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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:36:14 +0000

Prior Position Quantity not filled in with sc.GetTradePositionForSymbolAndAccount()

View Count: 280

[2023-01-30 21:20:54]
User900285 - Posts: 89
It does confirm this in the documentation for the function but it would be nice for it to fill in all, or most of the members of the s_SCTradePosition structure.
Just like sc.GetTradePosition() does. I have come up with a way around this for now but it is just for convenience.
[2023-01-30 23:46:09]
User900285 - Posts: 89
It also seems that sc.GetTradePositionByIndex() does not return the PositionDataWithAllWorkingOrders member into a s_SCPositionData structure.
No issue, just reporting my finding.

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