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Date/Time: Sun, 05 May 2024 16:07:13 +0000

Post From: Nasdaq total view with IB chart trading

[2022-02-28 16:07:12]
1+1=10 - Posts: 270
I know the symbol setup is someting like SPY-OPT-expiry/strike-SMART-USD. So I was attempting to build a symbol table/spreadsheet for the current Expiry plus next - which is what I do for daytrading. Is this possible yet with options? Is there way to see if the options strike symbol would be correct?

The SPY option format using IB’s data within SC is below — obviously the symbol is expired, and 110 is way, way OTM, but one with the correct expiration and strike price should work in an SC chart, DOM, and be tradable:

SC has docs on the format here: Interactive Brokers Symbols: Options Format

The SC Nasdaq feed does not provide option data so the study to convert symbols will not help.

Hmm, it is possible to control SC Spreadsheets from ACSIL so a programmer could make a study which when applied to a chart of the underlying could:
1. Have study input for typical option strike width
2. Have study input for calls/puts/both
3. Have study inputs for how many OTM/ITM strikes away from the ATM strike to generate IB symbols for.
4. Have study input for how many expires to generate strikes for

Using those inputs the relevant IB symbols for the option strikes matching the chosen inputs could be written into an SC spreadsheet (with each expiry as a different sheet). This all assumes you could then copy/paste from the spreadsheet to a chart/DOM settings window to input the symbol.

I may do this at some point as it would be an improvement over the existing situation of using the “Find Symbol” dialog but since I’m not trading options currently it is not at the top of my priority list.

You could hire a programmer to do this. At least the first one is active according to his Twitter profile:
1. https://www.simplesystemtrading.com/?link=x (active -- here's his twitter: https://twitter.com/sstfrederik)
2. https://www.fiverr.com/synergy0911/create-any-trading-code-for-ninjatrader-tradingview-mt4 (it says SC ACSIL in as profile when you scroll down)
3. https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01e7a1b7a2edd4853a/
4. https://forgivingcomputers.com/
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-28 18:31:46