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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:23:22 +0000

Trial, no DOM data with equities

View Count: 241

[2023-03-06 18:40:33]
MarketWrench - Posts: 20
I using a trial version and only recieving level 1 data (single bid / offer) on NASDAQ TV equities (apple, boeing, ect). data set to SC data -all services. Using during normal market hours. Went through these suggestions: File Menu: Not Receiving the Full Number of Market Depth Levels - "Not Receiving the Full Number of Market Depth Levels"

Thanks for your help!
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[2023-03-06 21:33:46]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
Sorry, but the NASDAQ does not allow for the Market Depth data with the delayed streaming data. The only way to get the market depth data is to pay the exchange fee.

If this is something you want to do, then we would need to change your trial around a little bit, as the trial is not setup to allow for external connections. Let us know and we can take care of this for you.
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