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Date/Time: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 02:29:58 +0000

[User Discussion] - Linux

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[2020-10-02 16:55:55]
ertrader - Posts: 666
This is my bi-partisan politician play on words:

poly - many
ticks - blood sucking parasites

This is no place for them! :)
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-10-02 17:06:59
[2020-10-02 17:53:58]
ganz - Posts: 1048

just finished a number of 2d tests on 4K

Nvidia vs IntelHD
Gnome vs Cinnamon vs Win10

- Gnome is notable faster than Cinnamon for ~20% using X11
- Gnome / Wayland / Xwayland on IntelHD makes SC extremly fast with low CPU usage ( just was shocked by the speed - really hard to believe )
another option might be an AMD video one ( because of GBM ? - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/wayland#Requirements )
[2020-10-03 17:37:05]
AlexPereira - Posts: 197
So how is your situation any lock ups or crashes with the patched libs ?

How about others ? Alex ?

Sorry TopDog :) for the delay in response.

I saved up for the weekend to do the extra testing. Since the patched libX11, all is good.

Tested systems:
* Gentoo with sway and kde x11
* Opensuse with sway and kde wayland daily git packages
* Fedora 33 with gnome wayland

the gnome and kde wayland(xwayland) systems are used through wine's explorer.exe shell.

All in all, with the libX11 patched ( I guess proton ge also works also ) everything is working rather well actually. Never had the issue again.

offtopic: Note on gnome's "simplicity". Its simple, but you can do what you want with it. For example, in sway I have a ipc daemon on rust managing my SC instances and windows. On gnome i have created a "gnome extension" to manage the windows through 3 monitors. If you know javascript, you can/should be able to do what you want in gnome shell.
[2020-10-03 17:52:53]
User921987 - Posts: 234
I also haven't experienced any problems since switched to the modded libs.
I'm using i3 and planning to check that sway thing at some point.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-10-03 17:54:31
[2020-10-03 19:09:47]
ertrader - Posts: 666
Good to hear! I'm still seeing the same startup problem. Updated to 2177 with same results. Tried latest version of crossover with same results.

ProtonGE 100% no startup problem.

Also, I've noticed when I test the non-ProtonGE versions (Wine 5.18 development, Crossover), even when SC seems to start OK, 1 or more CPUs sometimes hit 100% and stays there. During testing, if not already, make sure to watch individual CPU resources, not just the process %CPU but % for each CPU.

I'm seeing if Mint support can provide any insight into why the script runs but does not update the libx11 version, or at least appears not to.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-10-03 20:10:26
[2020-10-03 21:11:50]
AlexPereira - Posts: 197
Also, I've noticed when I test the non-ProtonGE versions (Wine 5.18 development, Crossover), even when SC seems to start OK, 1 or more CPUs sometimes hit 100% and stays there. During testing, if not already, make sure to watch individual CPU resources, not just the process %CPU but % for each CPU.

yes, this is how I test it -> it starts using 100% cpu ( individual core/thread cpu usage ). Also, when that happens, SC doesn't exit cleanly.

ertrader, to check if libX11 really is updated, you can try this way , heheh -> do "md5sum FILETOBECHECKED".
if it presents the same md5sum, its the same file.

so for example, following the create_patch script:

md5sum /usr/local/libx11/1.6.12/lib/libX11.so.6* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6*

[2020-10-03 23:43:51]
ertrader - Posts: 666
OMG... finally....Yes, the checksum helped identify which files were different...They now all match and I have not had any startup failures with Wine 5.18 development and SC 2177!! Thanks so much for staying with me AlexPereira, TopDog and Kiwi! I also did the same checksum for the other files generated.

6724421413de380878ad57516d8db419 /usr/local/libx11/1.6.12/lib/libX11.so.6
6724421413de380878ad57516d8db419 /usr/local/libx11/1.6.12/lib/libX11.so.6.3.0
6724421413de380878ad57516d8db419 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6
6724421413de380878ad57516d8db419 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6.3.0
d7a42739e4b24c4d71007980ac8da552 /usr/local/libx11/1.6.12/lib/libX11.a
d7a42739e4b24c4d71007980ac8da552 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libX11.a
6984b72838a9a376d9645e75166da9fa /usr/local/libx11/1.6.12/lib/libX11-xcb.so.1.0.0
6984b72838a9a376d9645e75166da9fa /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libX11-xcb.so.1.0.0
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-10-04 02:45:39
[2020-10-04 01:54:54]
Kiwi - Posts: 375
Found one of my files was wrong so copied a new one across. Can still (rarely) lock up Sierra by fast relaunches with two instances. But as I said above, its no longer at a concerning level.

In my experiments with Fedora 33 which is bleeding edge on Wine, X11 and everything else I didn't fault it in about 10 launches.

Edit:: Just installed a second sc instance in fedora 33 and opened each one 10x in quick succession with variable overlaps, logins, chartbook opening. No fails so we can all look forward to increasing Sierra stability as we move into the future. I'm going to keep playing with 33 with the goal of moving to it in November if my core apps are solid. So far so good.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-10-04 11:26:23
[2020-10-04 08:25:47]
ganz - Posts: 1048
sudo dnf search vim

[2020-10-04 11:10:01]
Kiwi - Posts: 375
Never forget vifm, vimium, wasavi, and set editing-mode vi.
[2020-10-04 15:14:39]
ertrader - Posts: 666
Fedora does look interesting... will get a test system up and running. I do like the more up to date philosophy, strong user community and push for more open source.
[2020-10-04 16:32:05]
ganz - Posts: 1048
in case of nvidia hw
consider to test:
1. wayland atop of nouveau with and without OpenGL option - default setup
2. wayalnd atop of nvidia blob with and without OpenGL option

XWayalnd looks like a fresh solution and might works very smooth
[2020-10-06 03:08:44]
Kiwi - Posts: 375
LOL. I've gone to the dark side.

I just hated Gnome. It's designed by people who probably venerate Steve - they want to control me at every turn, the opposite of Linux flexibility and empowerment.

So I buy that Mint isn't the future which leaves me XFCE with a small team and KDE with lots of enthusiasts and reviews saying how efficient it is now. So, bit the bullet & installed KDE Neon. I haven't installed KDE for years but **I love it**.

So far, Sierra is stable with the x11 file updated, I can control anything I want - it's beautiful. Sorry Ganz but my Engineer is out and I love being unleashed.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-10-06 03:29:54
[2020-10-06 03:41:33]
User921987 - Posts: 234
I learned the basics in early '80s (assembly language, microprocessors/controllers, interrupts and all that low level stuff) and have never understood full desktop environments. What a waste of the resources and efficiency. I like to build my system with the tools I really need. So pure X with i3 does the job here :)
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-10-06 03:43:52
[2020-10-06 07:14:45]
ganz - Posts: 1048
I just hated Gnome.
so am I, sir.
& installed KDE Neon
You've chosen the wrong turn with buggy Qt5 one I belive.
Sorry Ganz but my Engineer is out

is it the site to fight for freedom or OS hotkeys?
is SC the graphical app?
should it be efficient in terms of gfx subsystem?
so looks like XWayland makes it efficient with Intel(AMD) video hw but Nvidia hw looks like the worst one for it on Linux/X11
should users need to know that and what an engineer should do in this case? :)

thank you for the feedback in any way, sir.
[2020-10-06 12:07:30]
ivory - Posts: 94
You've chosen the wrong turn with buggy Qt5 one I belive.

I must come in and defend KDE. I've been using Gnome for years, starting with Gnome 2 which was amazing for it's time. Gnome 3 was a bit of a horror show. I would periodically try KDE just to see what it is all about and for years I was able to crash it on first attempt. There was always something wrong with it - I remember one time, somewhere in 2011, I installed it and wanted to make it look more like Unity. The settings app crashed when I selected a built-in option to have the "close" button on the left. That's how bad it was.

Fast forward, last year I got fed up with Gnome's inconsistent design. I really didn't think it's a good idea to have THREE different places to have an app menu, of course each app had it's own idea which one to use etc. So I thought it was about time to give KDE another try. I found out KDE developers had their own Ubuntu-based distro with all libraries preselected - Neon. I installed it and, lo and behold, it was rock solid. I've been using it since November 2019 and it has not caused me a single issue since. Last few weeks I have been also using Qt5 in my own software development and I must say it is a very well designed framework.

So I would not agree that it's buggy. KDE certainly was in the past, but not anymore.

Barebones setup like TopDog describes cartainly can work for certain workflows, but don't be too quick to dismiss Desktop Environments - they have their uses and have a huge following, which indicates people enlarge appreciate what DEs provide, my humble self being one of such people.
[2020-10-06 12:22:19]
ganz - Posts: 1048
more than just words are numbers

[2020-10-06 12:43:37]
ivory - Posts: 94
I am not sure what this is supposed to imply? Look at Qt version history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qt_version_history

They were (and still are) shipping major new functionalities and new subsystems all the time, of course they will have new bugs. The fact that it's a linear relationship shows that they are on top of their game, i.e. the bug rate for new code is more-or-less constant. Qt itself is not so much a "library" as it is a collection of libraries, where you can either go for code that's nearly 20 years old (QtWidgets) or frameworks that were released very recently (i.e. QtQuick2).

Btw. if you looked at bugs that people open, quite often it's just the user not knowing what the software is supposed to do. I have seen quite a few bugs which basically came down to "the code does what it is supposed to do, you just didn't understand how to use it".
[2020-10-06 13:01:07]
ganz - Posts: 1048

Ok ...

I have been also using Qt5 in my own software development and I must say it is a very well designed framework.

would you please provide a simple and efficient qt5-based charting example ... extremelly simple

would you please provide a simple chart with a cross-hair tool that does not eat your CPU ... extremely simple

[2020-10-06 13:06:29]
ivory - Posts: 94
I will when I finish it :) For out of the box examples, there's QtCharts. I don't quite like it as it uses QGraphicsItem engine, which is CPU bound. But my early work with QtQuick 2 is very promising.

Btw. in my experience, the most resource hungry part is not the rendering itself but handling data. SC seems to hold tick data in memory (my impression based on writing a plugin, tick data is available as an in-memory array). So a lot of the stuff is calculated live in memory. The database story has evolved a lot over the last few years, it's possible these days to store it in a database and precalculate a lot without significant delays. Check out Clickhouse. It's amazing.
[2020-10-06 14:02:51]
seandunaway - Posts: 266
Also, vim > emacs :)

*linux forum achievement unlocked*
[2020-10-06 15:11:09]
ganz - Posts: 1048
make anything to say something
no newby's empty words pls

omg 0_0
[2020-10-06 15:13:36]
ivory - Posts: 94
same goes to you. So far you're the one who criticizes everything without showing anything of their own.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-10-06 15:14:18
[2020-10-06 15:24:51]
ganz - Posts: 1048

Qt 5.5.0 released in July introduced many new features and refinements to existing functionality, and the Qt 5.5.1 patch release provides close to 1.000 improvements and fixes on top of it.

Compared to Qt 5.9.2, the new Qt 5.9.3 contains over 100 bug fixes

Compared to Qt 5.9.4, the new Qt 5.9.5 contains over 100 bug fixes.

same goes to you. So far you're the one who criticizes everything without showing anything of their own.
Yes dude ... now I am able to ignore you.
[2020-10-06 15:29:21]
ivory - Posts: 94
My pleasure.
[2020-10-06 22:32:30]
ertrader - Posts: 666
A couple updates:

SC 2177 and Wine 5.18/Xll patch have been working well. Wine developers are closing the ticket as "not our bug" even through Proton GE managed to fix it without the Xll patch.

I do respect programmers who go after a problem and fix it, no questions asked like Proton GE did, without the "not my job" or "not my problem" attitude. Hats off to Proton GE programmers!

If further instabilities arise and we are able to isolate an issue, I'll open up a new ticket as the original problem statement in bug 35041 was addressed to the best of my knowledge.

Also, Proton released a new version and Proton-5.9-GE-7-ST. Testing --- performance and stability are looking great!

SierraChart Version 2177 64 bit
Wine 5.9 Staging from Proton-5.9-GE-7-ST
Mint Linux 20/Ubuntu 20.04/Cinnamon desktop
Kernel 5.4.0-48 generic
OpenGL X11lib: 1.6.12
AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
GeForce GTX 1660 Nvidia video card driver 455.23.04
Dual Monitors
Internet: 275Mbps, 17ms ping, Comcast, Houston
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-10-06 22:34:36

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