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Log of Changes and Improvements to Sierra Chart

This list contains major items of development, and changes and additions which users need to be informed about.

This is not a comprehensive changes and additions log. And it should never be relied upon for such. It only represents a very small percentage of the actual development being performed every day. The vast majority of development is not documented here. Or receives, one small comment after it is all complete. There are not version notes for each version. The main Sierra Chart documentation is updated as needed relating to the changes and additions.

The maintenance of this page has mostly been abandoned by Sierra Chart development for many years due to the difficulty of maintaining it and because users can be incorrectly misled by or misinterpret notes that are made here. This does not change, the development of Sierra Chart which is very active every day and new releases are made nearly weekly or several times a week. The Sierra Chart project is still very active, with extensive development and it remains a very high quality software in the world. The engineering is at the very top of the world.

  • 596 Release Date: 2010-04-23

    • Corrected a long-standing issue where the right-click menu on charts would not display when the main window, or a detached chart window, had a certain positioning. This was long believed to be some unusual Windows issue, but it turned out to be a coding error with the handling of mouse coordinates.
    • Added a new Chart Trade command named OCO Buy Stop Sell Stop (Auto-Set). This will enter both a Buy Stop order and a Sell Stop order in an OCO group where the prices are offset by the Auto-Set Prices Offset from the price that was right-clicked at on the chart. The Auto-Set Prices Offset can be found on the More tab of the Trade Window.
    • Improved the Sum Charts From List study to correctly set the High and Low of the displayed bars.
  • 595 Release Date: 2010-04-21

    • This version has undergone a lot of internal changes to the trading functionality. The trading functionality should only be used in Trade Simulation Mode or with a broker simulation account.
    • Corrected an issue from 594 with Attached Orders when there are multiple OCO groups, the number of orders sent is incorrect. It is important to upgrade to this version if you are using Attached Orders in version 594.
    • Added a Send Attached Orders order type. This will be documented shortly.
  • 594 Release Date: 2010-04-20

    • This version has undergone a lot of internal changes to the trading functionality. The trading functionality should only be used in Trade Simulation Mode or with a broker simulation account.
    • Corrected an issue where the initial color settings in Global Settings >> Trade Settings >> Chart Trade Settings were black. For new installations, this would have resulted in trade drawings not being visible on the chart. They are now set to valid colors.
    • Added a new order type named OCO Buy Stop Sell Stop. This allows you to enter both a buy stop order and a sell stop order from the trade window or from the chart. When one fills or partially fills, the other one is immediately canceled.
    • Various low-level improvements.
  • 591 Release Date: 2010-04-06

    • Tested the new Attached Order functionality with the OEC service and no problems were found.
    • At this time a significant amount of testing has been done with the new Attached Order functionality with the Transact service and at this time there are no known problems.
    • A New Global Symbol Settings (Edit >> Symbol Settings) window has been added. This is a centralized place for settings for a symbol, or symbols that match the specified pattern. These settings include the Session Times, Price Display Format, and the Tick Size. Symbol patterns can be used to apply settings to symbols that match the pattern. This is especially useful for futures contracts and for stocks. This is a new feature, is still under development and documentation will be coming soon.

      When global Symbol Settings exist for a symbol or there is a pattern that matches a symbol, then these settings will be automatically applied to new charts and when you press the Use Global Symbol Settings button on the Chart >> Chart Settings window. In these cases the Auto-Set From Data Service options are disabled. If you re-enable those options, you will always use the Tick Size and Price Display Format settings from the connected data or trading service, if available.

      Pattern Matching Characters: * = any character, ? = any alphabetical character, # = any digit
    • With the Volume by Price study, the Transparency level, when using a Transparent draw style, is now set through the Volume by Price settings window with the study, instead of through the Global Graphics Settings window.
    • The Chart Trade Settings window accessed from Global Settings >> Trade Settings has been redesigned and gives you much greater control of order line coloring and styling.
    • The Fibonacci Short tool has been removed and is no longer necessary. The 2 and 3 Point Retracement/Extension tools, both have 2 instances. You can configure the 2 Point Retracement/Extension 2 tool, to not extend the Level Lines left and right for newly drawn drawings, through Global Settings >> Tool Settings >> 2 Point Retrace/Exten >> Level Settings >> 2nd Retrace/Extension Levels.
    • Since the Fibonacci Retracement/Extension tool is a tool that draws retracement and extension lines and not necessarily using a Fibonacci number sequence, it has been renamed to: 2 Point Retracement/Extension tool.
    • Various low-level improvements.
  • 590 Release Date: 2010-04-06

    • Corrected an issue where when connecting to IB TWS, market data requests may not be made after the connection and therefore you will not receive historical or real-time market data. This issue has been resolved.
    • The problem with a chart window that is maximized in a chartbook not staying maximized, under certain conditions, when switching back to the chartbook from another chartbook or when opening it, has been resolved.
    • TD Ameritrade OCO orders are now fully supported in version 588 and higher. These are server-side managed OCO orders. The new new Attached Orders functionality has been tested with TD Ameritrade and we do not see any problems in the latest version. After the Attached Orders have been sent to TD Ameritrade after a fill of the parent order, they cannot be modified because TD Ameritrade does not support this. They will need to be first canceled and then you need to enter a new OCO Limit and Stop order from the chart. Refer to the documentation on how to enter an OCO Limit and Stop order.
    • Various low-level improvements.
  • 587 Release Date: 2010-03-26

    • On the Trade Orders Window the Last Order Action Source field is set to the name of the chart where an order originated from for new order entry. Due to how orders are updated in Sierra Chart, this field may be cleared before you have a chance to see the name of the chart. This field is also included in the Trade >> Trade Activity Log. You can view this field in the Trade Activity Log at each order update. ACSIL and Spreadsheet System for Trading studies that enter orders (automated trading), will automatically set this field to the chart name and the study name where the order originated from. There is also the s_SCTradingOrderInput::TextTag string variable that can be set by ACSIL trading studies during order entry, for further identification of orders. This is added to the end of the Last Order Action Source field during order entry.
    • Added the Chart Number study input type. Existing studies that use an input for a Chart Number have been updated to use this input type. This also can be used in the ACSIL by using the SetChartNumber and GetChartNumber functions on study inputs.
    • Added support for cutting Extending Trendlines in the Fill Space.
    • Corrected an issue with the TransAct trading service where filled orders that had multiple fills were not properly processed. Previously this was causing a completely filled order to still show Open when actually it was completely Filled. The filled quantity of this order was the quantity of the last fill rather than a total filled quantity. This problem has now been resolved.
    • Various low-level improvements.
  • 584 Release Date: 2010-03-17

    • When using the TPO and Volume Profile Chart study, the vertical scale is now set precisely based upon the visible profiles or if they are partially displayed, the partially visible profiles. This provide a fully automatic vertical scale. You can still invoke Interactive Scale changes.
    • The changes made in version 581 for the TPO and Volume Profile Chart study to create consistent spacing between profiles and eliminate overlapping, have been reverted. These changes were experimental and relatively simple. There were unresolvable issues with these changes. Such as the profiles not being aligned to the timescale and some other display issues. However, we will as soon as possible do some redesigning of the display of TPO and Volume Profiles to create consistent spacing between profiles. Right now profile spacing still has to be managed by adjusting the bar spacing in the chart.
    • With the TPO Profile Chart study, there is text information about the TPO Letter/Block Profiles that can now be viewed in the 2 Chart Values Windows: Window >> Chart Values Window or Window >> Tool Values Window. The Chart Values Window displays text information for the last visible TPO Profile in the chart. The Tool Values Window displays text information for the TPO Profile that you are pointing to with any of the chart tools, such as the Chart Values tool. These windows provide a clean, organized and easy way to view the values. These windows also display volume profile analysis data well.
    • The Sierra Chart main configuration file is backed up whenever it is saved and there is a separate file for each day of the week.
  • 583 Release Date: 2010-03-15

    • Corrected a problem from version 582 where intraday data files would not update with real-time data and therefore the charts would not update.
    • With this version, you can safely downgrade to a prior version and not lose the main configuration file unlike version 582. Beginning with version 582 a new configuration file version is used which makes it not compatible with prior versions, however this is solved in version 583. Also, in the upcoming 584 and higher, there will be a backup of the main configuration file for each day of the week.
  • 582 Release Date: 2010-03-12

    • When the automated trading variable AllowEntryWithWorkingOrders is set to No, AllowMultipleEntriesInSameDirection is no longer ignored.
    • When getting order data with the ACSIL trading functions, sc.SCTrading_GetOrderByOrderID() or sc.SCTrading_GetOrderByIndex(), SCT_OSC_WORKING is no longer supported as a value for s_scTradingOrderDetails::OrderStatusCode. It has been replaced by: SCT_OSC_ORDERSENT, SCT_OSC_PENDINGOPEN, SCT_OSC_PENDINGCHILD, SCT_OSC_OPEN, SCT_OSC_PENDINGMODIFY, SCT_OSC_PENDINGCANCEL. This change applies to version 582 and higher and only for custom trading studies that have been recompiled on this version or higher. An existing trading study, will not be affected by this change and will continue to function as expected. However, when you recompile on 582 or higher, and you use the functions sc.SCTrading_GetOrderByOrderID() or sc.SCTrading_GetOrderByIndex(), you will need to be sure to handle these new constants.
    • Enhancements to Attached Orders and other trading improvements:
      • Attached Orders and Buy/Sell OCO Limit and Stop orders now work with all trading services that Sierra Chart supports trading with. Even if the trading service does not support server-side OCO orders.
      • Target and Stop orders attached to a parent order will not be sent to your trading service until the parent order fills or partially fills. If there is a partial fill of the parent, then the orders sent will have the filled quantity of the parent order. The child order quantities will be increased with subsequent fills of the parent. If the child orders are no longer present because they filled or were canceled and then subsequently there is a new fill of the parent, then new child orders will be sent. In effect the existing child orders as listed in the Trade Orders Window are reactivated.

        One advantage of this design is that with IB, bracket orders should now work properly in all cases. We have had reports where sometimes TWS does not accept a bracket order, for unknown reasons, and it does not get transmitted.
      • The Scale Out functionality documented here is now available.
      • If a trading service supports OCO (order cancels order) functionality, then it will be used with the child orders. Otherwise, this is managed by Sierra Chart and if you lose connectivity to your trading service, it will not work. For example, if you have a target order and a stop order, the target fills and Sierra Chart has lost connectivity to your trading service and your trading service does not support OCO (order cancels order), the stop order will not be canceled by Sierra Chart or your trading service and may eventually fill and put you back into the market. This must be understood by you and you must accept this risk if your trading service does not support OCO.
      • OCO functionality provided by Sierra Chart if not provided by your trading service: When one of the orders in this order pair is canceled, the other one will be canceled. If one fills, the other one will be canceled. If one partially fills, the other one will have it's quantity reduced by the quantity that the other order has partially filled by.
      • In the case of child and OCO order management, if an order modification or order cancellation cannot be submitted right away for an order because of a prior pending modification or initial order submission that is awaiting a response from the trading service, then it will be queued up and done as soon as possible. There are other conditions for queuing as well.
      • If Sierra Chart is restarted for any reason, the Attached Orders and OCO orders that are still working will still be managed properly. Although in the case of server-side managed OCO orders, Sierra Chart does not need to do anything other than send the children when the parent fills.
      • There are also various other trading related changes and improvements.
      • NOTICE: This version should not be used on a live account until more testing has been done and until you are comfortable it works properly for you. Use it only in Trade Simulation Mode or on a simulation account from your broker. If you encounter any problems, please do let us know. These features are provided as is without warranty of any kind. We do our very best to ensure these features are properly implemented with proper safety features and good logic. However, as has been explained, failures can happen and will happen.
      • Updated documentation.
    • Fixed an issue with the Chart >> Perform Futures Symbol Rollover command that may have resulted in missing data in the new contract.
    • Added an Undo command for spreadsheets. This command can be found on the menu by selecting Spreadsheet >> Undo.
    • Added highlighting on the Numbers Bars Graph Draw Types. The Numbers Bars Max Highlight and Numbers Bars Min Highlight can be controlled in Global Settings >> Graphics Settings. The highlights will not be drawn if their widths are set to zero.
    • Added new chart linking options in Chart >> Chart Settings.
    • The main configuration file version changed, so the configuration file from this version forward will not be compatible with older versions. This is only an issue if you need to downgrade.
    • Added Display Input Values option to the Study Settings window. Renamed Display Study Name and Input Values to Display Study Name.
    • Added controls for the Bid Volume and Ask Volume to the Intraday Data Editor.
  • 581 Release Date: 2010-02-25

    • This version better manages spacing between TPO and Volume Profiles when using the TPO and Volume Profile Chart study. Profiles will no longer overlap in this version. You may need to decrease or increase the bar spacing in the chart to bring profiles into view. Also, to see the very last profile in the chart, you may have to scroll past the right side of the chart by pressing the right arrow on the scrollbar at the bottom of the chart. All of this is planned to be improved upon and be automatic in an upcoming release. The TPO charts in this version are considered experimental due to the changes. Update: At this time, we cannot say exactly when the additional improvements will be completed and the changes made in this version may be reverted back until a more complete solution is implemented.
    • The TPO and Volume Profile Chart Text Details have been disabled in this version and will not display on the chart. In an upcoming version all of this information will be moved to the Chart Values windows.
  • 580 Release Date: 2010-02-25

    • Corrected a problem with the merging and splitting of TPO and Volume Profiles.
    • Corrected an issue where you may see text displayed with a Horizontal Line drawing drawn with the Horizontal Line tool.
    • Various other low-level improvements.
  • 578

    • This version has reverted the change to support downloading historical intraday data from the Sierra Chart Data Server on port 80 due to problems this has caused some users. It now uses the old port of 10149. In an upcoming release, you will be able to choose between these two ports to use the one that works for you. In virtually all cases, you will want to use port 10149 unless you have a problem.
  • 575 Release Date: 2010-02-19

    • This version supports downloading historical Intraday data from the Sierra Chart Data Server using port 80 rather than port 10149. This has shown to solve data download issues for some users.
  • 574 Release Date: 2010-02-16

    • When using the OEC trading service, up to 120 days of historical intraday minute data can be downloaded, if available, from the OEC server. However, OEC limits the amount of data provided and usually you will not be able to obtain this much data. Instead you should choose the option to download historical intraday data from the SC Server to get more data.
    • Corrected a minor problem with the ACSIL s_UseTool::FontFace member.
  • 573 Release Date: 2010-02-15

    • Improved the Countdown Timer study to use a more simple and stable method of positioning the countdown text. There are two inputs: Horizontal Position From Left (This is a number from 1 to 150 which specifies the position relative to the left side of the chart window). Vertical Position From Bottom (This is a number from 1 to 100 which specifies the position relative to the bottom of the chart window. 1 is at the bottom and 100 is at the top). As you scroll the chart or change bar spacing, you will notice that the text is always completely stable in one location.
    • Updated the interface to the IB TWS to the latest specifications.
    • Added a new option to the TPO Profile Chart study settings named Single Period At End of Chart. When this option is enabled, then there will be a single profile at the end of the chart that is of the set time period for a profile. For example, you could have a trailing 1 Day profile.
    • Added a new option to the TPO Profile Chart study settings named Always Start Letters at Primary Session Start Time. When this option is enabled, then the first TPO letter code for a period will always be at the primary session Start Time set in Chart Settings regardless of whether Evening Session Times are used or not.
    • Added a new command to the Trade menu called Perform Auto Trade System Backtest. This command clears all simulated trade data for the chart's symbol and replays the entire chart from the beginning at a high speed.
    • Added a sub-menu to the Chart menu for quickly changing the main price graph Graph Draw Type. This can be found on the main menu under Chart >> Graph Draw Types. Corresponding Toolbar buttons have been added, so now it's possible to change the Graph Draw Type for the chart with a single click.
  • 572

    • Corrected a problem with the ACSIL trading functions: SCTrading_BuyExit and SCTrading_SellExit, where the specified order quantity would be the actual quantity used for the order. Therefore, sc.SupportReversals would not cause reversals if it was set to TRUE, it's possible to have issued an order greater than the position quantity, and if no order quantity was specified, the position may not have been flattened. These functions now work as documented.
  • 570 Release Date: 2010-02-07

    • The Volume Profiles displayed when using the TPO/Volume Profile Chart study are now based on the underlying data records in the data file for high accuracy rather than on the loaded bars in the chart.
    • Support for the new TD Ameritrade options symbol format.
    • Completed development of the Market Depth window. This can be accessed by the menu command Chart >> Open Market Depth Window.
    • Fixed drawing issues with the study subgraph Text draw style.
    • Made improvements to the Stochastic Crossover study.
    • Fixed issue with study collections not being shown on the Analysis menu for detached charts.
    • Fixed Chart >> Set Charts To Same Symbol command to work on historical charts.
    • Fixed issue with using the Cut Extending Trendline Here command on Extending Rectangle Highlight drawings that extend to the left.
    • Added an option to specify the range of columns to sort when sorting Spreadsheet Quote lines. This setting can be found in Spreadsheet >> Quote Line Fields >> Sort Settings >> Sort Range.
    • Added graph draw types Ask Bid Vol Diff Numbers, Volume Number Bars, and Trades Number Bars.
    • Various other low-level improvements.
  • 568 Release Date: 2010-02-01

    • Corrected an issue with the calculation of Value Areas.
    • Corrected a problem with the Text Draw Style for studies.
    • Corrected a problem from a recent release where the Analysis menu was not displaying study collections on detached charts.
    • Corrected a problem with Set Charts to Same Symbol not working with historical charts.
    • The Bill Williams MA study no longer uses an Offset input. To offset the Average use the Displacement setting for the study sugbraph.
    • Various other low-level improvements.
  • 566 Release Date: 2010-01-29

    • Corrected some issues with the Renko Chart study due to some recent internal changes to this study. There have been no changes to the functionality of the study.
    • Decreased the time to load chart data when there are a large number of price ticks per bar when using studies that require the Volume at Price data. These studies are: Volume by Price, Volume Value Area Lines, and the TPO and Volume Profile Chart Study. Various other low-level improvements have been made to the Volume at Price data for these studies. When using studies that replace the main price graph, these 3 Volume based studies will now function (they did not with the release of version 560).
    • The Volume Value Area Lines study now uses the new Volume at Price data for very high accuracy. This means the Point of Control, Value Area High, and Value Area Lines are all very accurate, assuming you are using tick by tick data, and they are stable across different time frames per bar in the chart. The changes to this study have been finalized in the second revision of 566.
    • Added an Input Data Low input to the Aroon study, so it's possible now to base the study on the High and Low data of the bars.
    • Various other low-level improvements.
  • 563 Release Date: 2010-01-21

    • Corrected a TPO Chart study period splitting issue.
    • The Volume By Price study now works correctly on custom charts such as Point & Figure and Renko charts.
    • The Volume At Price data is constructed faster when a chart data file is loaded in the case where the Tick Size is set to a small value relative to the ranges of price bars.
    • The following new Internal Position data fields have been added: Profit Loss Ratio, Average Win Average Loss Ratio, Percent Win. There are corresponding studies for each of these three fields.
    • Added the ability to sort Quote Lines on a Spreadsheet based on a specified field. This can be set in Spreadsheet >> Quote Line Fields >> Sort Settings.
    • Updated the Double Stochastic - Bressert/Kiwi study.
    • Various other low-level improvements.
  • 560 Release Date: 2010-01-13

    • The Volume by Price study has now been changed to be based upon the data records in the data file rather than based upon the bars loaded in the chart. This creates a more accurate and stable Volume by Price graph on the chart independent of the timeframe of the bars. For the best results you should have tick by tick data in your historical intraday data file for the symbol.

      It is critical that when using the Volume by Price, Volume Value Area Lines or the TPO and Volume Profile Chart studies that you have the proper Tick Size set in Chart >> Chart Settings for the chart symbol. If the Tick Size is too small, then it will take a long time to load chart data from the symbol data file. If the Tick Size is too large, then the studies will not be very accurate with their volume display.

      Sierra Chart internally maintains Volume at Price data for each price level, based upon the Tick Size, within a loaded bar. This is fully accessible through the ACSIL using the member sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars. For an example on how to use sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars, see the function scsf_VolumeAtPriceArrayTest in the /ACS_Source folder in the folder where Sierra Chart is installed to. It is necessary to use Visual C++ when using this member to avoid compatibility problems.
    • There has been a change with how the Automatically Move Out Data from Large Intraday Files function works.: The extension of the file will still be .scid. The symbol part of the file name will have -# appended to it. The numeric part will be incremented until a filename is found that does not exist in the Data Files Folder.
  • 559 Release Date: 2010-01-08

    • Added a Market Depth window which provides a table display of market depth for a symbol. To display this window select Chart >> Open Market Depth Window.
    • Resolved a problem with high CPU usage with certain types of references to other charts arising in version 557.
    • Updated the sc.GetTimeAndSales function in the ACSIL for improved performance. It works the same as it did before. However, any studies that use this function need to be re-compiled.
    • Various other low-level improvements.
  • 556 Release Date: 2010-01-06

    • The following new studies have been added which provide a graph of the data and statistics for order Fills for a symbol. This information comes from the Fill tab of the Trade Activity Log. New Studies:

      "Trading Trade Profit/Loss", "Trading Winning Trades", "Trading Losing Trades", "Trading Total Trades", "Trading Maximum Open Position Loss", "Trading Maximum Open Position Profit", "Trading Total Quantity Filled".

      When using one of these studies, the study subgraph value for a bar represents the corresponding data for the last order filled during the bar. If there are no order fills for a bar, then the study subgraph value will be the same as the prior subgraph value.
    • Added the command Chart >> Perform Futures Symbol Rollover. This assists with going through the rollover process on a chart by downloading data for the new symbol, merging it with some of the prior data, and automatically switching the chart symbols. The new symbol and the amount of prior data can be specified. Currently this only works with intraday data.
    • Added to sc.BaseDataIn the following arrays:

      SC_BIDNT or 13: The array containing the total number of trades at the bid price or lower. Supported in version 556 and up.

      SC_ASKNT or 14: The array containing the total number of trades at the ask price or higher.
  • 555 Release Date: 2010-01-04

    • When reading intraday data in a plain-text/CSV format, times in the format HHMM are no longer supported. HHMMSS now works correctly. In previous versions times earlier than 1AM did not get interpreted correctly. HH:MM:SS and HH:MM are still supported.
    • When using the Cumulative Profit/Loss study and there are multiple closing trades per bar, this study will display the Cumulative Profit/Loss of the last trade for the bar instead of an average as previously.
    • The Cumulative Profit/Loss study has an input named Simulated Trades. If it is set to Yes, then cumulative profit/loss data from simulated trades is displayed. If it is set to No, then cumulative profit/loss data from non-simulated trades is displayed.
    • When using the Barchart Real-Time and Historical Data Service or the Sierra Chart Historical Data Service, pre-and post-market historical data for stocks is now downloaded.
  • 554 Release Date: 2010-01-01

    • Added support to download 1 year of historical minute and historical tick data when using the Barchart Real-Time and Historical Data Service and added support to download one year of historical minute data when using the Sierra Chart Historical Data Service.
    • The Tool Values Window and the Current Quote Window now both use an updated table like format, the same as the Chart Values Window.
  • 553 Release Date: 2009-12-31

    • Completed the development of the new management of references to other charts from studies. All of the studies that reference other charts have been reviewed and improved to be as efficient as possible. If you are running version 552, it is important to upgrade to 553.
    • The Sum, Spread - 3 Chart, and any other similar studies have been changed to create complete price bars instead of a single line.
  • 552 Release Date: 2009-12-29

    • Added the Spread-Butterfly study.
    • The internal implementation for the References Other Charts option has been completely re-implemented with major improvements. The prior implementation was very simple in its design and would cause unnecessary calculations periodically (45 seconds by default) which can cause high CPU usage spikes when using the References Other Charts option. In the new implementation, all references between charts are kept track of. When data in a source chart changes, it tags the destination chart (the chart that is making the reference to another chart) and the destination chart is then updated on the next calculation which is at the Chart Update Interval set in General Settings. Therefore, in effect it gets updated immediately. When the source chart tags the destination chart, it indicates whether a minimal or full recalculation is necessary based upon what has changed in the source chart. For example, a full calculation would occur if the source chart was reloaded or historical data has been downloaded to it. The References Other Charts Update Interval (General Settings) and References other Charts (Study Settings) options have been removed because they are no longer necessary. All of these changes are a major improvement. For a complete discussion of all of this, refer to this support board subtopic.
    • All of the Sierra Chart menu commands now have a corresponding Toolbar button. You can add and remove Toolbar buttons by selecting Global Settings >> Customize Toolbar.
    • The Tools menu has now been reorganized. It no longer contains submenus for easy access to all commands. Commands which exist on other menus have been removed.
    • The menu that displays when you right-click on a chart and not in Chart Trade Mode, no longer is the Tools menu and now is a new customizable menu. The menu can be customized by selecting Global Settings >> Customize Chart Shortcut Menu (under development).
  • 551 Release Date: 2009-12-23

    • IMPORTANT UPDATE: Corrected an issue with the new Chart Values window where when it is partially offscreen, it can cause high CPU usage. Therefore it is important that all users update to this version as soon as possible if you experience this issue.
    • Cut Bar at Session Start in Chart Settings has been renamed to New Bar At Session Start. It now applies to all types of bars including bars based upon a fixed time. This means that at the beginning of the trading day as specified by the Session Times settings in Chart Settings, the bar will begin exactly at that time. Generally, this option is useful when you have a time period per bar that does not evenly fit into the time span of the defined sessions.
    • Added a list box to select the data server to use for services that use Sierra Chart's own data servers. The servers are listed based on location: North America and Europe. This list box is found in File >> Data/Trade Service Settings for the applicable services. It is a good idea to check this setting, if it is available for the service you are using and choose the server that works best for you. If one server is not available, automatically Sierra Chart will use the other server. This simply indicates the default server to use.
    • Various other low-level improvements.
  • 549 Release Date: 2009-12-18

    • Updated the Patch Data functionality to specify start and end date/times for the range of data to use for patching from the source file.
    • Fixed issue with not displaying of dashes in price and time scale regions when printing.
    • Added support for reading text files when opening spreadsheets.
    • Corrected an issue with Alert Only Once per Bar for Simple and Spreadsheet Alerts, where during a full recalculation such as when using References other Charts, it would not prevent only one signal per bar.
    • Corrected a small DateTime alignment issue with the Cumulative Profit/Loss study. Also, this study now draws forward the prior profit/loss to create a continuous line.
    • Various other low-level improvements.
  • 548 Release Date: 2009-12-15

    • Corrected a problem from a recent release where extending trendlines would move slightly when they are cut. This has now been solved.
    • Previously with an ACSIL auto-trade system, when sc.AllowOnlyOneTradePerBar is true, which is the default, trading would not be allowed until a 2nd new bar is added to the chart. Now auto-trading can immediately begin on the current bar.

*Last modified Thursday, 25th April, 2024.