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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:21:51 +0000

activity log export data contains different time zone than what I have it showing on chart

View Count: 234

[2023-01-20 16:15:17]
User553413 - Posts: 54
On the chart, when I open the activity log the time stamp on the trades is in EST, but when I export the data, it shows that the time is about 5 hours ahead. When I opened the file, it showed that the time was indeed different from what it says on my activity log on the chart. Please help me to change the timezone on the exported data going forward so that it shows the same time I have on my chart.
[2023-01-20 17:22:42]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
If you use the option for "Save" for the Trade Activity Log, then the times will match what is displayed. Refer to the following:
Trade Activity Log: Saving to a Text File

If you use the option for "Export" for the Trade Activity Log, then the times will be in GMT. Refer to the following:
Trade Activity Log: Importing and Exporting Data
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