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Date/Time: Tue, 14 May 2024 14:21:16 +0000

Post From: Petition to AMP Futures for Cooperation with Sierrachart’s new Teton Order Routing service

[2022-01-03 05:46:40]
OPM - Posts: 2
This is the response i received when asking if they provide Sierra's Direct CME Order Routing.
They have no idea what my needs are.
If they don't support the product they should just say it.
Seems like poor customer service to tell a customer "do not be in a hurry".
ALmost certain I won't be going with AMP.

"We currently do not offer this service. A majority of our Sierra Chart users - use the Denali data feed with CQG order routing only - setup

Order Routing is a very complex operation...
We will maintain communication with Sierra and send an announcement once this service has matured.

For example, CQG, Rithmic, and TT....all have been performing order routing services for 20+ years...and they still get issues. So please do not be in a hurry...

Please Review the Full Notice for Steps to get started and pricing: https://support.ampglobal.com/hc/en-us/articles/360061944954"