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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Feb 2025 08:55:15 +0000

*Important* Priority Message to Transact Users

View Count: 14607

[2022-02-01 02:25:25]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Please never be disappointed with us progressing toward superior solutions for customers, and saving you money and providing you higher quality services.

And ultimately, the best achievement will be when we have a replacement for the CME.

Nothing to be disappointed about at all. Look forward to a good future!! Be positive, and look forward. And be strong and independent.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-01 02:30:20
[2022-02-01 03:21:21]
User137532 - Posts: 1
With this new broker how much money has to be in the account to start? How much is the service per month?
[2022-02-01 04:44:07]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We will have brokers follow up with you here.

From the Sierra Chart side, you will just need to change to Service Package 10 which is 10 USD per month more (before discount when paying for multiple months). However, we expect you to save on commissions. So your overall cost per month will be less.

To change your Sierra Chart Service Package, select "Help >> Account Control Panel" on the Sierra Chart program menu. On the displayed webpage, click on the "Set Service Package for Renewal" link.

Or go to this page:

You will need to login if you are not currently logged in.

In the "Available Services >> Choose Usage Time Service Package" frame, select the Service Package that you want to set your account to. Press the "Set" button.

The remaining service usage time on your account will be adjusted based upon the cost of the package you are changing to. If the new package is a higher-priced package, then the usage time will be reduced due to the higher price.

There is no charge for changing your Sierra Chart service package. Only your Sierra Chart account usage time ending date is adjusted.

When changing between Sierra Chart Service Packages, the usage time ending date on your Sierra Chart account is adjusted based upon the price differences between the package you are changing from and the package you are changing to.

When changing to a higher priced package, your usage time ending date will be brought back closer in time. When changing to a lower-priced package, your usage time ending date will be brought forward further out in time.

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-01 04:52:29
[2022-02-01 08:36:23]
pіkeman - Posts: 2
If I understand correctly, it's possible to simply move off Transact datafeed to Denali while remaining with Transact brokerage. I'm used to their DOM for scalping and don't trade from the charts. Once on Denali feed, I might start looking into this Teton routing feature and brokers that support it. I just don't want to rush into it.

It would heip if you could provide a deadline for the transition as my package renewal date is coming up and I'm usually paying 3 or 6 months up-front.

[2022-02-01 11:36:40]
User467500 - Posts: 28
For me, my question is if it is possible to switch to Denali datafeed but still remain with Transact as a broker.

[2022-02-01 12:02:00]
Edge Clear - Posts: 17

Thanks for asking this question. Edge Clear is a futures broker who is also a launch partner for the Teton Order Routing Service with Sierra Chart.

There is no fixed cost to having your account at Edge Clear. There are no transaction fees for using Teton to get direct market access to the exchange. The amount that would be deposited into your account is a function of which products you trade. For Micro products, you can get started with a $1,500 deposit and would be trading the most popular products for $0.20 per side plus exchange and regulatory fees. A personal Edge Clear broker will be assigned to your account to make sure that your solution is fitted to your needs. Please go to https://edgeclear.com/sierrachart and fill out the form. We will be in contact.

As far as access to Transact, this is solution is being phased out and is also not the preferred solution for using Sierra Chart. We believe you will find Teton to be more stable and offers a better-integrated solution with Sierra Chart. We also do provide many separate execution platforms for active traders. This can also be arranged by your personal broker.

If you have any questions, please call us at 1-844-TRADE20 or +1-773-832-8320. We are looking forward to serving you.

Edge Clear LLC
Innovative. Transparent. Trader-Inspired.

Derivatives trading is not suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-01 12:13:11
[2022-02-01 12:11:34]
Edge Clear - Posts: 17

Edge Clear is a futures broker who is also a launch partner for the Teton Order Routing Service with Sierra Chart. Our award-winning team is made up of highly skilled brokers who are also active traders who understand how critical it is to have the right trading platform solution.

We do believe that the direct market access solution provided by Teton is superior to what Transact offers. We are happy to help you make the transition to Denali as your data feed. We believe this is the best real-time and historical data solution for Sierra Chart.

We invite you to consider that there are much better solutions for scalping futures than the Transact DOM. Would you be interested in speaking with a personal broker to see how we can improve your setup? If so, please fill out the form here: https://edgeclear.com/sierrachart

We are also likely to reduce your overall trading costs if you are a scalper. We provide services specifically designed for very active traders.

If you have any questions, please call us at 1-844-TRADE20 or +1-773-832-8320. We look forward to welcoming you to our team.

Edge Clear LLC
Innovative. Transparent. Trader-Inspired.

Derivatives trading is not suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-01 13:36:25]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31
Dear Traders,

As a former Infinity Broker I fully understand the trials and tribulations of changing brokerage firms. With that being said, Stage 5 takes great pride in helping Transact/Infinity traders transition as seamlessly as possible. Personally, I believe the best solution would be to switch to Sierra Teton Order Routing with Denali for real time and historical data. This is all maintained by Sierra directly, which I feel provides great benefits to traders as Sierra can focus on enhancements instead of maintenance of other third party order routing feeds. In addition, I feel it is the best overall quality and value for traders.

You can open an account for as little as $100 and you will receive $0.20 per side commissions on the micros and $0.45 commissions on non micros plus exchange and regulatory fees.

Please feel free to contact us and we will gladly assist you with any questions you may have and/or the process of transitioning your account and hopefully helping you improve your current trading solution.

If you have questions or would like to speak to an assigned personal broker for details, please call us at 312-896-9897 or 1-800-258-6675. You can email us at sierrachart@s5trading.com and can also contact us here: https://stage5trading.com/contact/

If you are ready to move to the Teton Order Routing solution right away, we invite you to complete an application by clicking the blue button at the top of the https://stage5trading.com/ page that says "Introducing Sierra Chart Teton Order Routing - Click Here to Open an account"

Thank you,
Anthony Giacomin

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-01 13:38:42]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
my question is if it is possible to switch to Denali datafeed but still remain with Transact as a broker.
If I understand correctly, it's possible to simply move off Transact datafeed to Denali while remaining with Transact brokerage.

The answer is no! There are three very good reasons:

1. Due to CME market data policy, you will not be able to authorize the CME data at nonprofessional exchange fees when using Transact because it will become unsupported. This is explained in detail here:
Real-Time Exchange Data Feeds Available From Sierra Chart: Understanding and Accessing Data From the CME, CBOT, NYMEX, COMEX Exchanges

2. You will need to pay exchange fees twice if you have an account at Transact, and you are also using the Denali Exchange Data Feed. So if you are using the Transact trading software, you have to pay exchange fees and you have to pay exchange fees for the Denali Exchange Data Feed to receive the real-time data.

Sierra Chart has a full trading DOM you can use:
Chart Trading and the Chart DOM: Trade DOM

It is very widely used and very good. You can evaluate it yourself. It has recent performance improvements.

3. We would expect at some point the Transact system to be shut down by Ninja trader. So it is going to become unavailable and then you cannot use the Transact software anymore. (We could be mistaken about this, but this is our belief/understanding). It really would not make sense for them to be maintaining that system longer term.

Related to this, if we continue to support Transact, then we are disadvantaging ourselves and creating ourselves a completely unnecessary support burden which we are trying to solve. We do not want to maintain support for that system, and we do not want the associated burden. You still have to connect to the Transact system once a month to authorize the CME data. Inevitably users are going to run into problems, with connecting to the Transact system (happens all the time) and they are going to come to us for help because often Transact refers them to us. And we cannot solve that problem.

So then you lose access to the real-time CME Group data from the Denali Exchange Data Feed. This will definitely happen. You will experience this. And this will only reaffirm overwhelmingly to us, why it would be a massive mistake to continue to support Transact.

The support burden placed upon us due to CME market data policy is absolutely immense and fully insane and disgusting. We have had enough of this. Act in your own self interest.

Do not you want to take advantage of lower commissions with other brokers?

We do not want to give a hard deadline. But our answer to this question would be March 2022:
It would heip if you could provide a deadline for the transition as my package renewal date is coming up and I'm usually paying 3 or 6 months up-front.

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-01 14:18:54
[2022-02-01 15:19:26]
JVincent - Posts: 18
"You can open an account for as little as $100 and you will receive $0.20 per side commissions on the micros and $0.45 commissions on non micros plus exchange and regulatory fees"

Anthony Giacomin

What is the commission on interest rate futures at S5T?
[2022-02-01 15:24:58]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31

Good Question! For non Micro Interest Rate Futures, the commissions are $0.45 per contract plus exchange and NFA (Regulatory Fees). For Micro Interest Rate Futures the commissions would be $0.20 per contract plus exchange and NFA (Regulatory Fees).

Are there specific products you would like me to provide the all in rates for? If so, just let me know the products you are looking for and I will reply with full all in rates.

Thank you!

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-01 15:43:14]
JVincent - Posts: 18
Thanks Anthony,

I trade the Long Bond (ZB) futures exclusively, so the all in would be good to know...
[2022-02-01 15:52:23]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31

Perfect! The ALL-IN rates on the ZB would be the following: $0.45 (Commission/Clearing) + $0.02 (NFA Regulatory Fee) + $0.80 (Exchange Fee) = $1.27 per contract and $2.54 per round turn ALL-IN.

Feel free to reach out to sierrachart@s5trading.com and we will be happy to walk you through any additional questions you may have.

Thank you and have a great day!


Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-01 16:28:36]
User90125 - Posts: 715

Is it the same ALL-IN for the Ultra Bond (UB) futures?

And does Stage5 have reasonable DAY margins for UB and ZB (currently $1000 with Transact/Infinity)?

[2022-02-01 16:42:58]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31
Hi @User90125,

The ALL-IN rates on the UB would be the following: $0.45 (Commission/Clearing) + $0.02 (NFA Regulatory Fee) + $0.85 (Exchange Fee) = $1.32 per contract and $2.64 per round turn ALL-IN.
The ALL-IN rates on the ZB would be the following: $0.45 (Commission/Clearing) + $0.02 (NFA Regulatory Fee) + $0.80 (Exchange Fee) = $1.27 per contract and $2.54 per round turn ALL-IN.

The intraday margin for the ZB is $700 and the UB is $1,300. Intraday Margin is a double-edge sword. The lower the intraday margin the higher the leverage and larger your PnL swings.

I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions or we can further assist.

Thank you!

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-01 16:45:38]
Marek F - Posts: 244
1) What is the ALL-IN rates for the GC, CL, NQ and YM futures?

2) What is the day margin for the GC, CL, NQ and YM futures?

[2022-02-01 16:59:02]
User976943 - Posts: 39

What are the day margins for: ?


[2022-02-01 17:03:05]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31
Hi Sampater,


GC: $0.45 (Commission/Clearing) + $0.02 (NFA Regulatory Fee) + $1.55 (Exchange Fee) = $2.02 per contract and $4.04 per round turn ALL-IN.
CL: $0.45 (Commission/Clearing) + $0.02 (NFA Regulatory Fee) + $1.50 (Exchange Fee) = $1.97 per contract and $3.94 per round turn ALL-IN.
NQ: $0.45 (Commission/Clearing) + $0.02 (NFA Regulatory Fee) + $1.28 (Exchange Fee) = $1.75 per contract and $3.50 per round turn ALL-IN. - Exchange fees raised today: February 1st, 2022
YM: $0.45 (Commission/Clearing) + $0.02 (NFA Regulatory Fee) + $1.28 (Exchange Fee) = $1.75 per contract and $3.50 per round turn ALL-IN. - Exchange fees raised today: February 1st, 2022

Intraday Margin

GC: $1,200
CL: $1,230
NQ: $900
YM: $480

Intraday Margin is a double-edge sword. The lower the intraday margin the higher the leverage and larger your PnL swings.

I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions or we can further assist.

Thank you!

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-01 17:18:18]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31
Hi User976943,

Currently the Intraday Margin is:

MCL: $105
CL: $1,230
MES: $65
ES: $650

Intraday Margin is a double-edge sword. The lower the intraday margin the higher the leverage and larger your PnL swings.

I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions or we can further assist.

Thank you!

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-01 17:40:30]
JVincent - Posts: 18
does Stage5 supply the trading platform free of charge?
[2022-02-01 18:05:40]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31
Hi JVincent,

Unfortunately, you will need to purchase your Sierra Chart directly. Hopefully, the commission savings will create a win-win for you and you save more than the cost of Sierra!

Thank you!

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-01 18:37:31]
User976943 - Posts: 39

Are the exchange data fees paid via stage 5 account or sierra chart?

[2022-02-01 18:39:14]
User863830 - Posts: 23
Why does the Account Application for Stage 5 use the name "Advantage Futures"?
Are they the Clearing Firm?

What are all the Clearing firms Stage 5 uses?
[2022-02-01 18:47:14]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31
Yes! Advantage Futures is a Clearing Firm that Stage 5 uses for Teton Order Routing. In fact, Advantage was the FCM that we used to get everything up and running on Teton. They have been extremely supportive of this project and I believe see it as a strong value add as much as I do. At Advantage Futures Stage 5 manages Sierra Teton in house, which I feel gives us the ability to provide quicker and more customized service to traders as we don't need to involve the clearing firm with each specific request. We handle it internally, which I think is a HUGE bonus for our traders overall experience.

We also work with the following clearing firms:

Dorman Trading - Teton is available (Currently, Teton admin is ran by Dorman, not Stage 5)
Ironbeam - Teton will be available shortly, if it isn't available now
StoneX- Currently, Teton is not available
Tradestation - Currently, Teton is not available

I hope that helps clarify the parties involvement. Please let us know if you have additional questions or we can assist with anything further.

Thank you and have a great day!


Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-02-01 18:56:24]
User863830 - Posts: 23
Does Stage 5 have a 24/7 Trading desk phone number that we can use in case of emergencies.
(power outage, computer crashes...etc)
[2022-02-01 18:57:24]
Stage 5 Trading Corp. - Posts: 31

"Are the exchange data fees paid via stage 5 account or sierra chart?" - If you would like real time CME, CBOT, NYMEX, & COMEX market data, the fees will be billed through Sierra Directly. For FairX there is no charger for market data and can be enabled at any time. As long as you have a funded trading account with Stage 5 connected to Teton, you will be able to receive the CME markets data at reduced prices for Non-Pro traders. This will allow you to use the quality Denali Data Feed and receive the CME Fee Waiver for real time data as a Non-Professional trader. A great overall solution in my opinion!

Please let us know if you have any questions or we can assist with anything further.


Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

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