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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:48:03 +0000

Number of trades to volume ratio

View Count: 1440

[2014-06-12 04:01:11]
Dom7364 - Posts: 257
What would be the easier way to add a study that would calculate the Number of trades to volume ratio?

Many thanks

[2014-06-12 11:40:51]
Zosimus - Posts: 345
The Numbers Bars Calculated Values study has a Subgraph that shows the Average Volume per trade. (Volume/Trades). SG15.
[2014-06-12 11:51:05]
Dom7364 - Posts: 257
Hi Yon!

Thanks, but I am looking form soemthing slightly different: total number of trades for a bar, to volume. In fact I have done it using the Strudy subgraph ration study, and used the Open interest and the volume.. :-)


[2014-06-12 16:56:03]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You need to use the following studies:
Number of Trades
Study Subgraphs Ratio

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