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[Locked] - Off-Topic (Unrelated to Sierra Chart): Information Regarding a Worldwide Hoax (Covid 19)

View Count: 28377

[2023-02-12 18:53:39]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 15584
"Urgent Warning to Everyone, Doctor Vernon Coleman":

"How to prepare for bank bail-ins , Natural News":

"Fauci now today in a published paper (CELL) says the COVID gene injection vaccine & similar respiratory vaccines were problematic to begin & likely DO NOT WORK & CANNOT work, NOT as is; What? AMNESTY?, Doctor become Paul Alexander":

Dr Mike Yeadon:

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. I’m asking that you listen to all of this, I think it’s 15min or less. Sasha Latypova describes what we & others found about these “injected products” which we knew we fraudulent, by virtue of the strictly impossible timescale. Katherine Watt’s legal analysis explains the how. This is the position the world is now poised & in which you MUST see all the other apparently unrelated WEF related moves: CBDCs, collapsing supply chains, removal of farmers, the growth of insect factories, the 15 minute cities, the digital ID & much more.
If you choose instead to shrug or look the other way, your comfortable, free life will soon be a memory.
The irresistible response is best mounted by as many people as possible simultaneously learning how sorely treated and misled we have been since 2020.
Most politicians & media appear to be completely going along with it all. The medical community has permanently destroyed trust. I doubt they’ll ever get it back in the current configuration.
Best wishes

👉 https://t.me/DrMikeYeadon

Also see attachment .

Telegram link to particular post: https://t.me/DrMikeYeadon/1047


One more thing: "America 2023: Sleepwalking into World War III":

One more thing:
President Trumps executive orders, assuming these were executive orders, to remove the United States from the Paris Climate Accords, and remove the US from the World Health/Hell Organization are superb world class acts. Very very smart.

Stock up on food, and reduce your holdings in the banks and into gold and silver. Real physical gold and silver and not ETFs. Yes gold and silver are manipulated and suppressed in price, but still holding the real physical, for funds you do not need for an extended time is going to be best.

Noncompliance, and not giving into fear, and remaining strongly independent, and not going along with all of this attempts at a worldwide communism, is how we are going to overcome all of this.

And most importantly stay away from these vaccines. All of them. Not just these toxic covid shots. They must all be considered suspect until proven otherwise.

And a message for the world. Humans are not meant to eat bugs. These are toxic for humans. Anyone pushing bugs for human consumption, is both satanically and demonically possessed.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-02-12 19:56:35
attachmentssstwitter.com_1676117749323.mp4 - Attached On 2023-02-12 18:53:35 UTC - Size: 53.91 MB - 254 views
[2023-02-25 14:48:58]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 15584
From Doctor Andrew Kaufman's website:

"Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)":

"The Covid-19(84) COMPUTER SIMULATION EXPOSED With Dr. Andrew Kaufman!!!":

"Project Veritas and the “Virus” ":

"Speech about NZ Documentary 'River of Lies-NZ Scamdemic Investigative Documentary":

Often we see references to "vaccine" in relation to the alleged covid-19 virus. This is not a vaccine! It is a bio weapon. It is a death by lethal injection shot and that is what it needs to be called.

In regards to the above videos and information about whether the covid 19 virus exists or whether pathogenic respiratory viruses exist, it is important to question these things and not rely upon, what you have been taught or believe in. It is important to rethink everything. The question is what are the facts.

When you look at the official definition of a virus:
Any of various submicroscopic agents that infect living organisms, often causing disease, and that consist of a single or double strand of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat. Unable to replicate without a host cell, viruses are typically not considered living organisms.

By itself, it is not a living organism and it is not able to replicate without a host cell. This raises serious questions as to the whole concept, of viral theory. This could easily be something else.

It makes a lot of sense, that what are alleged to be viruses, in fact are waste materials related to detoxification of cells. It does not mean there are no pathogens which can make us ill. There are certainly all kinds of pathogens and chemicals that can make us very very ill.

To blindly believe there is some covid 19 virus which came out of Wuhan China that is responsible for all the tyranny and illness we have seen since then and being blamed upon it, is not reasonable. There is only the propaganda pushing this narrative. The PCR and rapid antigen tests, are simply faulty and inaccurate. They cannot do what they claim.

There would have to be a more durable means of distribution and multiple distribution points. These covid injections including flu injections, are a very good way to distribute, the harmful pathogens. And there are certainly many more laboratories producing these pathogens including laboratories we are hearing about in Ukraine.

FINALLY: Idaho Bill To Make CLOT SHOT ILLEGAL: Administering mRNA TECH To Be Made CRIMINAL In Idaho?:



Two videos attached. One for fun. Sorry about the Info Wars advertising at the end of the Elmo video. Nothing against Info Wars, they are great.

We have entered very dark and confusing times in this world. And is important, to be strongly independent and educated on the facts.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-02-25 16:54:13
attachmentTulsi_Gabbard_video_2023-02-23_07-26-20.mp4 - Attached On 2023-02-25 14:32:22 UTC - Size: 13.84 MB - 230 views
attachmentElmo vaccine banned-video.mp4 - Attached On 2023-02-25 14:34:38 UTC - Size: 56.54 MB - 246 views
[2023-03-26 19:31:17]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 15584
From Doctor Mike Yeadon:
"Why I don’t believe there ever was a Covid virus":

Probably not. There may have been pathogens made and spread around through more durable means like flu shots.

And certainly these bio weapon shots, covid shots, is another means by which people are being injured and killed.

"The origins of COVID 19":

One thing that Doctor Sam Bailey has mentioned is why would anyone trust the US federal government, and their alleged knowledge of the origin of this alleged virus. The government are liars. Just like there lies regarding 9/11. 9/11 was an inside job with the main perpetrator the US deep state.

Once again the alleged origin of COVID 19 is fully intended to distract you from the fact that there are hundreds of explanations for why people have gotten ill the last few years and for all that has happened. There is not any one set answer. And the probability, that there was some new respiratory pathogen that was getting breathed around the world, causing so much trouble is very low. There is no evidence to support that.

And most importantly, it is designed to distract you and and trying to get attention away from the fact that everything that was done regarding the restricting of people's freedoms and inducing people to take these bio weapon shots, somehow was justified because there was some alleged new virus going around when that is a false story.

And another thing which is overwhelming common sense, is that the claim that of these covid shots prevent the transmission of COVID 19 is a complete false claim from the very time any claim like that was being mentioned. The reason is very simple. Whatever they are injecting into a human, with the shots, is not a sterilizing agent that is killing off and destroying pathogens like bacteria or something like that. At best, which it is not, it is inducing an immune reaction to assist with the breakdown of a of an alleged virus. Therefore, if someone is getting ill from this alleged virus and if it is true, that they are spreading viral particles out when they are breathing and that could cause someone else to become "infected", then this process is going to occur whether someone has taken the shot or not.

The fairytales, being told about COVID 19 are so patently absurd, and should immediately be recognized, by any intelligent person right away. Do not believe the lies! Nothing the government tells you is true. Not only is everything governments around the world are saying is false, but they are deliberately sabotaging life for all of us. Doing everything they can to inflict harm upon humanity in every possible way.

"9/11 and COVID19 False Flag Operations UNRAVELED! More Explosive Evidence revealed by Richard Gage":

Numerous videos attached.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-03-26 20:10:25
attachmentcovid_propaganda_exposure_video_2023-03-05_10-20-10.mp4 - Attached On 2023-03-26 09:43:20 UTC - Size: 22.68 MB - 204 views
attachmentGermanDoctorSmashtheWHOIntoAThousandPieces.mp4 - Attached On 2023-03-26 10:03:54 UTC - Size: 138.23 MB - 305 views
attachmentMatt_Hancock,_Anatomy_of_A_Fraudster_Frighten_The_Pants_Off_.mp4 - Attached On 2023-03-26 10:04:39 UTC - Size: 4.03 MB - 161 views
attachmenttom_renz_interview_covid_US_DOD_operation.mp4 - Attached On 2023-03-26 19:26:29 UTC - Size: 7.89 MB - 206 views
attachmentPeople_gave_up_their_rights_and_submitted_to_medical_tyranny.mp4 - Attached On 2023-03-26 19:26:41 UTC - Size: 4.06 MB - 194 views
attachmentRobert_F_Kennedy_harms_vaccines.mp4 - Attached On 2023-03-26 19:27:09 UTC - Size: 26.68 MB - 166 views
attachmentWalensky was lying to Congress.mp4 - Attached On 2023-03-26 19:27:18 UTC - Size: 454.89 KB - 201 views
[2023-04-09 11:17:32]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 15584
"Alex Jones Breaks Down The Great Reset":


Unrelated to the above, there was one video or a link to a page with the video, where Doctor Peter McCullough was interviewing a nurse who worked at a hospital in Queens New York. She was explaining, that it was not true, that hospitals were full or overwhelmed. This was not true at all and it was the exact opposite. It was all a lie. The governor of New York and the mayor of New York, were just simply outright lying and telling fairytales. Which they do best.

And she also said that patients did not have covid in the hospital where she worked. Instead, they had various other conditions, and they were not getting proper care and left to die.

This only confirms, what we have said from the very beginning.

We are not able to find, that video but when we do, we will post it.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-04-09 11:22:13
[2023-04-18 03:13:49]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 15584
All of what is going on in the world at this time, and for quite many decades, but more recently since the covid hoax, is only for one purpose and that is depopulation and domination and control over humanity.

Now the deranged Satan worshipers are claiming rice is a threat:


The concept of the "greenhouse gas" is another hoax and always has been. The entire atmosphere functions as a greenhouse which is very necessary for life on this planet. Small changes, in parts per million, of gases like CO2 are not going to cause a catastrophic problem.

The temperature of the planet, is naturally regulated, through the seasons, and through night and day and the atmosphere. Natural gases like methane and CO2 are perfectly fine. These are very essential natural parts of life on the planet. Small changes in the PPM of these gases make no difference to the thermal properties of the atmosphere, none whatsoever. The thermal properties of the atmosphere are more affected by the water content and clouds. Gases like CO2 and methane, are completely insignificant. These gases do not generate heat. Global warming is an impossibility.

More information has been posted here on this subject:
Off-Topic (Unrelated to Sierra Chart): Information Regarding a Worldwide Hoax (Covid 19) | Post: 333425

Please do not believe these hoaxes.

There is no such thing as climate change. This is another completely vague nonsensical term. Man-made catastrophic climate change from normal activities does not exist. It never has. The point is, that this is a vague nonsensical term. It does not make any sense and that is why we say there is no such thing as this. Ultimately for those who claim climate change, are alleging man-made catastrophic climate change. They absolutely believe we are facing catastrophic situation, and we are running out of time unless, self-appointed governments tax us more and lock us into 15 minute cities to save us from ourselves.

Certainly there can be climate changes, caused by deliberate geo-engineering. But not, from normal activity and the release of CO2. That is the point.

This posting must be read along with the more comprehensive information, regarding the allegation of "climate change" here:
Off-Topic (Unrelated to Sierra Chart): Information Regarding a Worldwide Hoax (Covid 19) | Post: 333425

Further to support the the hoax, is the fact that these tyrants are saying rice is a problem, cows are a problem, farms are problem, people breathing is a problem. Bill Gates says there are too many people on the planet. You can see what these tyrants do want and they want to kill you by any means they can.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-04-25 13:50:05
[2023-12-04 05:13:41]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 15584
"M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations) (related to Ministry of Health data in New Zealand proving Bioweapon covid shots cause death)":

"It's time for criminal charges to be filed against the NZ Ministry of Health officials. NOW!":

"They are so afraid of this data that the best strategy was to censor it: they convinced Wasabi to inactivate my account! ":


Additional attachments.
Message to Parliament member Winston Peters in New Zealand:

Dear Winston Peters,

Liz Gunn, has put out a video of the whistleblower having been raided by the New Zealand police, clearly related to releasing the anonymized Ministry of Health data exposing excess deaths from the covid bioweapon shots, which demonstrates clear wrongdoing on the part of all those involved in decision-making related to the purchasing and forcing these shots on the New Zealand people.

The New Zealand government has been repeatedly warned, about the danger of these shots, but yet they have repeatedly ignored these warnings, and deliberately censored people and imprisoned people related to this. This is very serious crimes against humanity.

Please stop these raids, and insist on an immediate release of this person and any related persons who have also been affected by these New Zealand police raids. This person is someone who is acting in the interest of the New Zealand people and the world. He is not a criminal.

Message sent to New Zealand lawyers in 2021 August at the early preliminary start of the shots being given to the New Zealand people:
Do you know, that the NZ government is paying 200 NZD per injection to Pfizer to murder and disable the New Zealand people. [removed] And then they keep these agreements private and agree to even defend Pfizer against the murder and infliction of suffering upon the NZ people, that there injections are actively doing at this time. This is nothing more than God damn insanity. It's pure God damn evil.

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-12-04 07:29:00
imageSteveKirsch_NZDataGenuine_photo_2023-12-03_23-59-54.jpg / V - Attached On 2023-12-04 05:03:00 UTC - Size: 126.54 KB - 120 views
imageZeeeMedia_NZWhistleblower_photo_2023-12-03_23-58-38.jpg / V - Attached On 2023-12-04 05:03:23 UTC - Size: 81.25 KB - 106 views

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