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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Feb 2025 09:45:06 +0000

*Important* Priority Message to Transact Users

View Count: 14608

[2022-02-01 18:57:24]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31

"Are the exchange data fees paid via stage 5 account or sierra chart?" - If you would like real time CME, CBOT, NYMEX, & COMEX market data, the fees will be billed through Sierra Directly. For FairX there is no charger for market data and can be enabled at any time. As long as you have a funded trading account with Stage 5 connected to Teton, you will be able to receive the CME markets data at reduced prices for Non-Pro traders. This will allow you to use the quality Denali Data Feed and receive the CME Fee Waiver for real time data as a Non-Professional trader. A great overall solution in my opinion!

Please let us know if you have any questions or we can assist with anything further.


Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-01 19:03:05]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31

Yes, Stage 5 does have it's own internal Risk Desk for emergencies or other issues. The desk is available by phone or email and is most active for the European and US trading hours. Please note that the Stage 5 Risk Desk doesn't work on the weekends, so it isn't 24/7. If markets start trading over the weekend, then we may revisit that...in the meantime, they are not available over the weekend.

I hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any questions or we can provide further clarity.

Thank you!

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-01 19:57:04]
User90125 - Posts: 715
Hi Anthony,

Could you provide more information about trading EUREX contracts on Stage 5, specifically:

a. Data feed availability and cost.

b. Contract margins and commission.

For example, my current DAY margin rates for these EUREX contracts is:

FDAX $2500
FDXM $1000
FESX $1000
FGBL $1000
FGBX $1000

Please let me know how competitive your firm is, as the max contract size would be only TWO (2) cars each.

Thanks again for your support.
[2022-02-01 20:29:19]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31
Hi User90125,

Unfortunately, Eurex isn't available on Teton yet. It is in development and we believe it will be online in the near future. In the meantime you would have to use CQG for Eurex which does have a $10 per month API fee in addition to a 10c per contract transaction fee. This will increase your costs for the short time, but once Teton is connected to Eurex, we would be able to switch you and save you those costs.

a. Data feed availability and cost. - CQG order routing for $10 a month + $0.10 per contract transaction fee.

b. Contract margins and commission. - Currently, without pre setting up specific margins we are 20% of full margin. This can change based one your needs and trading style. Please feel free to reach out to me for specific rates to fit your needs.

FDAX 6,100
FDXM 1,217.60
FESX 638.20
FGBL 530
FGBX 1,421.20

Please let me know how competitive your firm is, as the max contract size would be only TWO (2) cars each. - Would you be trading 2 contracts max on all products at the same time? If not, the FDAX will be your heaviest intraday margin. Again, please feel free to reach out to me for a specific setup and approval

Let me know what you think and how we can best assist you from here.

Thanks and have a great evening.


Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-01 23:05:24]
Profile Trader - Posts: 177

I have spoken too one of your preferred vendors in regards to moving away from TransAct. I would like too find some clarity to the solution I am looking at moving forward with.

I do not or better said, I will not run a DOM and trade off my SC instance that I am currently charting with. This is for several reasons. One I have always keep my trading platform separate on both software and PC and will continue too do that. I also have some very intense Custom studies that cause delays with SC during any recalculation I might request during the trading day.

What I am looking to do is run a separate instance of SC on a 2nd PC to solely run the DOM for trading using Teton and one of your preferred vendors.

I currently subscribe to Package 12 with 11 dollar CME w/Market Depth for NonPro

1. As I understand it I can have a second instance running on a different PC with what I am currently subscribed too... is that correct?
2. I would need to pay an additional 11 dollars for the data too be fed to that second pc? I am only concerned about getting 10 levels on the DOM.

Please advise what the most cost effective solution to run 2 instances (separate pcs) so I can have a DOM for trading separate.

Thanks in advance for your time and insight.

[2022-02-01 23:36:07]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
First, we want to thank you for your question. This is really very important, because it is so important that we educate people on the capabilities of Sierra Chart, and how we provide superior solutions as compared to everyone else.

I do not or better said, I will not run a DOM and trade off my SC instance that I am currently charting with. This is for several reasons. One I have always keep my trading platform separate on both software and PC and will continue too do that.
Yes this makes absolute sense. You can run multiple instances of Sierra Chart. One you can use strictly for trading and others for charting. This is explained here:
Overview of Trading: Sierra Chart Configuration for Most Low Response Time Trading

All of these instances will be fed by the Denali Exchange Data Feed by just paying a single exchange fee. None of this is a problem and has been supported for years.

What I am looking to do is run a separate instance of SC on a 2nd PC to solely run the DOM for trading using Teton and one of your preferred vendors.
This is absolutely supported. You can run as many installations as you require. You will need to use the Denali Exchange Data Feed. You can use that from two systems at a time. Although the CME is going to require though you pay two exchange fees. All of this is supported by Denali.

Although you really just need a single system and just get a more capable system regarding cores and memory and storage. Completely up to you.

1. As I understand it I can have a second instance running on a different PC with what I am currently subscribed too... is that correct?
2. I would need to pay an additional 11 dollars for the data too be fed to that second pc? I am only concerned about getting 10 levels on the DOM.
The answer to this is yes and yes. Also, if Transact was allowing two connections to two different systems for a single fee, they really were not compliant with CME policy. Totally fine with us. We are just saying. We are not here to be condemning anyone regarding that tyrannical policy.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-01 23:39:08
[2022-02-01 23:39:34]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This sentence was corrected in the prior post:
Also, if Transact was allowing two connections to two different systems for a single fee, they really were not compliant with CME policy.

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-02-02 03:20:34]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We would like to share this question and answer from a Transact user:
SC with Transact
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-02 03:20:40
[2022-02-02 09:00:05]
pіkeman - Posts: 2
A question to Sierra Chart Support.

I've had prior dealings with AMP Futures. So they are on my broker list along with some others.

For now, they don't support Teton, but they support Sierra Chart with Denali feed. Hm, would it mean no Sierra Chart DOM and instead some other one from their package?

[2022-02-02 14:29:21]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31
Profile Trader,

If you have an account using Teton then you will be able to certify as a Non Professional for your real time data fees as long as the below applies

Based on the Subscriber’s qualifications, Subscribers may be charged reduced Fees for Information. To qualify for the reduction in Subscriber Fees, Subscriber must be considered a “Non-Professional.” Non-Professional shall mean and include either (i) an individual, natural person Subscriber(s) who, or (ii) certain small business entities (limited liability companies, partnerships, trusts or corporations) that, receive and use Information (excluding any pit traded data), in each case subject to the following restrictions:

The Non-Professional Subscriber

(a) the Subscriber must have an active futures trading account;
(b) the Subscriber must not be a member (or hold or lease any type membership) of any exchange;
(c) the Subscriber does not have a primary business purpose that involves trading;
(d) the Subscriber must not be registered or qualified as a professional trader or investment adviser with any stock, commodities or futures exchange or contract market, or with any regulatory authority, professional association or recognized professional body; and
(e) the Subscriber must not be affiliated with any entity that is or may be considered a Professional User; and
The Non-Professional Subscriber’s Use of Information
(f) the Subscriber’s use of Information must be solely for the Subscriber’s personal, non-business use;
(g) the Subscriber’s use of Information must be limited to managing the Subscriber’s own property and, for the avoidance of doubt, not in connection with the management of any property of any third party(ies) in any capacity, whether as a principal, officer, partner, employee or agent of any business or on behalf of any other individual, and whether or not the Subscriber receives any remuneration therefor; and
(h) the Subscriber must not be acting on behalf of an institution that engages in brokerage, banking, investment, or financial activities; and

The Non-Professional Subscriber’s Access to Information

(i) the Subscriber has no more than two (2) means for accessing Information from each Distributor; and
(j) the Subscriber must view the Information only on a device that is capable of routing orders to the CME Globex Platform (an “Order Routing Device”).

Any Subscriber who does not meet the qualifications of a Non-Professional or falls under the categories described below shall be considered a Professional. Notwithstanding anything else herein, Professionals shall include, without limitation:

- Any person or entity that provides financial or similar services to any third party.
- Any person that is registered or qualified as a professional trader or investment adviser with any stock, commodities or futures exchange or contract market, or with any regulatory authority, professional association or recognized professional body.
- Any person or entity that acts on behalf of an institution that engages in brokerage, banking, investment or financial activities.
- Any person or employee of an entity that holds any form of membership at any of the CME Group Designated Contract Markets (“DCM”) or any other exchange.
Notwithstanding anything herein, CME reserves the right in all cases to make a final determination as to whether a Subscriber is a Non Professional or a Professional. CME reserves the right to amend this policy or terminate reduced for fees for Non-Professionals at any time.

Subscribers who qualify as Non-Professionals should sign below and return this Self-Certification form to Distributor. Please note that this form may be subject to Distributor’s review and approval. Subscriber must notify Distributor as soon as is reasonably practicable in the event that Subscriber no longer qualifies as a Non- Professional.

I hope that helps. Please let us know if we can assist with anything further.

Thank you!

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-02 15:21:40]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
A question to Sierra Chart Support.

I've had prior dealings with AMP Futures. So they are on my broker list along with some others.

For now, they don't support Teton, but they support Sierra Chart with Denali feed.
Yes this is correct.

Hm, would it mean no Sierra Chart DOM and instead some other one from their package?
The Sierra Chart Trading DOM functionality is fully supported with any broker including AMP. In the case of AMP you would be using CQG and paying $0.10 per fill. And we definitely do recommend using our Denali Exchange Data Feed if you choose to use CQG.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-02 15:22:09
[2022-02-03 07:25:22]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We received this message from a transact user of ours:
I just found out tonight that I am not the only Sierra Chart / Infinity user that has had trouble connecting.
The support team at Infinity said that they have had many users experiencing the same problem.
It seems that Sierra Chart receives messages that indicate that several users are not able to connect on a daily basis - Sierra Chart is able (On the Sierra Chart end) to correct the problem and the connection is then made - just as it has the past few days for "my account".
Infinity support has had discussions with Sierra Chart support but the problem remains.
I now know where the problem originates and I would appreciate your support to make the correction - or is "Denali" the answer ????
No we are not able to solve this problem because this is a Transact server issue. We have done nothing to create the problem and we have done nothing to solve the problem. We cannot in either case. You can tell very clearly from the Sierra Chart Window >> Message Log the Transact authentication server is not responding after the initial connection and communication.

They have had no such discussions with us. And no, the problem does not originate on the Sierra Chart side.

The correction is to get away from Transact as soon as is possible because clearly they are creating this problem and not solving it for you. This is a Transact system and they are not properly maintaining or programming their system and the problem is being created on their side for some unknown reason.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-03 16:09:11
[2022-02-04 11:28:08]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Message to Transact:

This is an issue with your Websocket authentication server. Nothing has changed on the Sierra Chart side regarding this. And if users have trouble connecting at a certain time of day and with the same version of Sierra Chart they have always been using, this is not going to be a software/client side issue.

The functionality that Sierra Chart uses to connect to your server, is our standard network socket component and our websocket component . This is all extensively used both on the client and server sides of Sierra Chart, by thousands of users continuously all day without failure. And the proper Transact websocket protocol is followed and has not changed, for at least two years. All of this is very reliable and stable on the Sierra Chart side.

Your authentication server is taking a very long time to respond to a logon request and when it does, and we request the contracts it is also taking a long time to respond. Maybe we can increase the timeout time, but there has never been a need to do this before.

We are just very surprised you are not recognizing the issue is on your side. We have no control over this at all. We should not have to increase the timeout.

Update: We need to make a correction to the above. It does not help to increase the timeout. It is already two minutes which is an extraordinary amount of time to allow for a connection, and even if we increase it, it does not change the fact that the connection simply still would not succeed. The Transact server is just simply nonresponsive.

Update: Transact has said, they recognize the problem and they will be looking into it. It seems as though their authentication server is just behaving very slowly, in the evening session. Possibly other times?
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-06 17:27:56
[2022-02-04 18:43:28]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31
Happy Friday Traders!

I am sorry to hear that there have been more connection issues. Please feel free to reach out to our team if you have any questions or we can help assist you in any way. We are here for you and always happy to help in any way possible.

Please feel free to call us at 1-312-896-9897 or 1-800-258-6675. You can email us at sierrachart@s5trading.com and can also contact us here: https://stage5trading.com/contact/

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!


Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-04 20:18:56]
Edge Clear - Posts: 17

We hope you are having a successful trading week.

We would like to remind you that we are traders helping traders with brokerage and clearing. We see each individual as unique in his or her needs. To get the best fit for you, it is best to speak to an assigned broker directly to get all of the details and nuances for your trading business. We are handling all levels of traders from those coming to futures from other sectors to the seasoned futures trader who simply wants to be set up properly and always have someone to call when the need arises. High-pressure sales are forbidden at Edge Clear, so feel free to reach out.

As part of your due diligence, we highly recommend that you first speak with multiple brokers prior to taking the next steps.

Please contact us at https://edgeclear.com/sierrachart or by calling us at 773-832-8320 / 1-844-872-3320 (US and Canada only).

We look forward to welcoming you as a Sierra Chart user and a new member of Edge Clear or pointing you in the right direction.

Edge Clear LLC
Innovative. Transparent. Trader-Inspired.

Derivatives trading is not suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-04 20:22:02
[2022-02-08 03:59:28]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We have made a decision to remove support for Transact, in the next release of Sierra Chart to be released after February 13, 2022.

You can continue to use Transact with older versions, until ninja decides to close the service down. Although, probably not later, than June 2022.

Well before then, we will have support for EUREX with the Teton order routing service.

If you need to trade ICE, you will need to use CQG.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-08 04:00:00
[2022-02-08 13:03:07]
Edge Clear - Posts: 17

With Transact not being supported in the next Sierra Chart release, we are ready to assign a personal broker to help find a solution using Teton that supports your needs. Please reach out to us on our chat app on our website at https://edgeclear.com/sierrachart or by calling us at 773-832-8320 / 1-844-872-3320.

Being a broker built by traders for traders, we understand the pain of switching services, but we make it smooth and effortless. We look forward to welcoming you as a Sierra Chart user and a new member of Edge Clear or pointing you in the right direction. Come check out the new upcoming new auto-liquidation feature to help you stay in the game on days where trades aren't flowing with the market.

Edge Clear LLC
Innovative. Transparent. Trader-Inspired.

Derivatives trading is not suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-08 16:00:07
[2022-02-08 15:33:51]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31

Stage 5 is ready to start moving forward with the Sierra Chart Teton Order Routing "Auto-Liquidation" feature. If you are looking for access to this functionality, please reach out to us and we will gladly assist you throughout the process.

Please feel free to contact us and we will gladly assist you with any questions you may have and/or the process and hopefully helping you improve your current trading solution.

If you have questions or would like to speak to an assigned personal broker for details, please call us at 1-312-896-9897 or 1-800-258-6675. You can email us at sierrachart@s5trading.com and can also contact us here: https://stage5trading.com/contact/

Thank you,
Anthony Giacomin
Stage 5 Trading

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-10 19:55:31]
User426686 - Posts: 11
Hi Anthony,

first i very appreciate that you are working closely with SC to setting new standards in the business. Perhaps i have missing some post or thread, but i assume that the "Auto-Liquidation" feature belongs to minimum account value or max. intraday loss. So it opens the door for unique user based risk management, which is quite good. Do you plan to use this safeguard to lower your (user specific) intraday margins further down? I ask especially for FDAX, because it has still a huge intraday margin. Then the style of trading is not that interesting, because the (new) risk management keeps the broker risk low.

[2022-02-10 20:17:49]
Stage 5 Trading - Posts: 155
Hi Koepisch,

Thank you for your quality questions and detail. They are very good and helpful in explaining the functionality. You can setup your Auto-Liquidation settings to be either "Daily Net Loss Limit In Account Currency" or "Percentage of Cash Balance for Daily Net Loss Limit". For more information on this functionality, please refer to: Trade Account and Risk Management: Enabling Auto Liquidation for Trade Account

We have not secured reduced intraday margin on the FDAX yet, but plan to address in the near future. If you would like to send me a proposed risk limit for your specific needs, I can work with Risk to create a solution for you. I am confident we can create a solution that would fit your trading strategy's needs.

If you have questions or would like to speak to an assigned personal broker for details, please call us at 1-312-896-9897 or 1-800-258-6675. You can email us at sierrachart@s5trading.com and can also contact us here: https://stage5trading.com/contact/

Thank you,
Anthony Giacomin
Stage 5 Trading

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-10 20:19:10
[2022-02-14 11:28:34]
User758036 - Posts: 1
Stage 5,

What are the day margins for bitcoin and bitcoin micro contracts?
[2022-02-14 15:56:31]
Stage 5 Trading - Posts: 155
Hi Trader,

For bitcoin and micro bitcoin we can offer 50% intraday margin at Dorman Trading. Unfortunately, Advantage Futures is 100% intraday margin. If you wanted to proceed with an account with Stage 5 Trading using Sierra with Teton Order Routing, please use the following link: https://www.dormanaccounts.com/eApp/user/register?brokerid=232

If you have questions or would like to speak to an assigned personal broker for details, please call us at 1-312-896-9897 or 1-800-258-6675. You can email us at sierrachart@s5trading.com and can also contact us here: https://stage5trading.com/contact/

I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like further information.

Thank you,
Anthony Giacomin
Stage 5 Trading

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Testimonials are not necessarily indicative of future performance or success and may not represent the opinion of all participants. There was no compensation to the trader for this opinion.
[2022-03-02 15:59:18]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Once again we are getting multiple reports of users not able to connect to Transact. Understand this is a Transact server issue. Not an issue with Sierra Chart.

We urge our Transact users to move on to our Teton order routing service for superior service and move to a broker that supports Teton:
*Important* Priority Message to Transact Users
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-03-02 15:59:53
[2022-03-02 16:16:36]
Stage 5 Trading - Posts: 155
Hi Traders,

I am sorry to hear about these connection issues with Transact. As a former Infinity Broker, and owner of Stage 5 Trading, the Stage 5 team takes great pride in helping Transact/Infinity traders transition as seamlessly as possible. Personally, I believe the best solution would be to switch to Sierra Teton Order Routing with Denali for real time and historical data. I believe this as the entire A-Z solution is maintained by Sierra Chart. This is a major benefit from multiple third party connections that Sierra cannot control. On top of that, I feel it is the best overall quality and value for traders. Additionally, I believe traders should be able to save a lot of money from the reduced commissions as well!

If you open an account at Stage 5 using Sierra Chart Teton Order Routing, you will receive $0.20 per side commissions on the micros and $0.45 commissions on non-micros plus exchange and regulatory fees.

If you have questions or would like to speak to an assigned personal broker for details, please call us at 1-312-896-9897 or 1-800-258-6675. You can email us at sierrachart@s5trading.com and can also contact us here: https://stage5trading.com/contact/

Please feel free to contact us and we will gladly assist you with any questions you may have and/or the process of transitioning your account and hopefully helping you improve your current trading solution. We would be able to provide some DOM chartbook layouts that will hopefully be more in line with what you are accustomed to. In addition, we would be more than happy to have a remote session to help get you setup with the new layouts.

We are here to help, so please let us know how we can best assist you!

Thank you,
Anthony Giacomin
Stage 5 Trading

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-03-02 16:23:42]
User776213 - Posts: 2
I am an infinity/sierra member and i was able to recently connect to my data feed but now all of my charts are "delayed?" Is this a sierra issue or a transact issue. I have tried resetting my connection and deleting my data and reloading to the charts and am still delayed.
[2022-03-02 16:41:41]
Stage 5 Trading - Posts: 155
I believe you are receiving delayed data because you are running a version of Sierra Chart (2354 or higher) which no longer has technical integration to the Transact service. That has been discontinued. More information on this can be found on the following link: Information for Transact Users for Versions 2354 and Higher

You can downgrade your current Sierra Chart software to version 2353 or lower, or better yet, move forward with Sierra Chart Teton Order Routing with Denali Data!

I hope this helps and please let me know if you have any further questions we can assist with.

Thank you,
Anthony Giacomin
Stage 5 Trading

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

To post a message in this thread, you need to log in with your Sierra Chart account:


Login Page - Create Account