service: nymex
2024-07-09 01:28:33.626 | Reloading all charts with filename: NGN24.scid
2024-07-09 01:28:33.627 | HD Request # 130 | Download start date-time: 2024-05-11 20:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-07-09 01:28:33.627 | HD Request # 130 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-07-09 01:28:33.627 | Socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-07-09 01:28:33.627 | Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-09 01:28:33.627 | Socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-09 01:28:33.718 | HD Request # 130 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-07-09 01:28:33.718 | HD Request # 130 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-07-09 01:28:33.994 | HD Request # 130 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-05-11 20:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NGN24
2024-07-09 01:28:34.042 | HD Request # 130 | Decompressing data.
2024-07-09 01:28:34.119 | HD Request # 130 | Receiving Intraday data for NGN24 starting at 2024-05-12 18:00:00.341000
2024-07-09 01:28:34.204 | HD Request # 130 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-05-12 18:00:00.341000.
2024-07-09 01:28:34.912 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.310 | Socket (2) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.310 | Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.311 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.311 | HD Request # 130 | Received 2075186 Intraday data records from 2024-05-12 18:00:00.341000 to 2024-06-26 14:26:42.147000 (44.9 days. Delay: 12.5 days) and wrote 2075186 records for NGN24
2024-07-09 01:28:41.316 | HD Request # 130 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-06-26 18:26:42.147000
2024-07-09 01:28:41.316 | HD Request # 130 | Completion time: 8s.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.316 | HD Request # 130 | Intraday data download complete for NGN24. Unique request ID: 128
2024-07-09 01:28:41.316 | Removing historical data download ID 128.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.316 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NGN24
2024-07-09 01:28:41.316 | Intraday chart data file opened for NGN24
2024-07-09 01:28:41.316 | HD Request # 130 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.316 |
2024-07-09 01:28:41.316 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.316 | HD Request # 131 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NGQ24 to the file NGQ24.scid. Service: nymex
2024-07-09 01:28:41.323 | Reloading all charts with filename: NGQ24.scid
2024-07-09 01:28:41.323 | HD Request # 131 | Download start date-time: 2024-06-08 20:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-07-09 01:28:41.324 | HD Request # 131 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-07-09 01:28:41.324 | Socket (4) | Creating socket.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.324 | Socket (4) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-09 01:28:41.324 | Socket (4) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-09 01:28:41.342 | Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.342 | Socket (2) | Closed.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.429 | HD Request # 131 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-07-09 01:28:41.429 | HD Request # 131 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.439 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.454 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 130,
2024-07-09 01:28:41.457 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.476 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 130,
2024-07-09 01:28:41.478 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.493 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 130,
2024-07-09 01:28:41.495 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.510 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 130,
2024-07-09 01:28:41.511 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.531 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 130,
2024-07-09 01:28:41.532 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.571 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 130,
2024-07-09 01:28:41.573 | NGQ24[M]/MNGQ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.584 | NGQ24[M]/MNGQ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 130,
2024-07-09 01:28:41.586 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.593 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 130,
2024-07-09 01:28:41.732 | HD Request # 131 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-06-08 20:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NGQ24
2024-07-09 01:28:41.770 | HD Request # 131 | Decompressing data.
2024-07-09 01:28:41.904 | HD Request # 131 | Receiving Intraday data for NGQ24 starting at 2024-06-09 18:00:00.000000
2024-07-09 01:28:42.050 | HD Request # 131 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-06-09 18:00:00.000000.
2024-07-09 01:28:44.373 | Socket (4) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-09 01:28:44.373 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-07-09 01:28:44.373 | Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-09 01:28:44.374 | HD Request # 131 | Received 978389 Intraday data records from 2024-06-09 18:00:00.000000 to 2024-07-09 01:27:43.046000 (29.3 days. Delay: 61.3 seconds) and wrote 978389 records for NGQ24
2024-07-09 01:28:44.378 | HD Request # 131 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-07-09 05:27:43.046000
2024-07-09 01:28:44.378 | HD Request # 131 | Completion time: 3s.
2024-07-09 01:28:44.378 | HD Request # 131 | Intraday data download complete for NGQ24. Unique request ID: 130
2024-07-09 01:28:44.378 | Removing historical data download ID 130.
2024-07-09 01:28:44.378 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NGQ24
2024-07-09 01:28:44.378 | Intraday chart data file opened for NGQ24
2024-07-09 01:28:44.378 | HD Request # 131 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-07-09 01:28:44.378 |
2024-07-09 01:28:44.378 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-07-09 01:28:44.393 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-09 01:28:44.393 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:44.409 | Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-09 01:28:44.409 | Socket (4) | Closed.
2024-07-09 01:28:44.684 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-09 01:28:44.684 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:45.298 | NGQ24[M]/MNGQ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-09 01:28:45.298 | NGQ24[M]/MNGQ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:45.456 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-09 01:28:45.456 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:45.530 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-09 01:28:45.530 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:45.759 | NGQ24[M]/MNGQ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-06-25 01:27:43
2024-07-09 01:28:45.821 | NGQ24[M]/MNGQ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:45.829 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:45.895 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-09 01:28:45.896 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:46.209 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:46.211 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-09 01:28:46.211 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:46.465 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-05-30 18:00:00
2024-07-09 01:28:46.562 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:46.660 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-09 01:28:46.660 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:46.900 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:47.249 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:48.001 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:48.058 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:48.162 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:48.177 | NGQ24[M]/MNGQ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:48.391 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:48.394 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:48.493 | NGQ24[M]/MNGQ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-06-25 01:27:43
2024-07-09 01:28:48.552 | NGQ24[M]/MNGQ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:48.618 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:48.635 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:48.637 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:48.867 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:49.185 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:49.429 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:28:49.688 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-05-30 18:00:00
2024-07-09 01:28:49.788 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:50.272 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:50.589 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:28:50.634 | NGQ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-09 01:29:00.246 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart2\Data\NGQ24.scid. Thread ID: 15196
2024-07-09 01:31:46.602 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.scid. Thread ID: 15196
2024-07-09 01:33:58.943 | NGQ24/MNGQ24 [CBV] 1 Min #9 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-09 01:33:59.243 | NGQ24/MNGQ24 [CBV] 1 Min #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-06-25 01:33:57
2024-07-09 01:33:59.303 | NGQ24/MNGQ24 [CBV] 1 Min #9 | Chart data loading complete.


Missing bars 1 Min chart 00:04:00>00:07:00, then 00:07:00>00:09:00, then 00:09:00>00:11:00
I'm seeing this same behavior in other chartbook/symbols. It is sporadic behavior and does not seem to apply to all chartbooks/symbols.
I when I load up a fresh install and a fresh 1 Min chart as above, the fresh installation chart is missing the same bars.
[2024-07-09 15:43:40]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
Please get us that chart so we can take a look, as we are not able to match up the data exactly, but we think this is just something about the chart settings.

But the thing to keep in mind is that you will NOT have data at every time instance unless you have set the option for "Chart >> Chart Settings >> Bar Period >> Include Columns With No Data" set to "Yes". So no having data at certain times during the overnight session where there is little trading is nothing unusual. This is not missing data - it is just what the market is doing. Refer to the following:
Chart Settings: Include Columns With No Data (Chart >> Chart Settings >> Bar Period >> Chart Bar Settings menu)
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-07-11 07:13:23]
User240337 - Posts: 7
Yes this solution fixed my NG chart and "missing bars" I switched the setting to "Include Columns with No Data" set to Yes and it filled out the missing portions. Thank you, this makes sense and works.

But I still have unexplained issues in other symbols. I'll start with ZM. My current ZM chart has a huge spike down in price on TPO and missing bars on my shorter time based charts (30 min, 120 min, 480 min all show one large spike bar down). When I go through the prescribed steps above and I re-load and re-calculate a few of the different charts, the problem appears to fix itself (I'm usure if the price is correct, but the chart looks reasonable momentarily). But after 20-60 seconds or an action like "expanding tpo charts", I will see all he charts make huge spike down in price and present the same issue mentioned above. It is a weird behavior. I deleted and redownloaded all data for the charts- this appears to fix for a short time like "re-load and recalculate" does, then after 30 seconds to minute, I will see a huge spike down to 316 on all charts simultaneously.
Chart session times are 18:00:00-17:59:59


Logs for ZM below

2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Software version: 2629 64-bit
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Primary Thread ID: 13704
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Usage end date: 2024-07-25
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Enabled for: Advanced Features 2.
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service.
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed.
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed.
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Enabled for exchange2: CME (Trading Account Required)
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Enabled for exchange2: CBOT (Trading Account Required)
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Enabled for exchange2: COMEX (Trading Account Required)
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Enabled for exchange2: NYMEX (Trading Account Required)
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled.
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Current selected Data/Trading service: Trading Evaluator
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Custom symbol settings values: disabled
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Chart Update Interval: 10
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Time Zone: -04:00:00 (EST-05EDT+01,M3.2.0/02:00,M11.1.0/02:00)
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | 2024-07-11 06:36:31 Local computer time in UTC
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | 2024-07-11 02:36:31 Local computer time in SC Time Zone
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | 2024-07-11 05:59:00 Server time in UTC
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 0 seconds.
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Program path: C:\SierraChart2\
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Data Files path: C:\SierraChart2\Data\
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | OS Version Number: 10.0
2024-07-11 02:36:31.377 | Locale Setting: C
2024-07-11 02:36:31.378 | DLLs: FabTradingStudies_64.dll, sierra-chart-driver-v2.dll, UserContributedStudies_64.dll
2024-07-11 02:36:31.378 | Allowed protected custom studies: Fab Trading Studies
2024-07-11 02:36:31.378 | Crash reporter started: true
2024-07-11 02:36:31.378 |
2024-07-11 02:37:01.815 | Requested symbol settings for service code tradesimulation.dtctrading. Request ID: 3.
2024-07-11 02:37:03.128 | Symbol settings received. Request ID: 3.
2024-07-11 02:38:28.232 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:38:28.257 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:38:28.257 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:38:28.263 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:38:28.263 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:38:28.271 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:38:28.271 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:38:28.305 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:28.305 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:28.325 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:28.325 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:28.351 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:28.351 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:28.385 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-06-27 02:37:54
2024-07-11 02:38:28.431 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:38:42.419 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:38:42.443 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:38:42.443 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:38:42.449 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:38:42.449 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:38:42.456 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:38:42.456 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:38:42.491 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:42.491 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:42.510 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:42.510 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:42.536 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:42.536 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:42.818 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:38:53.840 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:38:53.878 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:38:53.878 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:38:53.884 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:38:53.884 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:38:53.892 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:38:53.892 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:38:53.934 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:53.934 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:53.953 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:53.953 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:53.979 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:53.979 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:38:54.262 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Added historical Intraday data request for ZMN24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Added historical Daily data request for ZMN24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Added historical Intraday data request for ZMQ24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ZMQ24 is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Added historical Daily data request for ZMQ24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Added historical Intraday data request for ZMU24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ZMU24 is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Added historical Daily data request for ZMU24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Added historical Intraday data request for ZMV24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ZMV24 is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Added historical Daily data request for ZMV24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Added historical Intraday data request for ZMZ24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ZMZ24 is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Added historical Daily data request for ZMZ24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | Mapping ZMN24 to ZMN24. Service code: cbot
2024-07-11 02:40:38.988 | HD Request # 261 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ZMN24 to the file ZMN24.scid. Service: cbot
2024-07-11 02:40:39.002 | Reloading all charts with filename: ZMN24.scid
2024-07-11 02:40:39.008 | HD Request # 261 | Download start date-time: 2024-04-16 20:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-07-11 02:40:39.008 | HD Request # 261 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-07-11 02:40:39.008 | HD Request # 262 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ZMN24. Starting date: 1974-07-24. Service: tradingevaluator.dtctrading
2024-07-11 02:40:39.008 | Socket (3) | Creating socket.
2024-07-11 02:40:39.008 | Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-11 02:40:39.008 | Socket (3) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-11 02:40:39.125 | HD Request # 261 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-07-11 02:40:39.125 | HD Request # 261 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-07-11 02:40:39.449 | HD Request # 261 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-04-16 20:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ZMN24
2024-07-11 02:40:39.500 | HD Request # 261 | Decompressing data.
2024-07-11 02:40:39.544 | HD Request # 262 | Requesting historical Daily data for ZMN24 starting at 1974-07-23. SC External HD service.
2024-07-11 02:40:39.561 | HD Request # 261 | Receiving Intraday data for ZMN24 starting at 2024-04-16 20:00:00.000000
2024-07-11 02:40:39.670 | HD Request # 261 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-04-16 20:00:00.000000.
2024-07-11 02:40:39.905 | HD Request # 262 | Receiving historical Daily data for ZMN24 starting at 2020-12-14.
2024-07-11 02:40:39.906 | HD Request # 262 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ZMN24.dly.
2024-07-11 02:40:39.909 | HD Request # 262 | Bytes received: 42226
2024-07-11 02:40:39.909 | HD Request # 262 | Received 897 Daily data records from 2020-12-14 00:00:00 to 2024-07-10 00:00:00 (3.6 years) and wrote 897 records for ZMN24
2024-07-11 02:40:39.909 | HD Request # 262 | Completion time: 0s.
2024-07-11 02:40:39.909 | HD Request # 262 | Daily data download complete for ZMN24. Unique request ID: 261
2024-07-11 02:40:39.909 | Removing historical data download ID 261.
2024-07-11 02:40:39.909 |
2024-07-11 02:40:39.909 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:39.909 | HD Request # 263 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ZMQ24. Starting date: 1974-07-24. Service: tradingevaluator.dtctrading
2024-07-11 02:40:40.381 | HD Request # 263 | Requesting historical Daily data for ZMQ24 starting at 1974-07-23. SC External HD service.
2024-07-11 02:40:40.605 | HD Request # 263 | Receiving historical Daily data for ZMQ24 starting at 2021-12-14.
2024-07-11 02:40:40.605 | HD Request # 263 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ZMQ24.dly.
2024-07-11 02:40:40.608 | HD Request # 263 | Bytes received: 30528
2024-07-11 02:40:40.608 | HD Request # 263 | Received 645 Daily data records from 2021-12-14 00:00:00 to 2024-07-10 00:00:00 (2.6 years) and wrote 645 records for ZMQ24
2024-07-11 02:40:40.608 | HD Request # 263 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-07-11 02:40:40.608 | HD Request # 263 | Daily data download complete for ZMQ24. Unique request ID: 263
2024-07-11 02:40:40.608 | Removing historical data download ID 263.
2024-07-11 02:40:40.608 |
2024-07-11 02:40:40.608 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:40.608 | HD Request # 264 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ZMU24. Starting date: 1974-07-24. Service: tradingevaluator.dtctrading
2024-07-11 02:40:41.084 | HD Request # 264 | Requesting historical Daily data for ZMU24 starting at 1974-07-23. SC External HD service.
2024-07-11 02:40:41.309 | HD Request # 264 | Receiving historical Daily data for ZMU24 starting at 2021-12-14.
2024-07-11 02:40:41.309 | HD Request # 264 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ZMU24.dly.
2024-07-11 02:40:41.312 | HD Request # 264 | Bytes received: 30680
2024-07-11 02:40:41.312 | HD Request # 264 | Received 645 Daily data records from 2021-12-14 00:00:00 to 2024-07-10 00:00:00 (2.6 years) and wrote 645 records for ZMU24
2024-07-11 02:40:41.312 | HD Request # 264 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-07-11 02:40:41.312 | HD Request # 264 | Daily data download complete for ZMU24. Unique request ID: 265
2024-07-11 02:40:41.312 | Removing historical data download ID 265.
2024-07-11 02:40:41.312 |
2024-07-11 02:40:41.312 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:41.312 | HD Request # 265 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ZMV24. Starting date: 1974-07-24. Service: tradingevaluator.dtctrading
2024-07-11 02:40:41.772 | HD Request # 265 | Requesting historical Daily data for ZMV24 starting at 1974-07-23. SC External HD service.
2024-07-11 02:40:41.952 | HD Request # 265 | Receiving historical Daily data for ZMV24 starting at 2020-12-14.
2024-07-11 02:40:41.953 | HD Request # 265 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ZMV24.dly.
2024-07-11 02:40:41.956 | HD Request # 265 | Bytes received: 41284
2024-07-11 02:40:41.956 | HD Request # 265 | Received 897 Daily data records from 2020-12-14 00:00:00 to 2024-07-10 00:00:00 (3.6 years) and wrote 897 records for ZMV24
2024-07-11 02:40:41.956 | HD Request # 265 | Completion time: 0s.
2024-07-11 02:40:41.956 | HD Request # 265 | Daily data download complete for ZMV24. Unique request ID: 267
2024-07-11 02:40:41.956 | Removing historical data download ID 267.
2024-07-11 02:40:41.956 |
2024-07-11 02:40:41.956 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:41.956 | HD Request # 266 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ZMZ24. Starting date: 1974-07-24. Service: tradingevaluator.dtctrading
2024-07-11 02:40:42.416 | HD Request # 266 | Requesting historical Daily data for ZMZ24 starting at 1974-07-23. SC External HD service.
2024-07-11 02:40:42.605 | HD Request # 266 | Receiving historical Daily data for ZMZ24 starting at 2020-12-14.
2024-07-11 02:40:42.605 | HD Request # 266 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ZMZ24.dly.
2024-07-11 02:40:42.608 | HD Request # 266 | Bytes received: 42136
2024-07-11 02:40:42.608 | HD Request # 266 | Received 897 Daily data records from 2020-12-14 00:00:00 to 2024-07-10 00:00:00 (3.6 years) and wrote 897 records for ZMZ24
2024-07-11 02:40:42.608 | HD Request # 266 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-07-11 02:40:42.608 | HD Request # 266 | Daily data download complete for ZMZ24. Unique request ID: 269
2024-07-11 02:40:42.608 | Removing historical data download ID 269.
2024-07-11 02:40:42.608 |
2024-07-11 02:40:42.608 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-07-11 02:40:42.648 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:43.261 | Socket (3) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-11 02:40:43.261 | Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-11 02:40:43.300 | Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-11 02:40:43.300 | Socket (3) | Closed.
2024-07-11 02:40:43.512 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:43.512 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:43.518 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:43.518 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:43.525 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:43.525 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.371 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.371 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.390 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.390 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.416 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.416 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.422 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.422 | HD Request # 261 | Received 1635631 Intraday data records from 2024-04-16 20:00:00.000000 to 2024-07-10 20:00:00.259000 (85.0 days. Delay: 6.7 hours) and wrote 1635631 records for ZMN24
2024-07-11 02:40:44.427 | HD Request # 261 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-07-11 00:00:00.259000
2024-07-11 02:40:44.427 | HD Request # 261 | Completion time: 6s.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.427 | HD Request # 261 | Intraday data download complete for ZMN24. Unique request ID: 260
2024-07-11 02:40:44.427 | Removing historical data download ID 260.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.427 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ZMN24
2024-07-11 02:40:44.427 | Intraday chart data file opened for ZMN24
2024-07-11 02:40:44.427 | HD Request # 261 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.427 |
2024-07-11 02:40:44.427 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.427 | HD Request # 267 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ZMQ24 to the file ZMQ24.scid. Service: cbot
2024-07-11 02:40:44.428 | Reloading all charts with filename: ZMQ24.scid
2024-07-11 02:40:44.429 | HD Request # 267 | Download start date-time: 2024-06-16 20:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-07-11 02:40:44.429 | HD Request # 267 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-07-11 02:40:44.429 | Socket (3) | Creating socket.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.429 | Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-11 02:40:44.429 | Socket (3) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-11 02:40:44.500 | HD Request # 267 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-07-11 02:40:44.500 | HD Request # 267 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.706 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.768 | HD Request # 267 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-06-16 20:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ZMQ24
2024-07-11 02:40:44.805 | HD Request # 267 | Decompressing data.
2024-07-11 02:40:44.938 | HD Request # 267 | Receiving Intraday data for ZMQ24 starting at 2024-06-16 20:00:00.000000
2024-07-11 02:40:45.072 | HD Request # 267 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-06-16 20:00:00.000000.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.465 | Socket (3) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.465 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.465 | Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.465 | HD Request # 267 | Received 177490 Intraday data records from 2024-06-16 20:00:00.000000 to 2024-07-11 02:37:54.392000 (24.3 days. Delay: 2.9 minutes) and wrote 177490 records for ZMQ24
2024-07-11 02:40:45.470 | HD Request # 267 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-07-11 06:37:54.392000
2024-07-11 02:40:45.470 | HD Request # 267 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.470 | HD Request # 267 | Intraday data download complete for ZMQ24. Unique request ID: 262
2024-07-11 02:40:45.470 | Removing historical data download ID 262.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.470 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ZMQ24
2024-07-11 02:40:45.470 | Intraday chart data file opened for ZMQ24
2024-07-11 02:40:45.470 | HD Request # 267 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.470 |
2024-07-11 02:40:45.470 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.470 | HD Request # 268 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ZMU24 to the file ZMU24.scid. Service: cbot
2024-07-11 02:40:45.470 | Reloading all charts with filename: ZMU24.scid
2024-07-11 02:40:45.471 | HD Request # 268 | Download start date-time: 2024-07-19 20:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-07-11 02:40:45.471 | HD Request # 268 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-07-11 02:40:45.471 | Socket (4) | Creating socket.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.471 | Socket (4) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-11 02:40:45.471 | Socket (4) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-11 02:40:45.504 | Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.504 | Socket (3) | Closed.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.545 | HD Request # 268 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-07-11 02:40:45.545 | HD Request # 268 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.832 | HD Request # 268 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-07-19 20:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ZMU24
2024-07-11 02:40:45.864 | HD Request # 268 | Decompressing data.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.900 | HD Request # 268 | Receiving Intraday data for ZMU24 starting at 2024-07-11 01:37:33.347000
2024-07-11 02:40:45.901 | Socket (4) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.901 | Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.901 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.901 | HD Request # 268 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-07-11 01:37:33.347000.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.901 | HD Request # 268 | Received 128 Intraday data records from 2024-07-11 01:37:33.347000 to 2024-07-11 02:36:58.727000 (59.4 minutes. Delay: 3.8 minutes) and wrote 128 records for ZMU24
2024-07-11 02:40:45.906 | HD Request # 268 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-07-11 06:36:58.727000
2024-07-11 02:40:45.906 | HD Request # 268 | Completion time: 0s.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.906 | HD Request # 268 | Intraday data download complete for ZMU24. Unique request ID: 264
2024-07-11 02:40:45.906 | Removing historical data download ID 264.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.906 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ZMU24
2024-07-11 02:40:45.906 | Intraday chart data file opened for ZMU24
2024-07-11 02:40:45.906 | HD Request # 268 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.906 |
2024-07-11 02:40:45.906 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.906 | HD Request # 269 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ZMV24 to the file ZMV24.scid. Service: cbot
2024-07-11 02:40:45.906 | Reloading all charts with filename: ZMV24.scid
2024-07-11 02:40:45.907 | HD Request # 269 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-18 20:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-07-11 02:40:45.907 | HD Request # 269 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-07-11 02:40:45.907 | Socket (3) | Creating socket.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.907 | Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-11 02:40:45.907 | Socket (3) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-11 02:40:45.933 | Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-11 02:40:45.933 | Socket (4) | Closed.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.000 | HD Request # 269 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-07-11 02:40:46.000 | HD Request # 269 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.293 | HD Request # 269 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-18 20:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ZMV24
2024-07-11 02:40:46.329 | HD Request # 269 | Decompressing data.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.360 | HD Request # 269 | Receiving Intraday data for ZMV24 starting at 2024-07-11 01:41:14.789000
2024-07-11 02:40:46.360 | Socket (3) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.360 | Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.360 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.361 | HD Request # 269 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-07-11 01:41:14.789000.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.361 | HD Request # 269 | Received 94 Intraday data records from 2024-07-11 01:41:14.789000 to 2024-07-11 02:36:20.026000 (55.1 minutes. Delay: 4.4 minutes) and wrote 94 records for ZMV24
2024-07-11 02:40:46.366 | HD Request # 269 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-07-11 06:36:20.026000
2024-07-11 02:40:46.366 | HD Request # 269 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.366 | HD Request # 269 | Intraday data download complete for ZMV24. Unique request ID: 266
2024-07-11 02:40:46.366 | Removing historical data download ID 266.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.366 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ZMV24
2024-07-11 02:40:46.366 | Intraday chart data file opened for ZMV24
2024-07-11 02:40:46.366 | HD Request # 269 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.366 |
2024-07-11 02:40:46.366 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.366 | HD Request # 270 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ZMZ24 to the file ZMZ24.scid. Service: cbot
2024-07-11 02:40:46.366 | Reloading all charts with filename: ZMZ24.scid
2024-07-11 02:40:46.367 | HD Request # 270 | Download start date-time: 2024-09-16 20:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-07-11 02:40:46.367 | HD Request # 270 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-07-11 02:40:46.367 | Socket (4) | Creating socket.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.367 | Socket (4) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-11 02:40:46.367 | Socket (4) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-11 02:40:46.396 | Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.396 | Socket (3) | Closed.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.433 | HD Request # 270 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-07-11 02:40:46.433 | HD Request # 270 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.568 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.588 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 268,
2024-07-11 02:40:46.591 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.604 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 268,
2024-07-11 02:40:46.606 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.627 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 268,
2024-07-11 02:40:46.629 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.642 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 268,
2024-07-11 02:40:46.644 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.664 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 268,
2024-07-11 02:40:46.666 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.716 | HD Request # 270 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-09-16 20:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ZMZ24
2024-07-11 02:40:46.716 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 268,
2024-07-11 02:40:46.718 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.749 | HD Request # 270 | Decompressing data.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.780 | HD Request # 270 | Receiving Intraday data for ZMZ24 starting at 2024-07-11 01:40:59.956000
2024-07-11 02:40:46.780 | Socket (4) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.780 | Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.808 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 268,
2024-07-11 02:40:46.809 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.809 | HD Request # 270 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-07-11 01:40:59.956000.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.809 | HD Request # 270 | Received 250 Intraday data records from 2024-07-11 01:40:59.956000 to 2024-07-11 02:39:56.312000 (58.9 minutes. Delay: 50.5 seconds) and wrote 250 records for ZMZ24
2024-07-11 02:40:46.812 | Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.812 | Socket (4) | Closed.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.814 | HD Request # 270 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-07-11 06:39:56.312000
2024-07-11 02:40:46.814 | HD Request # 270 | Completion time: 0s.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.814 | HD Request # 270 | Intraday data download complete for ZMZ24. Unique request ID: 268
2024-07-11 02:40:46.814 | Removing historical data download ID 268.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.814 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ZMZ24
2024-07-11 02:40:46.814 | Intraday chart data file opened for ZMZ24
2024-07-11 02:40:46.814 | HD Request # 270 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.814 |
2024-07-11 02:40:46.814 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.826 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.851 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:46.851 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.857 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:46.857 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.864 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:46.864 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.899 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.899 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.918 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.918 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.944 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.944 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.950 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.950 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.967 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:46.967 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.973 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:46.973 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:46.981 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:46.981 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.023 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.023 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.042 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.042 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.068 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.068 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.074 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.075 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.076 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.087 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.087 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.094 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.094 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.101 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.101 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.136 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.136 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.156 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.156 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.182 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.182 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.186 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.186 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.203 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.203 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.209 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.209 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.217 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.217 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.259 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.259 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.278 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.278 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.305 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.305 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.309 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.309 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.320 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.320 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.327 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.327 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.334 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.334 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.369 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.369 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.389 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.389 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.415 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.415 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.537 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.538 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-06-27 02:37:54
2024-07-11 02:40:47.585 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.656 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.690 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.690 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.691 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.708 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.708 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.714 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.714 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.721 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.721 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.763 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.763 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.782 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.782 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.808 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.808 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.811 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.812 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.857 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.857 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.863 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.863 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.871 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:47.871 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.972 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.972 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.991 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:47.991 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.019 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.019 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.022 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.023 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.100 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.100 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.107 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.107 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.114 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.114 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.281 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.281 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.301 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.301 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.327 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.327 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.368 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.371 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.409 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.409 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.415 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.415 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.422 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.422 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.465 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.465 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.484 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.484 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.511 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.511 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.558 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.583 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.583 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.589 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.589 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.596 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.596 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.631 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.631 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.651 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.651 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.677 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.677 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.682 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.720 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.720 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.726 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.726 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.734 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.734 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.778 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.778 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.798 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.798 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.826 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.826 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.829 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.855 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.855 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.861 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.861 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.869 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:48.869 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.904 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.904 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.925 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.925 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.953 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:48.953 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.077 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.078 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-06-27 02:37:54
2024-07-11 02:40:49.125 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.207 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.232 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.277 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.315 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:49.315 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.321 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:49.321 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.329 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:49.329 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.372 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.372 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.392 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.392 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.419 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.419 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.423 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.520 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:49.520 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.527 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:49.527 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.534 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:49.534 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.636 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.636 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.655 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.655 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.682 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.682 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.712 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.712 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.881 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:49.881 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.887 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:49.887 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:49.894 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:40:49.894 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:40:50.055 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:50.055 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:50.074 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:50.074 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:50.100 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:50.100 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:40:50.139 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:40:50.925 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:43:08.321 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.scid. Thread ID: 13224
2024-07-11 02:43:53.758 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.scid. Thread ID: 13224
2024-07-11 02:43:53.758 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.scid. Thread ID: 13224
2024-07-11 02:46:40.170 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.scid. Thread ID: 13224
2024-07-11 02:50:21.232 | Added historical Intraday data request for ZMN24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.232 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ZMN24 is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.232 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.232 | Added historical Daily data request for ZMN24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.232 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.238 | Added historical Intraday data request for ZMQ24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.238 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ZMQ24 is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.238 | Added historical Daily data request for ZMQ24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.243 | Added historical Intraday data request for ZMU24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.243 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ZMU24 is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.244 | Added historical Daily data request for ZMU24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.249 | Added historical Intraday data request for ZMV24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.249 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ZMV24 is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.249 | Added historical Daily data request for ZMV24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.250 | Added historical Intraday data request for ZMZ24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.250 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ZMZ24 is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.250 | Added historical Daily data request for ZMZ24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.250 | HD Request # 271 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ZMN24 to the file ZMN24.scid. Service: cbot
2024-07-11 02:50:21.260 | Reloading all charts with filename: ZMN24.scid
2024-07-11 02:50:21.261 | HD Request # 271 | Download start date-time: 2024-04-16 20:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-07-11 02:50:21.261 | HD Request # 272 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ZMN24. Starting date: 1974-07-24. Service: tradingevaluator.dtctrading
2024-07-11 02:50:21.261 | HD Request # 271 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-07-11 02:50:21.262 | Socket (3) | Creating socket.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.262 | Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-11 02:50:21.262 | Socket (3) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-11 02:50:21.330 | HD Request # 271 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-07-11 02:50:21.330 | HD Request # 271 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.604 | HD Request # 271 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-04-16 20:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ZMN24
2024-07-11 02:50:21.642 | HD Request # 271 | Decompressing data.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.692 | HD Request # 271 | Receiving Intraday data for ZMN24 starting at 2024-04-16 20:00:00.000000
2024-07-11 02:50:21.713 | HD Request # 272 | Requesting historical Daily data for ZMN24 starting at 1974-07-23. SC External HD service.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.808 | HD Request # 271 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-04-16 20:00:00.000000.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.937 | HD Request # 272 | Receiving historical Daily data for ZMN24 starting at 2020-12-14.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.937 | HD Request # 272 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ZMN24.dly.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.940 | HD Request # 272 | Bytes received: 42226
2024-07-11 02:50:21.940 | HD Request # 272 | Received 897 Daily data records from 2020-12-14 00:00:00 to 2024-07-10 00:00:00 (3.6 years) and wrote 897 records for ZMN24
2024-07-11 02:50:21.940 | HD Request # 272 | Completion time: 0s.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.940 | HD Request # 272 | Daily data download complete for ZMN24. Unique request ID: 271
2024-07-11 02:50:21.940 | Removing historical data download ID 271.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.940 |
2024-07-11 02:50:21.940 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:21.940 | HD Request # 273 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ZMQ24. Starting date: 1974-07-24. Service: tradingevaluator.dtctrading
2024-07-11 02:50:22.395 | HD Request # 273 | Requesting historical Daily data for ZMQ24 starting at 1974-07-23. SC External HD service.
2024-07-11 02:50:22.596 | HD Request # 273 | Receiving historical Daily data for ZMQ24 starting at 2021-12-14.
2024-07-11 02:50:22.596 | HD Request # 273 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ZMQ24.dly.
2024-07-11 02:50:22.598 | HD Request # 273 | Bytes received: 30528
2024-07-11 02:50:22.598 | HD Request # 273 | Received 645 Daily data records from 2021-12-14 00:00:00 to 2024-07-10 00:00:00 (2.6 years) and wrote 645 records for ZMQ24
2024-07-11 02:50:22.599 | HD Request # 273 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-07-11 02:50:22.599 | HD Request # 273 | Daily data download complete for ZMQ24. Unique request ID: 273
2024-07-11 02:50:22.599 | Removing historical data download ID 273.
2024-07-11 02:50:22.599 |
2024-07-11 02:50:22.599 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:22.599 | HD Request # 274 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ZMU24. Starting date: 1974-07-24. Service: tradingevaluator.dtctrading
2024-07-11 02:50:23.071 | HD Request # 274 | Requesting historical Daily data for ZMU24 starting at 1974-07-23. SC External HD service.
2024-07-11 02:50:23.196 | HD Request # 274 | Receiving historical Daily data for ZMU24 starting at 2021-12-14.
2024-07-11 02:50:23.196 | HD Request # 274 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ZMU24.dly.
2024-07-11 02:50:23.198 | HD Request # 274 | Bytes received: 30680
2024-07-11 02:50:23.198 | HD Request # 274 | Received 645 Daily data records from 2021-12-14 00:00:00 to 2024-07-10 00:00:00 (2.6 years) and wrote 645 records for ZMU24
2024-07-11 02:50:23.199 | HD Request # 274 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-07-11 02:50:23.199 | HD Request # 274 | Daily data download complete for ZMU24. Unique request ID: 275
2024-07-11 02:50:23.199 | Removing historical data download ID 275.
2024-07-11 02:50:23.199 |
2024-07-11 02:50:23.199 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:23.199 | HD Request # 275 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ZMV24. Starting date: 1974-07-24. Service: tradingevaluator.dtctrading
2024-07-11 02:50:23.650 | HD Request # 275 | Requesting historical Daily data for ZMV24 starting at 1974-07-23. SC External HD service.
2024-07-11 02:50:23.791 | HD Request # 275 | Receiving historical Daily data for ZMV24 starting at 2020-12-14.
2024-07-11 02:50:23.791 | HD Request # 275 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ZMV24.dly.
2024-07-11 02:50:23.794 | HD Request # 275 | Bytes received: 41284
2024-07-11 02:50:23.794 | HD Request # 275 | Received 897 Daily data records from 2020-12-14 00:00:00 to 2024-07-10 00:00:00 (3.6 years) and wrote 897 records for ZMV24
2024-07-11 02:50:23.794 | HD Request # 275 | Completion time: 0s.
2024-07-11 02:50:23.794 | HD Request # 275 | Daily data download complete for ZMV24. Unique request ID: 277
2024-07-11 02:50:23.794 | Removing historical data download ID 277.
2024-07-11 02:50:23.794 |
2024-07-11 02:50:23.794 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:23.794 | HD Request # 276 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ZMZ24. Starting date: 1974-07-24. Service: tradingevaluator.dtctrading
2024-07-11 02:50:24.283 | HD Request # 276 | Requesting historical Daily data for ZMZ24 starting at 1974-07-23. SC External HD service.
2024-07-11 02:50:24.435 | HD Request # 276 | Receiving historical Daily data for ZMZ24 starting at 2020-12-14.
2024-07-11 02:50:24.435 | HD Request # 276 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ZMZ24.dly.
2024-07-11 02:50:24.438 | HD Request # 276 | Bytes received: 42136
2024-07-11 02:50:24.438 | HD Request # 276 | Received 897 Daily data records from 2020-12-14 00:00:00 to 2024-07-10 00:00:00 (3.6 years) and wrote 897 records for ZMZ24
2024-07-11 02:50:24.438 | HD Request # 276 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-07-11 02:50:24.438 | HD Request # 276 | Daily data download complete for ZMZ24. Unique request ID: 279
2024-07-11 02:50:24.438 | Removing historical data download ID 279.
2024-07-11 02:50:24.438 |
2024-07-11 02:50:24.438 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-07-11 02:50:24.479 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:24.975 | Socket (3) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-11 02:50:24.975 | Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-11 02:50:25.013 | Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-11 02:50:25.013 | Socket (3) | Closed.
2024-07-11 02:50:25.356 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:25.356 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:25.362 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:25.362 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:25.369 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:25.369 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.233 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.233 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.253 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.253 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.279 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.279 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.284 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.285 | HD Request # 271 | Received 1635631 Intraday data records from 2024-04-16 20:00:00.000000 to 2024-07-10 20:00:00.259000 (85.0 days. Delay: 6.8 hours) and wrote 1635631 records for ZMN24
2024-07-11 02:50:26.290 | HD Request # 271 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-07-11 00:00:00.259000
2024-07-11 02:50:26.290 | HD Request # 271 | Completion time: 5s.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.290 | HD Request # 271 | Intraday data download complete for ZMN24. Unique request ID: 270
2024-07-11 02:50:26.290 | Removing historical data download ID 270.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.290 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ZMN24
2024-07-11 02:50:26.290 | Intraday chart data file opened for ZMN24
2024-07-11 02:50:26.290 | HD Request # 271 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.290 |
2024-07-11 02:50:26.290 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.290 | HD Request # 277 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ZMQ24 to the file ZMQ24.scid. Service: cbot
2024-07-11 02:50:26.291 | Reloading all charts with filename: ZMQ24.scid
2024-07-11 02:50:26.291 | HD Request # 277 | Download start date-time: 2024-06-16 20:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-07-11 02:50:26.292 | HD Request # 277 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-07-11 02:50:26.292 | Socket (3) | Creating socket.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.292 | Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-11 02:50:26.292 | Socket (3) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-11 02:50:26.302 | Added historical Daily data request for ZMZ24 to the queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.302 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.303 | HD Request # 278 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ZMZ24. Starting date: 2024-07-08. Service: tradingevaluator.dtctrading
2024-07-11 02:50:26.348 | HD Request # 277 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-07-11 02:50:26.348 | HD Request # 277 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.576 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.632 | HD Request # 277 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-06-16 20:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ZMQ24
2024-07-11 02:50:26.664 | HD Request # 277 | Decompressing data.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.724 | HD Request # 278 | Requesting historical Daily data for ZMZ24 starting at 2024-07-07. SC External HD service.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.733 | HD Request # 277 | Receiving Intraday data for ZMQ24 starting at 2024-06-16 20:00:00.000000
2024-07-11 02:50:26.816 | HD Request # 277 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-06-16 20:00:00.000000.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.856 | HD Request # 278 | Receiving historical Daily data for ZMZ24 starting at 2024-07-08.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.857 | HD Request # 278 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ZMZ24.dly.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.860 | HD Request # 278 | Bytes received: 162
2024-07-11 02:50:26.860 | HD Request # 278 | Received 3 Daily data records from 2024-07-08 00:00:00 to 2024-07-10 00:00:00 (3.0 days) and wrote 3 records for ZMZ24
2024-07-11 02:50:26.860 | HD Request # 278 | Completion time: 0s.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.860 | HD Request # 278 | Daily data download complete for ZMZ24. Unique request ID: 280
2024-07-11 02:50:26.860 | Removing historical data download ID 280.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.860 |
2024-07-11 02:50:26.860 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-07-11 02:50:26.901 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:27.073 | Socket (3) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-11 02:50:27.073 | Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-11 02:50:27.112 | Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-11 02:50:27.112 | Socket (3) | Closed.
2024-07-11 02:50:27.778 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:27.778 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:27.785 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:27.785 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:27.792 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:27.792 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:28.658 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:28.658 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:28.677 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:28.677 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:28.703 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:28.703 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:28.709 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-07-11 02:50:28.709 | HD Request # 277 | Received 177503 Intraday data records from 2024-06-16 20:00:00.000000 to 2024-07-11 02:45:40.726001 (24.3 days. Delay: 4.8 minutes) and wrote 177503 records for ZMQ24
2024-07-11 02:50:28.714 | HD Request # 277 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-07-11 06:45:40.726001
2024-07-11 02:50:28.714 | Added 3 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for ZMQ24 after download.
2024-07-11 02:50:28.714 | HD Request # 277 | Completion time: 2s.
2024-07-11 02:50:28.714 | HD Request # 277 | Intraday data download complete for ZMQ24. Unique request ID: 272
2024-07-11 02:50:28.714 | Removing historical data download ID 272.
2024-07-11 02:50:28.714 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ZMQ24
2024-07-11 02:50:28.714 | Intraday chart data file opened for ZMQ24
2024-07-11 02:50:28.714 | HD Request # 277 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-07-11 02:50:28.714 |
2024-07-11 02:50:28.714 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:28.714 | HD Request # 279 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ZMU24 to the file ZMU24.scid. Service: cbot
2024-07-11 02:50:28.714 | Reloading all charts with filename: ZMU24.scid
2024-07-11 02:50:28.715 | HD Request # 279 | Download start date-time: 2024-07-19 20:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-07-11 02:50:28.715 | HD Request # 279 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-07-11 02:50:28.715 | Socket (3) | Creating socket.
2024-07-11 02:50:28.715 | Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-11 02:50:28.715 | Socket (3) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-11 02:50:28.776 | HD Request # 279 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-07-11 02:50:28.776 | HD Request # 279 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.000 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] Daily #7 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.069 | HD Request # 279 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-07-19 20:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ZMU24
2024-07-11 02:50:29.096 | HD Request # 279 | Decompressing data.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.128 | HD Request # 279 | Receiving Intraday data for ZMU24 starting at 2024-07-11 01:49:10.207000
2024-07-11 02:50:29.129 | Socket (3) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.129 | Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.129 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.129 | HD Request # 279 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-07-11 01:49:10.207000.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.129 | HD Request # 279 | Received 123 Intraday data records from 2024-07-11 01:49:10.207000 to 2024-07-11 02:49:00.173000 (59.8 minutes. Delay: 89.0 seconds) and wrote 123 records for ZMU24
2024-07-11 02:50:29.134 | HD Request # 279 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-07-11 06:49:00.173000
2024-07-11 02:50:29.134 | HD Request # 279 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.134 | HD Request # 279 | Intraday data download complete for ZMU24. Unique request ID: 274
2024-07-11 02:50:29.134 | Removing historical data download ID 274.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.134 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ZMU24
2024-07-11 02:50:29.134 | Intraday chart data file opened for ZMU24
2024-07-11 02:50:29.134 | HD Request # 279 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.134 |
2024-07-11 02:50:29.134 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.134 | HD Request # 280 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ZMV24 to the file ZMV24.scid. Service: cbot
2024-07-11 02:50:29.134 | Reloading all charts with filename: ZMV24.scid
2024-07-11 02:50:29.135 | HD Request # 280 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-18 20:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-07-11 02:50:29.135 | HD Request # 280 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-07-11 02:50:29.135 | Socket (4) | Creating socket.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.135 | Socket (4) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-11 02:50:29.135 | Socket (4) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-11 02:50:29.156 | Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.156 | Socket (3) | Closed.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.209 | HD Request # 280 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-07-11 02:50:29.209 | HD Request # 280 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.496 | HD Request # 280 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-18 20:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ZMV24
2024-07-11 02:50:29.537 | HD Request # 280 | Decompressing data.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.568 | HD Request # 280 | Receiving Intraday data for ZMV24 starting at 2024-07-11 01:47:54.662000
2024-07-11 02:50:29.568 | Socket (4) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.568 | Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.568 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.569 | HD Request # 280 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-07-11 01:47:54.662000.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.569 | HD Request # 280 | Received 79 Intraday data records from 2024-07-11 01:47:54.662000 to 2024-07-11 02:46:37.600000 (58.7 minutes. Delay: 3.9 minutes) and wrote 79 records for ZMV24
2024-07-11 02:50:29.574 | HD Request # 280 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-07-11 06:46:37.600000
2024-07-11 02:50:29.574 | HD Request # 280 | Completion time: 0s.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.574 | HD Request # 280 | Intraday data download complete for ZMV24. Unique request ID: 276
2024-07-11 02:50:29.574 | Removing historical data download ID 276.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.574 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ZMV24
2024-07-11 02:50:29.574 | Intraday chart data file opened for ZMV24
2024-07-11 02:50:29.574 | HD Request # 280 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.574 |
2024-07-11 02:50:29.574 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.574 | HD Request # 281 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ZMZ24 to the file ZMZ24.scid. Service: cbot
2024-07-11 02:50:29.574 | Reloading all charts with filename: ZMZ24.scid
2024-07-11 02:50:29.575 | HD Request # 281 | Download start date-time: 2024-09-16 20:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-07-11 02:50:29.575 | HD Request # 281 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-07-11 02:50:29.575 | Socket (3) | Creating socket.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.575 | Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-11 02:50:29.575 | Socket (3) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-11 02:50:29.600 | Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.600 | Socket (4) | Closed.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.652 | HD Request # 281 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-07-11 02:50:29.652 | HD Request # 281 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.774 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.788 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 278,
2024-07-11 02:50:29.790 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.811 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 278,
2024-07-11 02:50:29.812 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.825 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 278,
2024-07-11 02:50:29.827 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.848 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 278,
2024-07-11 02:50:29.849 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.900 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 278,
2024-07-11 02:50:29.901 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.944 | HD Request # 281 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-09-16 20:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ZMZ24
2024-07-11 02:50:29.976 | HD Request # 281 | Decompressing data.
2024-07-11 02:50:29.992 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 278,
2024-07-11 02:50:29.994 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.004 | HD Request # 281 | Receiving Intraday data for ZMZ24 starting at 2024-07-11 01:51:31.406000
2024-07-11 02:50:30.004 | Socket (3) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.004 | Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.015 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 278,
2024-07-11 02:50:30.016 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.016 | HD Request # 281 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-07-11 01:51:31.406000.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.016 | HD Request # 281 | Received 229 Intraday data records from 2024-07-11 01:51:31.406000 to 2024-07-11 02:49:56.369000 (58.4 minutes. Delay: 33.6 seconds) and wrote 229 records for ZMZ24
2024-07-11 02:50:30.021 | HD Request # 281 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-07-11 06:49:56.369000
2024-07-11 02:50:30.021 | HD Request # 281 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.021 | HD Request # 281 | Intraday data download complete for ZMZ24. Unique request ID: 278
2024-07-11 02:50:30.021 | Removing historical data download ID 278.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.021 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ZMZ24
2024-07-11 02:50:30.021 | Intraday chart data file opened for ZMZ24
2024-07-11 02:50:30.021 | HD Request # 281 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.021 |
2024-07-11 02:50:30.021 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.036 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.036 | Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.036 | Socket (3) | Closed.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.060 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.060 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.066 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.066 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.074 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.074 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.108 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.108 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.127 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.127 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.154 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.154 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.161 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.162 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.173 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.173 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.179 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.179 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.187 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.187 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.222 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.222 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.241 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.241 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.268 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.268 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.274 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #10 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.275 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.276 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.293 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.293 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.299 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.299 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.306 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.306 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.348 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.348 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.368 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.368 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.394 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.394 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.399 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.399 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.417 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.417 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.423 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.423 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.430 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.430 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.473 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.473 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.493 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.493 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.519 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.519 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.637 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.639 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.640 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.651 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.651 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.657 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.657 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.665 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.665 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.700 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.700 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.720 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.720 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.747 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.747 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.772 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.775 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.775 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.821 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.821 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.828 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.828 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.835 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:30.835 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.938 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.938 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.958 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.958 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.985 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.985 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:30.987 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-06-27 02:50:28
2024-07-11 02:50:31.033 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.072 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.121 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.121 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.199 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:31.199 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.205 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:31.205 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.213 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:31.213 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.376 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.376 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.396 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.396 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.423 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.423 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.427 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.427 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.445 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:31.445 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.451 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:31.451 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.458 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:31.458 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.501 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.501 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.521 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.521 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.548 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.548 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.553 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.578 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:31.578 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.584 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:31.584 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.591 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:31.591 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.627 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.627 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.646 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.646 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.679 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.679 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.684 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.729 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:31.729 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.738 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:31.738 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.750 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:31.750 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.816 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.816 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.844 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.844 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.871 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.871 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.993 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 3 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:50:31.993 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.033 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:32.033 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.039 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:32.039 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.050 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:32.050 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.097 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.097 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.117 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.117 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.143 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.143 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.188 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.212 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.214 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.239 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:32.239 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.245 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:32.245 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.252 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:32.252 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.288 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.288 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.307 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.307 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.334 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.334 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.342 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.440 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:32.440 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.446 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:32.446 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.453 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:32.453 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.557 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.557 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.576 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.576 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.602 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.602 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.603 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-06-27 02:50:28
2024-07-11 02:50:32.649 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.678 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 120 Min #5 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.716 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 30 Min #4 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.762 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.931 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:32.931 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.937 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:32.937 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:32.944 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:32.944 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.112 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.112 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.131 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.131 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.158 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.158 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.161 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.199 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:33.199 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.205 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:33.205 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.212 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:50:33.212 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.255 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.255 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.274 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.274 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.301 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.301 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.852 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] #2 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:50:33.957 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 480 Min #6 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:51:21.678 | Chart: ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Study: Trade Executor | Detected key press with key code: 49; modifiers: ctrl: 0 alt: 0 shift: 0
2024-07-11 02:51:21.901 | Chart: ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Study: Trade Executor | Detected key press with key code: 77; modifiers: ctrl: 0 alt: 0 shift: 0
2024-07-11 02:51:31.733 | Chart: ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 0.1 Range #8 | Study: Trade Executor | Detected key press with key code: 13; modifiers: ctrl: 0 alt: 0 shift: 0
2024-07-11 02:51:31.761 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:51:31.785 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:51:31.785 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:51:31.791 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:51:31.791 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:51:31.799 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:51:31.799 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:51:31.832 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:51:31.832 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:51:31.851 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:51:31.851 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:51:31.877 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:51:31.877 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:51:31.905 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-06-27 02:50:28
2024-07-11 02:51:31.945 | ZMZ24 [CBV][M] 1 Min #8 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:52:17.962 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.scid. Thread ID: 13224
2024-07-11 02:53:13.365 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.scid. Thread ID: 13224
2024-07-11 02:54:18.921 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.scid. Thread ID: 13224
2024-07-11 02:54:18.921 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.scid. Thread ID: 13224
2024-07-11 02:55:24.753 | ZMZ24 [CBV] #9 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 02:55:24.806 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 02:55:24.806 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:55:24.812 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 02:55:24.812 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:55:24.819 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 02:55:24.819 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 02:55:24.862 | ZMZ24 [CBV] #9 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:55:24.862 | ZMZ24 [CBV] #9 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:55:24.881 | ZMZ24 [CBV] #9 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:55:24.881 | ZMZ24 [CBV] #9 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:55:24.908 | ZMZ24 [CBV] #9 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:55:24.908 | ZMZ24 [CBV] #9 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 02:55:25.194 | ZMZ24 [CBV] #9 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 02:57:27.291 | Uploaded an image to the server. Request ID: 1
2024-07-11 02:57:27.291 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (3) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2024-07-11 02:57:27.292 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-11 02:57:27.292 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (3) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-11 02:57:30.267 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (3) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-11 02:57:30.267 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-11 02:57:30.341 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-11 02:57:30.341 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (3) | Closed.
2024-07-11 03:03:16.733 | ZMZ24 [CBV] 3 Min #11 | Reloading chart.
2024-07-11 03:03:16.770 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMQ24.dly, ZMU24.dly
2024-07-11 03:03:16.770 | The ZMU24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 03:03:16.776 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMU24.dly, ZMV24.dly
2024-07-11 03:03:16.776 | The ZMV24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 03:03:16.783 | Unable to determine transition date based on volume from files: ZMV24.dly, ZMZ24.dly
2024-07-11 03:03:16.783 | The ZMZ24.dly symbol may not be the active contract month.
2024-07-11 03:03:16.818 | ZMZ24 [CBV] 3 Min #11 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-08-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMQ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 03:03:16.818 | ZMZ24 [CBV] 3 Min #11 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 03:03:16.838 | ZMZ24 [CBV] 3 Min #11 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-01 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMU24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 03:03:16.838 | ZMZ24 [CBV] 3 Min #11 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 03:03:16.865 | ZMZ24 [CBV] 3 Min #11 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2024-09-02 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMV24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 03:03:16.865 | ZMZ24 [CBV] 3 Min #11 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. C:\SierraChart2\Data\ZMZ24.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-07-11 03:03:17.173 | ZMZ24 [CBV] 3 Min #11 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-07-11 03:05:31.863 | Uploaded an image to the server. Request ID: 2
2024-07-11 03:05:31.863 | HTTPS connection ID:2 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:2 (3) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2024-07-11 03:05:31.863 | HTTPS connection ID:2 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:2 (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-11 03:05:31.863 | HTTPS connection ID:2 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:2 (3) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-11 03:05:36.013 | HTTPS connection ID:2 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:2 (3) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-11 03:05:36.013 | HTTPS connection ID:2 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:2 (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-07-11 03:05:36.087 | HTTPS connection ID:2 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:2 (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-07-11 03:05:36.087 | HTTPS connection ID:2 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:2 (3) | Closed.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-07-11 07:27:57
[2024-07-11 16:30:47]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
The problem with the spike in the data is due to the fact that you are trying to load a chart for the December contract of ZM (ZMZ24) and you have it set to be a "Continuous Futures Contract". Since the December contract is not the current front contract, this creates the situation you are seeing. Refer to the following:
Continuous Futures Contract Charts: Issues When Symbol of Chart is not Current Contract and Expires Later

If you are wanting to actually view the December contract, then you would need to set the "Continuous Futures Contract" option to "None" for that chart.

Otherwise, if you want to have a Continuous Futures Contract chart for ZM, then you would need to set the Symbol to be either the July (N) or August (Q) contract. August. The August contract is currently trading a higher volume, so this would be our recommendation.


With regards to missing data, this looks like the same situation as before. ZM is not traded much overnight, so there will be missing bars. If you want to have a bar at every time point, set the option for "Chart >> Chart Settings >> Bar Period >> Include Columns with No Data" to "Yes".
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-07-11 16:32:16

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