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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:49:57 +0000

Highlighting at the Bid or Ask trades only!

View Count: 629

[2023-01-28 22:27:27]
Makusan - Posts: 15
I have researched all of the DOM settings for at the bid or ask trades. I have gone thru each possible setting to find the one that will 'Highlight' the 'cell' of the "inside" bid/ask trade. So when a trade occurs at the bid or offer I would like the cell to 'highlight' to what ever color I have chosen...ONLY when a trade occurs, otherwise NO highlighting.

The pic I have attached is of one of the DOM bid/ask settings, but this one stays 'highlighted' the whole time. Do NOT want that...again only when a trade occurs at the bid or offer.

Thank you
imageSC-01-27-23-TDomRecentAsk-BidSetting.png / V - Attached On 2023-01-28 22:25:40 UTC - Size: 67.35 KB - 126 views
[2023-01-30 16:18:10]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
There are a couple of options.

First, if you just want to see the flash of color for the particular trade type when that trade occurs, then we recommend using the Last Size column. You would change the coloring for the Bid/Ask background coloring through the following two Graphics Settings:
- Chart DOM Cumulative Last Size Background Bid Trade
- Chart DOM Cumulative Last Size Background Ask Trade

If you want to see the Bid and Ask separate from each other, then we would recommend using the Recent Bid Volume and Recent Ask Volume columns.
You would want to set the option for Trade >> Chart DOM Settings >> Other >> Reset Recent Bid/Ask Volume on Bid/Ask Change to Yes - which will remove the coloring when there is not a trade, but the Bid/Ask change values. The coloring for these backgrounds is the following:
- Chart DOM Last Traded Recent Bid Volume Background
- Chart DOM Last Traded Recent Ask Volume Background

Note that you will need to Enable these options for the Chart DOM in order to get them to show in the DOM by selecting the Enable option.

Also refer to the following:
Global Trade Settings Windows: Reset Recent Bid/Ask Volume on Bid/Ask Change (Global Settings >> Chart DOM Settings >> Other >> Other Settings)
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