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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:25:49 +0000

Post From: Can't Draw Rectangles to Extend Forward Beyond 8 Days Ago

[2023-01-23 22:08:18]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
The main issue to deal with is the dates at the bottom showing repeats of some January dates. That is definitely not a good thing.

The first thing to try and do is to delete all the data for the chart and redownload it. Select Edit >> Delete All Data and Download. If this is a Continuous Contract chart then you will be presented with a list of contracts - select all of the contracts to redownload the data. If there is a lot of contracts, then this could take a bit of time.

Let us know if this resolves the issue.


With regards to the Extending Rectangle extending in both directions when you first draw it - that is occurring because you have the configuration for the Extending Rectangle set to extend in both directions. You need to change the configuration that you are using to disable the option for Double Extend. Refer to the following:
Chart Drawing Tools: Drawing Tool Configuration


One item we noticed on your account is that you have the following exchanges active:
- CME non-professional top-of-book
- CME with Market Depth for non-professional Trading accounts

You do not need both of these. If you need Market Depth, then keep the exchange with Market Depth active and deactivate the other. Or do the opposite, but you do not need to be paying for both.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing