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Date/Time: Sat, 08 Feb 2025 06:59:53 +0000

Is there a max number of Chartbooks/Charts that can be opened? System crashes or loads blanks.

View Count: 896

[2024-01-07 21:42:16]
SomeRandomUser - Posts: 124
I created one chartbook for each product available to me (around 50). Each chartbook holds three charts.
Each chartbook is identical to every other with the exception that the symbol is different. Same studies and number of charts; different products.

I have chosen to have each chartbook opened on Sierra Chart startup, grouped by exchange.

Sometimes the program crashes and does not load. I have to restart SC. The odds of opening successfully are around 50%.
If SC loads successfully (after around 10-15 seconds), only about 20 chartbooks (with all associated charts within those chartbooks) load. The other 30 are blank chartbooks without their corresponding charts. There are no tabs at the bottom to signify charts being loaded. The order I specified the chartbooks to open in is correct, however.

If I close one of the open chartbooks that have charts within it, then open another chartbook, that chartbook opens fully.
If I close one of the blank chartbooks that has nothing in it, then open another chartbook, a blank chartbook opens.
If I close all blank chartbooks (around 30) then try to open another chartbook, a blank chartbook opens.

It seems as if I'm capped on the number of charts I can open. If I try to exceed that number a chartbook with the correct name but nothing in it will open.

If I close everything, then try to open all with "Multiple Selection", I get the same problem. 30 out of the 50 are blank while the other 20 are fine. I do not think this is a startup issue.

Am I maxing the limit of chartbooks I'm allowed to open? System specs are fine. SC running under 15% CPU, using less than 800MB of RAM.


Edit: I have been messing around with it and it seems that the max number of charts I can load is 60. I'm now getting chartbooks opening with 2 charts instead of the intended 3, if I mess with the number of charts the other chartbooks have.

Are we capped at 60 open charts across all chartbooks?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-01-07 22:15:41
[2024-01-07 23:09:28]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18338
There are no limitations on the Sierra Chart side regarding any of this.

All of this is fine with Sierra Chart.

Check the Window >> Message Log for errors related to creating a window, or memory allocation errors. Both of these are related to the operating system.

We do know that Windows will have trouble when a lot of windows are open.

The solution to your problem is to use sub instances and distribute the Chartbooks among sub instances:
Using DTC Server for Data and Trading in Another Sierra Chart Instance

Actually another solution is to enable this option:
General Settings Window: Destroy Chart Windows when Hidden (Global Settings >> General Settings >> GUI >> Application GUI)

There is a limit in Sierra Chart to open no more than 64 Chartbooks on startup but this does not mean you cannot have more Chartbooks open than that. This just relates to what can be automatically opened at once.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-01-07 23:12:37
[2024-01-09 22:31:02]
SomeRandomUser - Posts: 124
Just an update to anyone else having this problem in the future.

I'm on Windows 11 Workstation.

None of the options above worked. I am limited to 60 charts open at any given time, no matter the subinstances created/used or how the charts/chartbooks are shared. What's interesting is that if I max out the charts and then try to exit SC, I can't exit because I am not getting the "Save All?" prompt, because that too is a window/messagebox. I had to manually close a chartbook to be able to exit SC and save it, because the messagebox wouldn't spawn otherwise.

I'm now looking at other options and trying to condense what I look at, or perhaps use another computer for charting and my main one for DOMs only. It seems to be a problem, as mentioned above by a SC engineer, with Windows. I'm not sure how Windows handles SC processes between instances or how they are linked, but cloning the directory and re-running another SC .exe, instancing, DTC Server chartbook sharing, etc. does not work.

The goal was to have the entire CME, NYMEX, COMEX, and CBOT product slate in front of my face so I could spot opportunities across all products/product classes and have everything organized, but Windows and its BS strikes again.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-01-09 22:32:02
[2024-01-09 23:16:47]
user_xyz - Posts: 432
That's a lot do not recommend for many reasons....
The goal was to have the entire CME, NYMEX, COMEX, and CBOT product slate in front of my face

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-01-09 23:17:06
[2024-01-10 02:52:27]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18338
Windows is definitely terrible but we would definitely expect you to be able to use more than 60 chart windows. We have ourselves tested over 100.

However, make sure there is not a Trade Window attached/open for each of them.

As long as this is set to Yes and not more than 60 are visible at a time you should not have a problem:
General Settings Window: Destroy Chart Windows when Hidden (Global Settings >> General Settings >> GUI >> Application GUI)

The idea is to set this to Yes, and distribute these charts among different Chartbooks and only have one Chartbook visible at a time.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-01-10 04:33:27
[2024-01-10 04:29:07]
SomeRandomUser - Posts: 124

You were correct, it was the Trade Window. It was attached to the chart so I figured it was a rebuilt window, combining the two, but apparently that was wrong and they are two separate windows.

Not sure what I did differently this time, but I re-enabled the trade window and set the GUI toggle to Yes for destroying hidden charts. It's now working. Ironically enough I just did a windows update prior to trying.

Anyway, thanks for all your help, I'm up and ready to go. SC for life.
[2024-01-10 04:34:46]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18338
We are gradually working on replacing that Trade Window with controls and associated settings windows, that are part of a Control Bar. A configurable control bar and the associated controls that can be added will replace the Trade Window. The trade window is very very resource inefficient.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-01-10 05:12:35]
SomeRandomUser - Posts: 124
That would be excellent and I look forward to it. Fantastic idea.
[2024-01-11 21:25:49]
SC Support - Posts: 1930
Hi User740504, are you using Rithmic to access the Trader Funding businesses?

If not you might consider moving to Teton Order Routing in order to trade the products that you mention [NQ, ES, GC, CL, HG, and NG], this move would lower your trading costs and likely reduce latency in your trading.
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

AMP, Dorman, Advantage, Phillip Capital, and others (see item #2 below) all support Teton now, so you might ask them about it?
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing: Setup Instructions
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-01-11 21:26:33
[2024-01-11 23:23:57]
SomeRandomUser - Posts: 124
You guys already nabbed me, but thanks for the heads up!

I realized early on that both Rithmic and CQG were not reliable (and costly) routing services and made the move to Teton Order Routing about a year ago.

I'm not going anywhere :)
[2024-01-11 23:45:52]
SC Support - Posts: 1930
Thank you for your business
[2024-05-08 02:57:15]
User8135477 - Posts: 133
We are gradually working on replacing that Trade Window with controls and associated settings windows, that are part of a Control Bar. A configurable control bar and the associated controls that can be added will replace the Trade Window. The trade window is very very resource inefficient.

Will the future replacement still allow for the option to 'detach' the Trade Window from the control bar? This functionality is one of my favorite features of Sierra Chart, since it frees up more screen space that can be used for the actual charts.
[2024-05-08 14:08:54]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37842
Control bars can be floating (i.e. detached) already. This will continue to be the case.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-05-08 16:50:29]
User61168 - Posts: 428
May I suggest introducing ability to "collapse" or minimize controlbars. floating/detached is fine but collapsing into a small up/down arrow(icon) would be much more UI friendly imo. Same suggestion for collapsing the chart regions on chart also please... one click toggle operation directly on charts :-)

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