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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 02:07:41 +0000

Chart Studies for number bars

View Count: 428

[2023-03-09 16:38:28]
Twin18 - Posts: 11
Good morning, I have come across this YouTube channel and the guy uses Sierra Charts number bars. I wanted to ask is it possible for you guys to figure out the chart studies so I can upload them to my chart and make my number bars look like that. Here is a picture, Let me know if you can see it

imageCool.png / V - Attached On 2023-03-09 16:38:18 UTC - Size: 153.32 KB - 78 views
[2023-03-09 18:23:16]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
In terms of the Numbers Bars study itself, set the following:
- Column 1 Numbers Bars Text: Bid Vol x Ask Vol
- Column 1 Background Type: Volume Profile
- Column 1 Background Coloring Method: We do not know which setting he is using
- Numbers Separator Character: 4 spaces (maybe 3 spaces)

In order to get the Candlestick in the middle, you need to first set the Chart >> Graphics Settings - Chart >> Use Global Graphics Settings Instead of These Settings to disabled (no checkmark). Then modify the Candlestick Width % (on the Other tab) to 10 (or something similar). Then use the Study/Price Overlay and overlay the Main Price Graph for this same chart onto itself, which will give you the candlestick in the middle of the Numbers.

Refer to the following for the documentation for the Numbers Bars:
Numbers Bars

And refer to the following for the documentation for the Study/Price Overlay:
Study/Price Overlay Study

We can not speak to any of the other coloring in the chart.
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