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Date/Time: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 20:45:17 +0000

Post From: Linux

[2020-10-06 12:43:37]
ivory - Posts: 94
I am not sure what this is supposed to imply? Look at Qt version history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qt_version_history

They were (and still are) shipping major new functionalities and new subsystems all the time, of course they will have new bugs. The fact that it's a linear relationship shows that they are on top of their game, i.e. the bug rate for new code is more-or-less constant. Qt itself is not so much a "library" as it is a collection of libraries, where you can either go for code that's nearly 20 years old (QtWidgets) or frameworks that were released very recently (i.e. QtQuick2).

Btw. if you looked at bugs that people open, quite often it's just the user not knowing what the software is supposed to do. I have seen quite a few bugs which basically came down to "the code does what it is supposed to do, you just didn't understand how to use it".