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[Locked] - Off-Topic (Unrelated to Sierra Chart): Information Regarding a Worldwide Hoax (Covid 19)

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[2021-06-15 11:14:10]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Doctor Matt Shelton on MD on New Zealand's Covid response:

Worse Than the Disease’ – Dr. Stephanie Seneff Sounds Off on Covid Jab After Shocking Jump in Vaccine Deaths:

Criminal Coverup! Hospitals Order Medical Workers to Hide Covid Vaccine Side-Effects and Death:

The Case against Covid-19 Pandemic scare:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-06-20 01:16:13
[2021-07-04 09:05:54]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR: ALL THEY HAVE TO DO TO MAKE PEOPLE COMPLY, IS GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO FEAR ("We are at in an inflection point in human history"):

Dr. Peter McCullough warns: Covid vaccinations of pregnant women an "atrocity" and "shameful":

Dr. Carrie Madej Goes FULL TRUTH on Jab, “There’s No Off Button”:

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-07-04 09:10:47
[2021-07-05 02:08:51]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This is the video that we meant to post of Robert F Kennedy Jr (Son of Robert F Kennedy who is the brother of John F. Kennedy, the US president) :

The one we posted in the prior post, is good, but this one is really makes the point well.

Please share this video. It is excellent.

Also looking at the background of where he was speaking, it seems to be the same as this background which was the very first video we posted in this thread:

So really this was all at the same time.

This thread has always made reference to and linked to outside knowledgeable people on the subject matter herein, who have important information to tell the public.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-07-05 02:16:18
[2021-07-19 07:32:30]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This post was shared by Doctor Tenpenny:
Words by Yolande Clark

“Please spare me your hypochondriacal entreaties to “stay safe.”

Safety is an illusion. It’s an illusion when it comes to birth, and every moment after, as we all progress inevitably towards death.

Safety is a farce. A performance.

I have no interest whatsoever in “staying safe”.

In fact, it disgusts me that “stay safe”, has become the standard—or virtuous—farewell du jour.

Stop cursing me with your pathetic terror.

Stop trying to enroll me in participating in your deluded phobia of embodiment.

And yes, your obsession with “staying safe” *is* delusional, because no matter how tightly you wrap yourself in plastic, or how often you saturate your skin with carcinogenic gel, no matter how many times you inject yourself like a junkie, safety will still, tragically, elude you. Safety is entirely illusory.

The only difference between my degree of safety and yours, is that I choose to *embrace* the reality that life is full of inevitable danger; that opportunity is always accompanied by uncertainty.

I *choose* the kind of possibility that only ever comes with risk.

I want precariousness and vulnerability.

And if I die tomorrow from a flu-like illness, or a bolt of lightening, I’ll take that a million times over your sanitized, contracted, masked, shuttered, abbreviated, but oh-so-safe existence.”
Additionally, if there really is some new virus out there (not denying that, only applying critical thinking) and being it is a respiratory virus, there is not a way to escape it. And in any case, if you want to try to escape it, fine that is your choice but governments have no right whatsoever to impose, restraints, upon free people and force injections. Individuals need to make their own decisions. It is essential to strengthen one's immune system and not be fearful. And therefore when one is exposed to it, you will not be impacted at all by it, or not seriously.

And the false statements, from the New Zealand government, which is illegitimate at is point in time, that New Zealand, is free of this alleged virus, is a lie. It can be proven, multiple ways that this is a lie including the fact that there are no false positives in New Zealand from this unreliable PCR test.

This virus, whether it exists or not, is alive and well in New Zealand. It is a hoax, to think New Zealand does not have a problem with the "virus". Plenty of people, get sick in the country with the flu and children are getting sick, with a serious respiratory syndrome. These conditions would be called covid in any other country. The government is operating an elaborate deception, so that as they implement their communist regime in New Zealand based upon a lot of tactics they are following to allegedly "control" this virus, which has nothing to do with the virus, they can then claim how that these things are good and this is how New Zealand has kept the country virus free.

And then try to push this agenda everywhere else. It is all an elaborate hoax and it is a lie and an outright lie , that New Zealand is free from the virus.

Update: We continue to receive information, confirming, that New Zealand is *not* "covid" free. This is confirmed, by respiratory conditions people are acquiring in the country, and acknowledged by everyday people in the country. It is statistically, and just inherently impossible for the country to be "covid" free. It is a lie and an intentional lie for the reason given above.

(Update 2021-08-23: We were proven right, with the recent lockdown implemented in New Zealand due to covid cases which have always existed but now they want to bring them out, to frighten the population to take this harmful injection.)
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-08-23 20:22:00
[2021-07-25 07:07:35]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Clearly what is going on in the world, only confirms what we have been saying in this thread, that this is all about domination and control to enslave humanity and there is a sinister agenda behind what is going on at this time.

The restrictions, being imposed upon people in the world exercising natural human rights, is not about protecting people's health. Whatever virus might exist, is within the category of cold and flu viruses, and is handled by the human immune system, and effective treatments which are available (Reference Doctor Peter McCullough).

However, these effective treatments are being suppressed by governments and big tech companies, and others because they are interfering with the sharing of information related to them, and the manufacturer, importation and distribution and application of them.

According to "Investigative Corona Committee Germany", there is no new virus at all.:

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for any public policy to be set or any public policy implementation to be done in relation to this alleged virus. Governments due to their structure, are massively ineffective and only do harm. And can only behave tyrannically. Individual people need to take care of their own health, and that is between themselves and those they choose to consult with. What governments are doing is fully criminal, regards to what they are doing relating to this "plandemic".

Look at what they are doing in Australia:

People in Australia are being told not to even speak to each other. This is flatly insane.

Look at what they are doing in the UK:
https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-07-23-pingdemic-insanity-uk-government-commits-nation-to-starvation-suicide-supply-chain-collapse.html (link updated to actual article rather than video)

Once again flatly insane.

It was also very clear, when these alleged "vaccines" were released, and there were statements from these criminal pharmaceutical companies about 95% effectiveness, that this was a flat out direct admission that the vaccines are ineffective. The quick explanation to this is simply that this is analyzed over a short period of time. And probably they were using various other techniques to come up with the result they were looking for. During that period of time, ones risk of getting this alleged virus without any vaccine , would be less than 5% based upon existing data relating to infections around the world. So just simply doing nothing you are already 95% likely not to be affected by this virus over a short time.

This is confirmed right here:

No one should be disagreeing with facts. Facts are what is most important. Even if someone disagrees, with something they are reading here, fine. Everyone has their own opinion on what should be done.

Therefore, let each individual person be in control of their own life. If they want to wear a good mask (if you have a good mask, it does not matter if others are wearing one or not), and keep isolated, and get a "vaccine", fine that is your choice. And what you do, is absolutely correct for yourself and no one should pass judgment. What is a mistake, is using the force of government to impose, controls upon others when these controls are not even necessary or effective.

There is not a deadly pandemic. That is a fact. The death rate of the alleged virus is similar to the flu. So there is not a reason for any public policy intervention, to the extent we are seeing. Each person needs to do what they think is right and be in control of their own life.

And this is exactly how we have lived, for thousands of years, regarding viruses of this category (colds and flus).

And yes, we do recognize there are places in the world where there are increased problems related to this alleged virus like India and Fiji and perhaps elsewhere. But there are effective treatments (being withheld), and it cannot be denied, that the increase of problems in these countries, coincides with the distribution of the "vaccine" (which it is not) in these countries. And there is plenty of hard fact, that the "vaccine", is causing deaths and injuries.

There is a massive crime being perpetrated against humanity at this time and everyone, who is aware of what is going, must raise awareness. What is very interesting though, is that "governments", are also involved in this. Not just them, you have big tech companies, pharmaceutical companies, other big businesses. But governments are being utilized, and the force of law is being utilized, to perpetrate this crime.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-07-26 06:09:04
[2021-07-28 07:57:01]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
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[2021-07-31 19:23:56]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Clearly the situation has gone critical. No one, who has a reasonable degree of intelligence, and who is aware of the facts can deny, that there is a very clear effort to control and enslave people far beyond, the level of control that has existed in the past, by tyrannical governments, people and organizations. This is so strikingly clear in so many places including Australia with what is going on in New South Wales and of course Victoria for even a longer amount of time.

No one is going to save us, but ourselves. This is one of the reasons for this thread is to create awareness.

And this alleged vaccine, is designed to control you and to hurt you and to eventually kill you (with repeated injections). People need to trust themselves and their immune system, be free, and be in control of their lives.

The End Of Freedom In America, Take Your Vaccine Or Die:

Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’:

Dr. Roger Hodkinson Completely Eviscerates The Official Covid-19 Narrative:

Dr. Peter McCullough: How the CDC Created the False Idea that 99% of Cases Are in the Unvaxxed:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-08-11 05:25:33
[2021-08-14 11:07:25]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Robert F Kennedy Junior also is drawing a parallel to 9/11 and the covid hoax at this time:

There are many others which say to understand what is going on regarding this covid hoax, assuming you are questioning or unsure about it still, it is necessary to understand 9/11.

Senator Rand Paul: Choose Freedom!:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-08-15 10:53:37
[2021-08-22 11:55:51]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Ex Pfizer vice president Dr Michael Yeadon and lawyer Reiner Fuellmich summarizing:


Good interview regarding Australia:

Good speech by an Australian senator:

That country is now fully imprisoned. This is very/deadly serious what is going on. People there are being forced into this harmful injection. A slow kill shot. And children, being rounded up, and herded into a stadium or wherever, and given the shot without their parents. This is pure genocide.

Now we want to talk a little bit about New Zealand and the lockdown that is going on.

Supposedly the country locked down due to one case. This is the false narrative put out by the criminal government. Yes it is true the country has locked down but only because they want to create fear and induce people into taking this harmful shot.

People need to realize the elaborate con job being perpetrated upon them by these criminals within the NZ government.

New Zealand did not lockdown because of one case.

The cases have always existed. This alleged virus, is in the realm of cold and flu viruses. There either is nothing new, or just a normal variation of them or even if there is something new, it is treatable. And very treatable ( Reference Doctor Vladimir Zelenko).

And there is no logic to locking down. Those who are not well need to rest and stay home and get the effective treatment. Everyone else needs to just live their life.

Putting people under house arrest, is simply a violation of natural law, and natural human rights.

But getting back to the elaborate con job being perpetrated. It can be proven multiple ways, that this virus has always existed within New Zealand. There is a lot that can be inferred based upon public information that the virus actually does exist. Also it has been communicated to me, that the NZ government has complete control over testing, and reporting, that there is a small number of people controlling the whole thing and they can tell whatever narrative they want at any given time and the whole thing is corrupt and has been going on for decades.

Do you ever wonder why there are no false positives in the country from this PCR test?

The government can make the virus appear and disappear at will, based upon reporting.

At any given moment in time, how many active respiratory viral related infections are there within the country. Would seem logical that there must be in excess of 10,000+/100,000+. Considering some infections are low-level and are going unnoticed. What the actual number is, is not known. However, it must be a very significant number.

There is not just one case. That is a statistical impossibility. They start off by saying there is one case because the only way they can make the virus magically appear, is by starting off with a case or two.

It is also statistic impossibility the virus did not exist within the country. It is not new. It must have existed. The official narrative, is that this covid case had no link to the border. First of all it is impossible to prove that one way or another. But let us assume it is true. So where did it come from? There are three explanations, it is a false positive, the virus always has existed and has gone unnoticed, or it has been known but not reported.

Considering the timing of this "case", perfectly synchronized with the release of this harmful "vaccine" within New Zealand, the virus cases have always been known, but just were not getting reported until they wanted to.

This is what we said a few weeks ago in post #28. Sierra Chart was right!

It is not likely a false positive because in general these have not existed within the country, because they in general for the most part, have been suppressing all positive cases until now. And it makes no sense to go from no cases, to suddenly a lot of cases of "covid". Something must have changed with reporting.

The other explanation is the vaccine is inducing people to create a variants and this sudden increase in cases is happening at the same time as the "vaccine" distribution.

It is for all of these reasons why New Zealand will never reach zero covid. Like they want to think they have, which they never have, and they can never achieve. There is one objective here. Implementation of communism and domination. That is all.

And managed isolation and quarantine does not work (the creation of truly sick socialist and communist minds). Viruses are within all of us, and they are just simply inactive most of the time. So the whole process of isolating people, who are asymptomatic is fully meaningless. Managed isolation is a con and a waste of money and a draconian measure to isolate the country and perpetrate fear.

So basically now they want to push this vaccine they begin to just make cases appear when they already have been there.

New Zealand is an excellent example where when the people are told there was no virus they can live normally when in fact the virus has always existed anyway.

Now they, the government, have instilled the irrational fear that there is a virus and now most people are behaving irrationally in New Zealand. When in fact the practical reality is nothing has changed whatsoever regarding the number of active viral respiratory infections within the country.

Even if there are some technical inaccuracies in the above presentation, still the basic premise of the argument given must be valid. It is statistically must be valid. Especially being it is well-known this PCR test, is so faulty, and has a very high false positive rate, and will pick up, cold and flu viruses, and the FDA has admitted, it is not even based upon an isolated SARS Cov 2 virus.

This is a comment, from someone regarding the closed border of New Zealand:
"Any government that would shut off it's communication lines with the world is a sign of a totalitarian state in the making. No matter how they explain it all away for "your good." It is probably easier to fly in and out of North Korea nowadays than New Zealand!""

It is safe to say, that New Zealand, is the new communist country in the world based upon the UN Agenda 2021 2030. Did they ever ask for the permission of the people of New Zealand to implement this? Hell no. It is being implemented at gunpoint and this is why they disarmed the people, through this false flag with the Christchurch shooting.

This post is not meant to speak poorly of the people of New Zealand. It is meant to awaken them.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-08-25 20:41:30
[2021-08-23 20:35:13]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Excellent article and video describing what is going on in the world now:


And this article is the basis of why we started this thread.
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[2021-09-07 05:41:25]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
The extreme and absurd tyranny in Australia:

The government in Australia is criminal and illegitimate.

This is where this covid hoax is leading. Everyone needs to be waking up and aware of what is going on.

At around the 21:00 time mark in the video, they also talk about 9/11. Very awake person. Thank you.

There is a lot of other content we want to post here, and we will try to get to that over the weekend.


Dr. Young Reveals Graphene, Aluminium, LNP Capsids, Parasite in 4 Vaccines:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-09-07 06:08:37
[2021-09-17 11:28:19]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Dr Reiner Füllmich Covid-19 Update - Aktualisierung des Rechtlichen Status:

Dr. Young Reveals Graphene, Aluminium, LNP Capsids, Parasite in 4 Vaccines:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z2sAH0Woz38r/ (This is a rather long technical video)
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-09-17 11:29:36
[2021-10-17 23:28:21]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Vaccine death report

Evidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events
resulting from the experimental COVID-19 injections
BY David John Sorensen & Doctor Vladimir Zelenko MD:

We have also attached two videos below.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-19 00:03:22
attachmentCOVID19_GENOCIDE_OF_2020_CLAIRE.mp4 - Attached On 2021-10-17 23:27:01 UTC - Size: 84.8 MB - 517 views
attachmentWhat is happening in Australia.mp4 - Attached On 2021-10-17 23:28:15 UTC - Size: 35.89 MB - 559 views
[2021-10-19 01:58:18]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
There is so much information, on these swabs they do in the deep nasal area, in order to run a PCR or other type of analysis on them related to this alleged virus.

Here is one such video that describes the harm from these:

We have experience with this. These tests are completely unnecessary, a form of torture, and requiring these, is purely criminal. Avoid these tests at all costs. They are harmful to you. That is fact.

The below video has an interview from a doctor who was with the World Health Organization. Among other things she talks about how doing a swab in the nose is totally unnecessary and is only to do harm to people.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-19 09:09:01
[2021-11-03 16:33:24]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Brilliant Speech Against Mandates. It is attached.

This is the full presentation (MEPs press conference on the abusive use of Green Certificate - EU Parliament ):

Probably going to be taken down by YouTube at some point. Certainly it will be on Bitchute.

Also attached is:
AustraliaOne_Party_A_Declaration_of_Sovereignty (A man with a lot of courage. We almost have that.)
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-11-04 00:55:34
attachmentBrilliant-Speech-Against-Mandates.mp4 - Attached On 2021-11-03 16:30:50 UTC - Size: 42.98 MB - 575 views
attachment2021_10_25_AustraliaOne_Party_A1_A_Declaration_of_Sovereignt.mp4 - Attached On 2021-11-04 00:54:58 UTC - Size: 8.81 MB - 372 views
[2021-11-14 17:57:21]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 15584
More insanity (Austria orders lockdown for residents who have not received COVID-19 vaccine):

Individual and free people know best what is right for their health and well-being. Not governments. People must be free. Not arbitrarily locked up because they do not want to take a shot which factually is unnecessary, and has caused a large amount of death and injuries.

This has nothing to do with people's health or hospitals. It is purely about domination and control over people.

Recent email below from Stop World Control. Now whether you believe in God or not or are religious or not, it is not relevant. There is a lot of good common sense information given in this message.
Dear Freedom Fighters,

My heart goes out to all who are afraid during these times. Therefore I want to give a quick encouragement.

Please understand this is not the end of the world, but a very dearly needed rebirth of many good things in the earth.

Although we are seeing the rolling out of the insane plans of the most wicked entities in existence - both on earth as in the invisible realm - this is having a very different effect than they planned.

Recently I asked God about Australia... I feel for the people in that majestic continent, who are being imprisoned by criminals who have no conscience and morals. The answer I got surprised me. This is what I heard:


That puzzled me at first, because you would expect to hear: “Great deliverance will come TO Australia.”

Instead I heard “... deliverance will come FROM Australia.”

When I started thinking about this, I realized that this is happening already. Because of the incredible tyranny in Australia, freedom fighters all across that continent are rising up to warn all of humanity.

Many of the best videos and posts that are warning the rest of the world, are coming from Australia, and they are going viral like crazy. Already a loud sound of truth, awakening and freedom is coming from this wonderful country.

What I want to show you is this: whatever the power of wickedness means for evil, is always turned around for GOOD. Always.

The more tyranny, the more freedom will come forth from that.

We see the same in Russia. After suffering under communism for decades, now the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, is perhaps the loudest voice on earth against it! I will soon post a video on StopWorldControl.com (I am in the car now - my wife driving) where you can hear Putin take a very bold stand against everything the wicked are trying to do. He speaks against tyranny, corruption, perversion, communism, etc. in a truly heartfelt and passionate way. Amazing.

The loudest voice for freedom in the world comes from the nation that sued to be known for its tyranny.

In America we see the same, just as in the U.K. and Europe: innumerable people are standing up and saying loud ‘NO!’ against all these crimes.

While the majority of us has never been interested or involved in politics or our communities, because we blindly and ignorantly thought we were being taken care of, now you see something happen that will change history profoundly: all over the world the good guys are starting to get involved in schools, local government, media, health care, etc.

I just had a phone call with a physician who is preparing to build a hospital for the people, by the people. That’s one example.

Dear freedom fighters: humanity needs this attack by the wicked. We desperately needed to see this level of evil. For centuries it has operated under the surface, behind the scenes, without any of us having a clue. But it has been enslaving humanity for as long as the world exists. Now the time has come for this worldwide network of evil to be exposed, judged and cast out.

This will not happen by some supernatural event where a divine superhero will come down and save us all. That wouldn’t help us.

Read this again: that would not help us.

Think about this: does it help a child if the parents always do everything for it? Of course not. A child needs to grow up, learn to make the right choices, and become a mature, wise, pure and powerful individual who can build a life that will be a blessing for the world.

Our Maker is not interested in us sitting around, waiting for him to fix everything for us. That leaves us like little children, who are not able to do anything.

If the bad guys are taken out by a higher power, without the good people learning anything, other bad guys will simply replace them and nothing changes. Because then we haven’t learned a thing.

WE have to change.
WE have to rise.
WE have to take the reigns in our hands. WE have to learn truth and become wise.

If the good people on earth call the shots, there is nothing the bad guys can do.

Plain and simple.

It’s only because the good people have not been involved in that which matters in this world, that the wicked have been able to completely seize control over every aspect of life.

Let me put it this way... listen carefully and please do not be offended by what I am about to say.

Please - please learn the critical difference between love, light, truth, freedom, healing, hope, purity and goodness... and the horrible oppression of man made religion.

I am not talking about religion, but about the basic foundation of our existence, which is the dimension of good and evil, light and darkness, goodness and wickedness...

When I mention our Maker, I refer to this realm of love that is the source of life, which this world needs. We have to say NO to darkness and evil - in all its forms - and wholeheartedly choose the reality of love and truth.

With that in mind, read the following:

Christ never intended to build a religion on earth. People turned his message into a religion, that completely twists everything Christ ever said and turned it into the exact opposite of what he meant.

What did he say?

Wait to be raptured away and leave humanity to rot in the cruel claws of the wicked, while you are safe and happy in heaven? No.

This is what he said:

Cast out the dark and evil spirits. End all injustice. Care for the poor. Expose all wickedness. Heal the sick.

And he called that: REIGN WITH ME.


Understand this: the message for all of humanity is not to be religious and irrelevant and wait to ‘get the hell outta here’, but the message for all of us is the exact opposite of that:

Bring healing. Bring freedom. Bring restoration. Be the sons and daughters of the Almighty that put an end to evil and bring the dimension of love and goodness down.

Religion turned that around and says: ‘Don’t try to heal the world, but wait to escape from it.’

That mindset was introduced into the church by the wicked, in order to make the good guys the most ineffective of all humans in existence. ‘Run around in circles in your churches, being totally irrelevant to the real world, while the wicked rule and reign in the courts, governments, health care, entertainment, technology and so on.’

Key sentences in the Bible were strategically mistranslated to create the illusion that the purpose of believers is to wait for an easy escape, so they would be rendered 100% ineffective and irrelevant to the rest of the world. A very cunning but sadly effective strategy.

Look at it this way: there are more churches in America than anywhere else in the world. You find a church on every block, and often multiple churches in one street. Yet in general all these Christians have zero influence in our governments, media or the major industries.

The highest seats are all occupied by criminals. Because they don’t focus on ‘fleeing this world’ but their focus is on conquering the world.

While the command given to the children of the light is: make all the people worldwide into children of the light. Bring love and truth to every nation worldwide. Cast our darkness everywhere. You are a royal people, sent to proclaim hope and life to everyone in the world.

The essence of the good news is not: believe so you can have an insurance for the afterlife. No. The message is: believe that the dimension of love is among us - called the kingdom of God - and bring this dimension everywhere.

We are the people called to make a difference. To be the ones who transform every aspect of our world. To bring heaven on earth, and put an end to every expression and working of hell - to use these archaic terms.

It’s only - think about it - because the good guys haven’t been doing this, and have instead been standing at the sidelines while the dark entities flooded the world - that we now have this worldwide network of criminals.


I am generalizing of course, as there are always good people who oppose evil. But I am talking about the majority.

We have believed the lies that governments care about the people, that health care agencies care about us, that food companies care about us, that pharmaceutical companies care about us, etc. While their only interest is always to a abuse humanity for their own enrichment and power.

Humanity cannot and may not be dependent on humans to care for them. We need to rely on the only One who is trustworthy, because he is pure love.

We have to rise up in the reality of this love and bring major deliverance to our world.

For too long humanity has been enslaved and we loved it. As long as we had some semblance of comfort and freedom: give me a pizza and a movie and I’m fine.

That’s not who we are meant to be.

In this current world crisis, where humanity sees the true face of those who claim to care for us, and sees how we are being abused, deceived, stolen from, imprisoned, we understand that we have to change.

It’s easy to say the bad guys have to be removed. What good does that do? Lock up one bad guy, and ten others come in his place. Don’t be fooled.

The heart of the problem is not the existence of bad entities. The true crisis is the absence of the good people. Instead of sitting in church all the time, we should be waging war in politics, media, hospitals, schools, where we say ‘NO!’ to insanity and corruption and demand justice, truth and good.

If the light shines, there is no darkness.

There are way more good people in this world than bad ones. But the bad guys have told the good guys they have to stand aside while they run the show. ‘You just wait for heaven dude, let us bring hell here on earth.’

That is the problem.

This world needs righteous judges. Not the corrupt judges that now claim to service justice while they defend all criminals, in return for a child they can abuse and dollars on their bank account.

One single judge can put an end to tyranny.

One single Sheriff can arrest a criminal governor. Why are they not doing it?

One single mother can confront the entire criminal school board about their insane practices that are destroying the children.

Stop depending on others.

Rise up and be the answer this world needs.

That’s the good news.

Our salvation doesn’t come from a supernatural dictator who comes down from heaven and kills the bad guys, so the good ones can continue their immature, lazy and selfish lives.

I am speaking bluntly now, and please don’t be offended.

But Jesus NEVER (!) said he would come down to be a dictator who forces humanity to be ‘good’. What nonsense! Yet most Christians believe that very thing. Christ will return, kill all the unbelievers and force his reign on all humanity against their will, and that will be ‘peace’.

Since when does an enforced dictatorship bring about a better world?

Love can never be enforced on people.

The change must come from WITHIN the hearts of the people. They have to discover true love, healing goodness, liberating truth, and so on. When people experience this true love and goodness, they gladly step away from the realm of darkness.

That’s why Christ said: My kingdom is not visible for the eye, but it’s within you.

He works in our hearts, makes us a dwelling place of love, and then changes the world through you and me, as we are sent as ambassadors of love.

That’s how the wicked also operate. They invite demons during satanic rituals, they get possessed with these dark entities, that then begin to rule the world through them.

Hillary Clinton wrote in her autobiography what a thrill it is to feel demons enter her body, during voodoo rituals. I kid you not.

They understand how the invisible dimensions enter humans and work through them.

They don’t wait for a supernatural demon to manifest visibly to overtake the world. They allow these entities to enter them and work through them.

We have to become vessels of the other side, where we dedicate ourselves to the Source of Life, Healing and Truth to fill us and make us doorways of deliverance for the world.

God lives in us. We don’t wait for a new stone temple, but we are the place where the Almighty chooses to be. In our hearts and lives.

This world needs love, that comes to them through real people. Truth that manifests in you and me. Goodness that is proven by acts and not words.

Hear my heart please.

We may all differ in our understanding of who the Origin of Love is. That’s because the cabal has created as much confusion as possible about this.

But Christ was very clear when he said what he came to do: make us children of the Most High and send us out to heal the world. Bring the dimension of goodness everywhere we go. Starting in our own life and environment.

And that is what I see happening worldwide. This whole crisis is shaking hundreds of people awake. We understand WE have to stand up.

This world is not going to become better if the good people do nothing, while the wicked are tirelessly laboring to enslave and destroy this world.

We need to stop being consumers and babies, and become warriors who daily connect with the One who is pure love, learn how to live in this wonderful dimension and then release that amazing force of healing all around us.

That is our destiny. Not waiting for an escape.

Rise up. Take your position. Learn truth. Allow the pain of humanity to break your heart, so you will do anything to save the hurting children. And become a warrior that will not back down from these demons, but that will destroy them.

The world is waiting for you and me.

People of love and truth, rise up and change this world.

That’s the answer.

And that what is happening.

That’s why there is hope.

Australia, I pray for you and I hear that you will be a beacon of light for the world. May this encourage you. The tyranny will fail and the people of Australia will be awake and build a better world.

The same for Canada, the U.K. and all of the world.

This is the time where the wicked expose themselves and the righteous wake up and arise to take their place of authority.

New media are being born, new health care is being set up, new politics is being formed, etc.


In His love
David Sorensen

Do Not Give Up Your Rights:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-11-15 00:20:58
[2021-11-20 03:03:04]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Truly World War III:

The new weapon are these injections which are ineffective and harmful and all about domination and control and killing.

Discussion about the ineffectiveness of these injections:


This thread is now going to be permanently at the top of this Support Board. Everybody must speak out against the crimes against humanity at this time.

And we challenge everyone else in the industry to speak out about the truth. If they do not, then they are weak and Sierra Chart is strong.


We attached a video, that explains the method by which they terminate a person's life in a hospital.


What we are really seeing, is that those people in positions of dominance and control, are now realizing they are losing control and they are acting very irrationally at this time. They are running scared. And they are demonstrating they are illegitimate and criminal.

They are scared for things like this Switzerland referendum to decide against the vaccine passport in Switzerland. So they are just simply raising as much fear as they can to try to counter freedom initiatives and an awakening of people to the truth of what is going on.

We must keep up the truth and independence. If you agree, then avoid vaccines, avoid masks, avoid these inaccurate and harmful alleged virus tests, avoid vaccine passports, avoid giving into the fear, and get out and get fresh air and stay healthy and exercise.

All of this nonsense, regarding this alleged virus, "vaccines", cases, testing, lockdowns, mask wearing, all of this God damn insanity ends when people do not comply. Do not comply. You are in control of your own life and no one has any right to tell you what to do. Do not comply and manage your own life the way you think is best for yourself. People know what is best for themselves, and they need to be strongly independent. Governments are an instrument of tyranny now (they always have been but more recognizable now). There must be decentralization of power to individual people and local communities. Communism is evil.

And there is another video which we will attach, which explains that these diseases are being spread through flu vaccines.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-11-26 00:42:12
attachmentHospital Murder Protocol.mp4 - Attached On 2021-11-20 11:07:26 UTC - Size: 22.5 MB - 440 views
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attachmentDr. Judy Mikovitis interview.mp4 - Attached On 2021-11-22 12:06:25 UTC - Size: 221.2 MB - 624 views
[2021-11-26 00:43:37]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Video attached (See bottom of post) about the referendum in Switzerland and the seriousness of the situation the world is facing.

"They need your children! A new financial reset is imminent.":
(See attachment FinancialReset_VaccinePassport.mp4)
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-12-01 15:02:39
attachmentSwiss Referendum November 28th_ENG_TG_2.mp4 - Attached On 2021-11-26 00:43:30 UTC - Size: 31.06 MB - 420 views
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[2021-11-26 20:31:31]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
As we have been consistent with in the very beginning and continue to be very clear with at this time, this whole situation regarding this alleged virus, is all about domination and control and to enslave humanity, and put us under an extreme degree of control with our actions and lives, by some organizations and governments, with way too much power.

This is not going to stop considering where we are at today and the latest alleged virus variant which according to former chief science officer with Pfizer, Doctor Michael Yeadon, is a normal and minimal variation and to be expected, and nothing to be fearful of at all. Assuming it even exists, and assuming viruses even cause illness rather than the state of one's health and environment (only applying critical thought here. There is plenty of research on the subject challenging the "mainstream beliefs"). In any case, there are effective inexpensive treatments.

And this is supposedly coming out of Africa mind you where the vaccination rate is very low. So obviously they are being targeted with these allegations of some variant, in order to put pressure on them.

Anyway aside from that, clearly the trend of more and more freedom being taken away, is not stopping. It is continuing at an accelerated pace.

They are going for supreme control and it will get to a point, where you cannot even have a bank account without taking these death shots (the "vaccine") and regular boosters. Considering the real death toll of the shots, and the fact that French virologist Luc Montagnier ( https://t.me/LucMontagnier) has said that people will die from the shots and there is nothing that can be done is the reason why we use that term to describe the shot.

So what does this mean. Yes it is going to get to a point, where even trading requires you to get the shot. If you do not want to get the shot, and that is your choice, you are not even going to be able to trade. So you can see the relevancy here. You can see why we started this thread more than a year ago.

See the YouTube video in the prior post for confirmation of what we are saying here. And they are not the only one saying this. It is right in front of us, and this has been talked about by many people, who have either worked on the inside, or familiar with it, for a while now.

So you are not just going to be able to stay at home, and think you can trade, and avoid the shot. It is coming. That is why mass noncompliance is absolutely essential.

It is the position of Sierra Chart, that your health is your responsibility and only your responsibility and only your concern. The state has no right to get involved in your health what so ever. And states/governments must have no involvement in healthcare whatsoever. When they do, you can see where it leads.

Sierra Chart is absolutely opposed to vaccine mandates for bank accounts, trading accounts or for anything.

This is why we have been planning to create a gold backed exchange. This is still, our intention. We will not say anything further in this regard right now.


And we remember when we started this thread, there were a few people on Futures I/O making fun of us and one broker who thought none of this was relevant. Well they have been proven 100% wrong and we have been proven 100% right. You can see we are intelligent and we have the foresight and we know what is going on. We want people to be strong and independent and self-sufficient and not be slaves to the system. Why would people want to be slaves, why would they want to think there is someone else smarter than them, and why would they want to give away their money to others or their power to others. It makes no sense. Be strong and independent. One should not believe in the false promises of communism and collectivism.

The person who started the thread on the Futures IO form, stating that Sierra Chart is involved in conspiracy theories, is publicly proclaiming their ignorance, and their obedience to the slavery imposed upon them by their masters in their government. Those who followed up in agreement, are the same.

We are stating very clearly where we stand. We hope others would do the same.

Our position is that we are firmly and absolutely opposed to vaccine mandates, to central control of people's lives, and to vaccine passports, and furthermore we will find alternatives for our customer base, when these mandates start to occur and affect people's ability to do transactions, and trade.

We have come a long way with Sierra Chart and we can stand on our own, and we can provide full-services ourselves. We do not need anyone else including eventually we do not even need the banks.

The situation is quite serious:

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-06-06 14:38:05
[2022-01-02 19:02:44]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
"The COVID-19 Fraud & War On Humanity (Part 2)":



This is the video that got Doctor Robert Malone (https://t.me/RWMaloneMD) banned off of Twitter for posting. It is a very informative video.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-02 19:43:03
attachmentThe-Pfizer-Inoculations-Do-More-Harm-Than-Good-Rumble-.mp4 - Attached On 2022-01-02 19:02:15 UTC - Size: 117.78 MB - 398 views
[2022-01-22 23:45:10]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We are now seeing in Canada children being conditioned into thinking that people who do not have the so-called "vaccine", somehow are a threat to others and they should call the police on them:


This is the result of "vaccine" mandates, and the laws which exclude those who want to maintain good health independent from these "vaccines", from participating normally in their communities and elsewhere. So obviously younger people are now believing they are a threat and the police should be called upon them.

It is this kind of conditioning which leads to things like the Holocaust. And of course it is happening now.

And really the reality is, is doctors/scientists like Geert Vanden Bossche say it is the opposite. That the people who have received the "vaccine" are the ones generating the variants:



Whatever one wants to think of these "vaccines", it is important to realize, that you as an individual are smarter than anyone when it comes to determining what is best for you. You do not need to be a doctor. You already are your own doctor. You know yourself better than any doctor can.

The idea that some manufactured product from a pharmaceutical company, which is enriching that pharmaceutical company, and where they are shielded from liability, is somehow a solution to this alleged "pandemic", is simply void of any merit at all. And those who are pushing and mandating this "vaccine", are clearly engaging in serious criminal conduct, and are guilty of assault and murder.


"Dr. Pierre Kory Shines A Light On The Information War We Are In For The Defeat The Mandates Rally":
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-23 23:41:08
[2022-02-01 14:25:03]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We have posted some attachments here from Doctor Tenpenny's Telegram Channel, related to the Canadian truckers and in support of them.

Doctor Tenpenny's Telegram channel:

We will also post some videos related to the recent rally in Washington DC opposing vaccine mandates. A lot of good information especially from the doctors speaking during the hearings organized by Senator Ron Johnson.

From Doctor Tenpenny:
The greatest trick our Govt ever pulled was to make you believe you were sick without any symptoms !
This is the fundamental problem with these harmful covid tests, which are simply harmful, and invasive, and a form of torture when they are doing deep nasal swabs. They are completely meaningless. They are not testing for the actual virus, instead traces of genetic material related to flu viruses because the alleged virus has never been isolated. There is no specific test for it because it has not been isolated. And more importantly these tests do not prove infection and they do not prove, that someone is ill. It is all completely meaningless and all there to create fear. If you are asymptomatic you are fine. If you have cold symptoms or flu symptoms, that is what you have. Treat the symptoms appropriately.

If there is something more going on, then get fast appropriate treatment. There is cheap effective treatment for this "covid" condition, if it is something more than an ordinary cold.

What is happening in Austria, truly is crimes against humanity and genocide:

This is a true Holocaust.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-02 07:24:47
imageCanadian Truckers.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-02-01 14:24:40 UTC - Size: 152.21 KB - 299 views
imageCanada Tyranny Meme.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-02-01 14:24:44 UTC - Size: 36.62 KB - 279 views
[2022-02-08 03:43:37]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Excellent video:

"Enough is Enough | Dr. Julie Ponesse Speaks to Ottawa Trucker Convoy"

If you agree, please support in some way the Canadian truckers as they are under attack at this time. A prayer is enough.

Covid 19 A second Opinion
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-08 12:05:18
attachmentCOVID-19_ A Second Opinion.mp4 - Attached On 2022-02-08 03:43:05 UTC - Size: 94.55 MB - 364 views
[2022-02-13 21:38:58]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Excellent video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO0ZpXaYZX4 (Freedom Convoy Truth by Dr. Daniel Nagase "Taxation Slavery")

This person understands the facts.

There has been a pattern of domination and control, for a long time now. This is why we said previously regarding the 9/11 operation:
Governments always like to claim, that this is to stop terrorist financing. It is nothing of the sort. It is all about governments maintaining absolute financial supremacy over you, and ensuring compliance with their taxes in order to steal more from you.

We are already slaves. That is absolute fact. And now they want our lives and they want us to be 100% slaves.

And we also have a major problem, with fees, from one dominant exchange that we work with. This is not right at all. We will bring this to an end by creating an alternative.

"Fact-check: New Zealand can’t find the “SARS-CoV-2 virus”":
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-14 09:19:43
[2022-02-27 22:27:11]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368

Contagion Myth -Session 1 Tom Cowan:

(Regarding the above video come to your conclusions. Just sharing different perspectives. However it is very important, to reanalyze everything and not accept what we have been told and taught for a long time because a lot of it is lies.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-27 23:20:15
[2022-03-13 11:35:33]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Episode 44: Dr. Mark Bailey - Dismantling Germ Theory:
https://www.humanley.com/blog/episode44 (An alternative perspective. Contains good information about the techniques used to identify a virus and the validity of those. )

Attached are comments from Robert F Kennedy Junior and Doctor Vladimir Zelenko regarding evidence release from Pfizer, about the serious and widespread effects of the "vaccines".

Robert F Kennedy Junior: "People need to be able to see those studies and understand the criminal deception imposed upon them".

This is what we have been saying all along.

Prior comments from us regarding these vaccines and vaccine companies/businesses/governments:

Instead, there is the pushing of this vaccine by idiot and incompetent drug companies who only want to profit off of people and break down the will of people and do harm to them.

What makes them so smart. What makes them so smart to create a toxic substance, and do harm to people (Not so well worded. What we are trying to say is the pharmaceutical companies are not so smart regarding creating a highly effective immune substance, and instead they are creating a toxic substance.). They are bunch of dumb idiots, and only want to do harm to you.

And then we have the criminals within our governments, stealing our money and wealth through taxation, and wasting it on these toxic vaccines and benefiting drug companies. This is just plain outrageous. Why people continue to put up with this garbage is beyond belief.

There is indeed a criminal conspiracy going on. Governments around the world are fully hijacked, and infiltrated by criminals. This also applies to big tech companies and major media organizations. People must take back their power, and gain their independence from the system.

And all of this based upon a virus which probably never has existed or greatly diminished down, and went away, in the earliest months of the "plandemic".

How is it, the Delta variant no longer is around, now there is only this omicron. They cannot possibly distinguish one variant from another. Once you understand, the methods of analysis, they cannot even identify a virus to begin with. The method of actually definitively proving the existence of a complex pathogen like a virus, is very difficult. Rapid tests and PCR tests simply cannot do it. Refer to the video linked at the beginning of this post. So that video actually is highly relevant here.

There must be all kinds of virus variants (assuming, pathogenic viruses even exist), existing simultaneously all over the world. When they say now there is the Delta variant. Pure propaganda. And then when they say that there is the omicron variant and the Delta is gone. Once again pure propaganda. It is all just a bunch of a idiotic marketing.

The point we are making, is if there is a pathogenic virus causing respiratory illness, it still must exist and it will continue to exist because these are in the realm of cold and flu viruses. There are all kinds of variants of them that exist simultaneously. And whether you are affected by them or not, all depends upon the state of your health and your immune system. Any other story, is just simply propaganda. There simply is nothing to fear. Until such time they actually do release something, which is very real and harmful. This may come. The question is, what would be the method of delivery.

Apparently this whole discussion of omicron is a false story ( an allegedly less harmful variant, that the vaccines are not effective against), in order to get out of this whole propaganda story of "cases" and "vaccines" they have been perpetrating on us.

And once again we do not deny that some people are getting sick with various types of respiratory illnesses which can have various causes. The solution is effective and inexpensive and early treatment for these conditions.

The reaction to these illnesses, by governments and some businesses, by utilizing lockdowns, quarantine/imprisonment, travel restrictions, forced business closures, masks, and toxic shots, is all about domination and control and with the objective of enslavement of humanity regarding your actions, and your finances and your general life. Making you a slave pure and simple and then dispensing with your life when they want.

And now, we are facing World War III. All very engineered and provoked. And all of the reaction, and all of the sanctions have always been fully intended long before the overt conflict began within Ukraine, and are solely there to cause economic damage upon the West and provoke further conflict. There is no effort, to de-escalate, and understand the underlying causes. Instead, only an effort to escalate, and put out false Russia propaganda in order to demonize them.

There actually was a superb video on YouTube we saw about a week ago from an American, explaining this whole situation going on in Ukraine. Really stating all of the facts and all the background information. If we can find it we will post it here.


We truly live in a world of mass lies and deception. People need to wake up, and realize, you are being lied to. Be strong and independent and free, and do not let anyone take away your freedom, even if they claim they are the "government". They are not there to serve you and will only make you a slave.

And it was very appropriate for us to include information about 9/11 in the first post of this thread. It has high relevancy, because that is all a part of a sophisticated scheme of domination of people and their travels, financial transactions, and domination in certain geographical regions in this world. All based upon lies and deception. The federal government wanted nothing more, than to dominate air travel within the United States, to an even more extreme level.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-03-18 21:26:26
attachmentRobert_F_Kennedy_Junior_About_Evidence_From_Pfizer.mp4 - Attached On 2022-03-13 11:29:04 UTC - Size: 32.58 MB - 484 views
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