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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:49:01 +0000

FESX Daily Chart vs. Intraday

View Count: 365

[2023-01-19 06:40:10]
User562957 - Posts: 58
Hello supportteam,

I got a question in August I asked a little bit same but this time I want to know if it possible
to display a Daily chart on the fesx in futures times 01:15 am to 10pm ? For example yesterday the future closes 25points lower than the settlement price For Eurex FESX it happens at 17.30 CET.
And I want Daily candlestick bars based on future daily and not on 5:30pm settlement price...

And my second question is at which time the Daily chart beginn in the fesx ? Is it the future opening on 1:15 am ? and it goes to the settlement price at 5:30 pm ?
[2023-01-19 15:32:01]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
To do what you want refer to the following:
Chart Session Times: Creating Daily Bars with Custom Session Times

And my second question is at which time the Daily chart beginn in the fesx ? Is it the future opening on 1:15 am ? and it goes to the settlement price at 5:30 pm ?

You would have to ask the exchange this question (or see if the information is on their website).
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2023-01-19 21:36:16]
User365411 - Posts: 186
And my second question is at which time the Daily chart beginn in the fesx ? Is it the future opening on 1:15 am ? and it goes to the settlement price at 5:30 pm ?

for FESX daily data:
open 1:15 am (2:15 summer)
close 5:30pm (settlement)

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