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Alert Manager & Chart display issue.

View Count: 1863

[2013-12-17 19:07:31]
stevel - Posts: 19

I've come across an issue in that when you double click on an alert in the Alert Manager it displays the relevant chart but its not updating it properly.
If you scroll the chart right it starts hiding data and doesn't show any new data until the issue is cleared.
The only way I've found so far to clear the issue is to scroll the chart window to the left until all the new data is displayed. The chart then starts displaying correctly.

Easiest way to reproduce this issue is open a chart via the Alert Manager, scroll the chart so that the latest price is displayed in the middle of the chart and then double click on the Alert Manager again in order to redisplay the chart. Now scroll the chart to the right to see what happens to the display.
[2013-12-17 19:14:45]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Sounds like you have some scaling issue going on. Refer to this help topic:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2013-12-17 19:56:54]
stevel - Posts: 19
Thanks for the quick reply.
Yes, the issue does sound similar to the one you've referred to but I've checked all my study and chart scale settings and they are all set to automatic. I noticed the issue when using the Ichimoku study however I've just setup a new blank chart and setup a basic 2xEMA cross alert and I still get the same issue. The issue also only occurs after viewing a chart via the Alert Manager and I don't have scaling issues at any other times.

Chart > Reset Scales does clear the problem but it isn't very practical if you have to press it every time you view a chart via the Alert Manager.
[2013-12-17 20:05:40]
stevel - Posts: 19
Another observation, it only seems to happen if your viewing an older alert and new bars have been printed since that alert. It doesn't happen if the chart is still on the same price bar from when the alert occurred.
[2013-12-18 09:10:02]
stevel - Posts: 19
After doing a bit more testing today, I can also confirm that the issue occurs on a basic chart without any studies attached. Scale is set to automatic in chart settings.
[2013-12-18 19:10:43]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Thank you for the details. We will be looking into this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2013-12-22 23:35:55]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We cannot reproduce the problem and we see absolutely no technical reason why such a problem would even occur to begin with. It makes no technical sense with the way that going to a particular position in the chart from the Alerts Log works.

Not sure how we can help with this.

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2013-12-23 00:57:35]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You could provide us a Chartbook that contains a single chart that demonstrates the problem.

Here are the instructions:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-01-15 16:59:03
[2013-12-23 11:15:23]
stevel - Posts: 19

I downloaded SC v.1063 today and installed in a new folder. I've created a new chartbook (attached) and tested again. Issue is still present after a new install using all the default settings.

I'm using the hand tool to scroll the chart left and right and this works fine when viewing charts normally.
On the attached chartbook & study I've configured a kijun/price crossover alert using a 1min chart. When I get an alert through in the 'Alert Manager' I click on the 'Go To Chart' button. Chart is displayed OK but when I use the hand tool to scroll left or right the price bars disappear/appear from a fixed point on the chart. I've also noticed that new price data isn't being displayed. The only way to fix this is to reset the chart.

Today I came across the menu option Chart -> 'Lock Fill Space' If I use the hand tool to scroll the current price bar to the middle of the chart and then enable 'Lock Fill Space' and then scroll the chart left or right this displays the same characteristics of the issue I'm experiencing when I view a chart via the Alert Manager.

I hope this helps. If its easier I could try making a screen recording.

Private File
Private File
[2013-12-23 11:26:57]
stevel - Posts: 19
One other point regards my reply above, when I say the chart is displayed OK. When you double click on an alert or select an alert and then click the 'Go To Chart' button. It opens the chart at the point the alert occurred and doesn't display any new data since that point. Could this be what is causing the issue?
[2013-12-23 13:41:12]
stevel - Posts: 19

Sorry for all the posts, another update for you.
I've now found that after the chart is displayed via the Alert Manager if I press the End key or select Chart -> 'Goto End of Chart' then this also fixes the problem.

[2014-01-15 13:35:35]
Bedhog - Posts: 170
I have the same question.

When double-clicking on an alert from the Alert Manager, it opens the relevant chartbook, but it goes to the candle where the alert occurred. The candle itself is already tagged with a color, so the alert location is easily identified.

My workaround was to put 'Scroll All Charts to End' in the Customize Chart Shortcut Menu.

Is there a way to have the chartbook open, and then automagically scroll all charts to end?

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-01-15 13:51:26
[2014-01-16 03:44:10]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
In response to post #9, we have now tested your Chartbook and observe no problems with scaling and we would not expect there to be any to begin with. None of this really makes sense.

One other point regards my reply above, when I say the chart is displayed OK. When you double click on an alert or select an alert and then click the 'Go To Chart' button. It opens the chart at the point the alert occurred and doesn't display any new data since that point. Could this be what is causing the issue?

Is this what this is all about? This is normal behavior. When you use the Go to Chart button when the Alerts Log tab is selected in the Alerts Manager, the chart the alert originated from will be scrolled to the Date-Time the Alert Condition became TRUE at. The chart will be scrolled so that the last bar is at that particular Date-Time. To go to the end of the chart pressed the END key on your keyboard.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-01-16 03:45:28
[2014-01-16 08:18:41]
stevel - Posts: 19
If you have decided that this issue is normal behaviour then yes that's what its all about. If this is the case then it should be documented along with steps on how to get back to a realtime chart again. I would still class this as a bug/bad design as there's no clear indication that the user has been switched from a realtime chart to a historical chart nor is it made clear that only way to get back to the realtime chart is to either reset it or select 'Goto End of Chart'.

Personally, the way the chart is displayed at the moment, I'm finding it confusing and impractical to use. It could lead to users placing bad trades as they may not realise they are looking at old data and finally, I assume that if the chart isn't reset once it's been opened via the alert window then no new data or alerts will be triggered from that chart.

Perhaps one easy solution would be to have two buttons in the alert window:
'Goto Chart' - to just display the realtime chart without doing anything fancy.
'Goto Chart Alert' - to keep the current method of opening the chart.


[2014-01-16 17:46:46]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We will make scrolling to the particular date-time an option.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-01-16 17:47:09
[2014-01-16 18:41:09]
stevel - Posts: 19
Thank you very much..
[2014-01-16 21:01:28]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
no new data or alerts will be triggered from that chart.
No matter where the chart is scrolled to, new data is always added into it and Alert Condition formulas are monitored for.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
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