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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:33:09 +0000

Post From: Data not showing up for NYSE, Futures ok, Denali data feed

[2023-01-20 23:46:20]
John M - Posts: 167
Ok, I understand the difference between the two feeds. As I have dedicated chartbooks for the futures, that's all fine and dandy.
The Equities is a different matter.

As for the utility chartbook, as things stand I need to use the US Equities feed for the entire consolidated tape.
In poking around I did find symbols on my watchlist that are not in the NQTV feed so that's a bit limiting in addition to having to set up the Trade and Current Quote Symbol stuff.

Now, I have the Denali data feed activated. Do I need to activate the Real Time Data Connection in addition to Denali so I can activate the US Equities exchange feed?
I thought Denali took care of that. Or, is Denali just futures? What's the difference between the two, Denali vs Real Time Data Connection?

Also, I saw this in the documentation :

"The consolidated tape data feed for US equities will be offered through the Denali Exchange Data Feed sometime before the end of the year 2022."

Is this happening or when may it be expected?

Thank you.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-01-21 01:43:25