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Issues with Global Profit/Loss Management and Trade Only Symbol

View Count: 1289

[2020-11-26 00:58:52]
User414533 - Posts: 106
I am continually getting stopped out for the day because the GP/LM is reading my trades as ES when everything else reads the trades as MES.

My trade window is accurate and reflects what's in my Trade Activity Log.

I have read the following links thoroughly!

Help With Daily Profit/Loss Value

Global Profit/Loss Management: Introduction

My symbols are all updated, correct, and applied globally.

One thing that I should point out that is weird: when I press "Apply Global Symbol Settings", MESZ20-CME disappears in the "Trade and Current Quote Symbol:" field. It's almost as if something is being rejected. I will then reenter the "Trade and Current Quote Symbol:" and press okay.

Then I try another trade again and GP/LM flattens me out for the day again.

Everything else trade-wise and record-wise works perfectly. It is ONLY when I enable the Global Profit/Loss manager, that things get screwy.

Again, something weird is going on when I apply global symbol settings. "Currency Value Per Tick" is also showing 12.5 which is the ES value. That doesn't seem to cause a problem with my DPL or Trade Activity Log P&L. If I try to change it to 1.25, it will revert back to 12.5 when I apply global symbol settings. If I change the value per tick back to 1.25 and hit apply, I still get flatted out with the GP/L manager.
[2021-05-25 14:21:01]
Nicolas Hervé - Posts: 14
Same issue for me.
I would have reported the issue if not finding this post.

GlobalProfitLossManagement seems to considere symbol and not trade symbol.
[2021-05-25 16:22:09]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36420
The Global Profit/Loss is going to be based on the calculated Profit/Loss. If you are using a Trade and Current Quote Symbol then it is necessary to ensure that the correct value is entered for the Currency Value per Tick for the symbol that is going to be traded.

One thing that I should point out that is weird: when I press "Apply Global Symbol Settings", MESZ20-CME disappears in the "Trade and Current Quote Symbol:" field.

This makes sense if you do not have a Trade and Current Quote Symbol set for the symbol settings. You are asking the system to update the Chart Settings based on the symbol settings, so if that symbol setting is blank, then it will blank out the Trade and Current Quote Symbol in the Chart Settings.

If I try to change it to 1.25, it will revert back to 12.5 when I apply global symbol settings. If I change the value per tick back to 1.25 and hit apply, I still get flatted out with the GP/L manager.

Again, this makes sense that the Chart Settings are changing when you select Apply Global Symbol Settings.

Make sure that the correct Currency Value per Tick is entered and stays correct through the entire trade. Do not select Apply Global Symbol Settings while in the middle of a trade, as that is going to change the settings, which could cause your Net Profit calculation to be different from what you expect.
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[2021-11-08 20:48:20]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 938
This is happening to me as well. But I'm not certain I understand the answer provided above.

I am set to trade MES as trade-only symbol, ES as main symbol. Chart Settings Currency Value Per Tick is set to 1.25. I have not altered any of the values in the system Symbol Settings (which are set correctly as expected). I get taken out of trades based on ES calculations, though I am trading MES. I am not changing any currency values mid-trade (or any other time).

Why does this happen? How can I ensure that it doesn't?
[2021-11-08 21:18:51]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36420
If your Currency Value per Tick is set properly for the Trade-Only Symbol, then you should not have an issue with this. But, you need to ensure that any chart from which you initiate the trade has that setting correct, or you will get a mix of results.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-11-08 22:15:57]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 938
They are all set correctly. I have literally never changed those values. I have also looked and they are correct, yet I was stopped out today in my cash account because of trailing profit, which would have been true had I been trading minis, but not with micros which is what I was actually trading.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-11-09 15:26:18
[2021-11-10 15:18:23]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
, yet I was stopped out today in my cash account because of trailing profit, which would have been true had I been trading minis, but not with micros which is what I was actually trading.

You need to look at all of the charts in the Trade Statistics for Charts tab of the Trade Activity Log and see which one is giving an incorrect value:
Trade Activity Log: Trade Statistics for Charts (Chart Stats) Tab
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-11-10 15:33:36]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 938
OK I did that, thanks for the pointer. It's showing that both of my TPO charts, which are correctly set to use the TO symbol, have mini P&L values.

Strangely, my DOMs (Chart DOMs) where I actually execute my trades, don't even show up in the list. My other DOMs for instruments I don't trade but watch for correlation (NQ, RTY, YM) all show in the list but of course have no P&L as they don't get traded.

So I'm seeing mini P&L on TPOs I don't actually trade on and are set to use micros, and my actual trading Chart DOMs are completely missing from this list. Also the Trades tab correctly shows exactly 1/10 the P&L of the Chart Stats tab. I have no idea what to make of this.
[2021-11-12 04:23:00]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 17332
From documentation:
On the Trade Statistics for Charts tab, there will only be one line for each Symbol, Trade Account, Order Fills Start Date-Time, Non-Simulated/Simulated, Replaying/Not Replaying, unique combination, whether this originates from a Chart or Trading DOM. The charts/Trading DOMs are searched sequentially and the ones listed are not necessarily the ones you are trading from.

And also refer to the documentation here regarding this feature. There are a lot of warnings regarding this feature.:
Global Profit/Loss Management

We recommend that you do not use this feature.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-11-12 04:23:17
[2023-01-26 16:19:33]
User623552 - Posts: 69
Hi. I have the same problem as everyone here.

My chart's are based on ES, but my Trade and current Quote symbol for each chart is MES.

The global profit management system is always based off ES, so giving incorrect profit/loss data.

I've been using Sierra Chart for at least 5 years, and feel I have a good grasp of the software.

However, no matter how much I read the information on your website, I can not get the Global Profit Management system to calculate correctly, in this specific situation.
There's seems to be no clear and simple answer to this
[2023-01-26 16:41:19]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 938
I believe this is two different issues. The first is the Global P&L Management simply not working all that well/intuitively, which is essentially why SC don't recommend using it.

The other is the P&L being reported in the wrong symbol. I've seen this for years, so has everyone else I know who trades on SC. The solution we have accepted is to change the primary symbol of the chart reporting in the wrong price, to the other, then AFTER the chart loads completely, change it back again.

So if your chart is on ES but you're getting P&L reported in MES, then change the primary symbol on that chart to MES, let it load fully, then change it back to ES again.

If the chart is MES and reporting P&L in ES, then change the chart to ES, let it load, then change back to MES.

Hope that helps!
[2023-01-26 17:31:05]
User623552 - Posts: 69
Thanks for the feedback.
At the moment I'm multiplying everything by 10 in the profit management system.
So I'm making a mathematical adjustment to account for the fact it calculates everything in ES rather than MES.

I don't like changing important data in the symbol settings.

I think SC should dedicate more time to the profit management system, and improve it.
It is far more valuable than having another study.
[2023-01-26 18:07:51]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 938
I would definitely not multiply to adjust for this, if the problem is the one I described. Change your symbols as I described and see if that solves it. Multiplying is in my opinion asking for a very bad thing to happen...
[2023-01-26 18:17:16]
User623552 - Posts: 69
I don't think your solution will work for me

I need the charts and corresponding studies to all be calculated, and updated, from the historic and intraday ES data.

However, I'm trading MES
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-01-26 18:52:48
[2023-01-26 18:56:10]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 938
I know you are. You should be using the Trade Only Symbol, this is exactly what I do when I trade MES. EVERYTHING is always calculated on ES, never MES, but execution is only on MES. But a chart can get stuck displaying P&L in ES, instead of MES. Changing the symbol as I described, fixes this 100% of the time if it's the problem I believe that it is.

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