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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 02:16:39 +0000

replay /data loading with remote instance

View Count: 1275

[2014-06-14 19:52:42]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
-There are currently 2 instances of sierra chart

-Instance 1 is the data source, instance 2 contains the destination chart book. It is set up this way because sometimes several instances are used, this is done to minimize downloading, storage ect.

-There are 2 Continuous contract charts open in the replay instance linked by symbol,session time, scroll position, days to load. Both fed remotely [R] from instance 1.

-Any time changes are made to chart settings ei(start/end) or replay is initiated, instance 2 re-downloads continuous contract data from instance 1, and takes a very long time.

-Currently loading only 5 days of data.

-Previous to rolling over to the 09 contract this did not seem to be as much of an issue, instance 2 would just reload the charts very fast without the "Downloading continuous contract data" message popping up.

Do I have to insert the data into a native folder in instance 2 and switch to "this instance" in data settings to avoid this?
Or any other suggestions?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-06-14 19:56:03
[2014-06-15 01:21:50]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
After messing with it more, it is only an issue when trying to using replay accurate backtest mode. Is not a problem for standard replay.
The problem is basically that it is stuck in "downloading continuous contract data" until I close and reopen SC, but again only if using accurate back test replay.
[2014-06-15 01:22:55]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
also I don't understand why it needs to download the data when it should just load it as remote instance.
[2014-06-15 01:38:41]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
ALSO it works fine and just loads the data normally if not loaded as continous contract
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-06-15 01:39:00
[2014-06-15 03:16:24]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
The answer to this is the Continuous Futures Contract feature cannot be used in a chart which uses data from remote instance of Sierra Chart. It is too complex to support that. Therefore, the only answer is that you need to set the Continuous Contract option to None in the chart is using data from remote instance.

When using Accurate Back Test Mode, this is irrelevant. Whatever you are seeing in regards to this setting, it is only coincidental. Most definitely this option has nothing to do with the described problem. It could not.

Do I have to insert the data into a native folder in instance 2 and switch to "this instance" in data settings to avoid this?
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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