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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 06:07:30 +0000

Trading Dom Notes Column

View Count: 3440

[2023-11-07 19:13:59]
User692899 - Posts: 1
+1 definitely need this, weird how you can customize literally everything else and tweak your ladders more than any other ladder software out there yet it misses this simple feature. YES PLS!
[2023-11-07 19:14:47]
User130077 - Posts: 9
This is something I would really get value from, please update if you look to add this feature
[2023-11-08 00:05:14]
User191029 - Posts: 6
+1 on this FRQ
[2023-12-17 04:38:17]
User989376 - Posts: 1
Really want this feature!
[2023-12-28 14:08:48]
User440951 - Posts: 50
I would also like this very useful feature ! Could you plan to add it ? A simple column in the DOM columns
[2023-12-28 16:35:16]
widget - Posts: 4
+1 on this FRQ
[2023-12-28 17:12:18]
User879838 - Posts: 32
[2023-12-28 18:42:58]
User714169 - Posts: 3
Please add this feature.
[2023-12-28 21:04:17]
User929353 - Posts: 15
I think this would be excellent.
[2023-12-29 01:55:07]
bocho - Posts: 1
I would certainly utilize this if implemented
[2023-12-29 02:42:00]
User48838 - Posts: 112
+1 ty
[2023-12-29 02:43:59]
AlinGA - Posts: 14
+1 ty
[2024-01-30 05:02:49]
alphawave - Posts: 2
+1 thanks!
[2024-02-01 14:12:55]
Pacurar Radu Andrei - Posts: 2
+1 thanks!
[2024-02-02 16:36:03]
User153286 - Posts: 44
SUCCESS! You can do this today using Hot Keys

Hey Sierra could you please put the Tools menu on the DOM

Pre-Setup Steps

1.) Set your default text options

Follow standard tool option configuration steps

From any other regular chart that displays the Tools menu do the following

Tools-> tools config - > text config - > options

I only set color, there are other options to use

2.) Add a Volume Profile to your DOM - this is the key step

From the DOM use the Chart menu

Chart->Studies (F6)

Add the Volume by Price study
Configure as you like

I belive any added DOM Chart study can be used as they are displayed in a column on the left side of the DOM

Using the Volume Profile provides ample space in the most left column to add text of interest which is the goal

Know these hot keys (you can see these from any Tool menu)

   alt 1 pointer
   alt 3 cross hair
   alt h hand

Type Text (this gets stuck to price not stationary on screen)
   ctrl y Type Text, this text tool get stuck to a price

Do not use Stationary Text - this text tool gets stuck to the screen location

Remove Text
   alt shft T removes text


1.) Put mouse in pointer mode (alt 1) and move to Volume Profile location of interest on DOM - any mode works but pointer seems best to me on DOM
2.) Press Control Y to activate the Type Text tool.
3.) Move mouse to location of interest within the Volume Profile area
4.) Click mouse to bring up text entry dialog and enter text, follow instructions on prompt
5.) The text will appear at the mouse-pointer location on Volume Profile and will stay with the price row as you move up and down on the DOM

Because of the Control Y hotkey, the Type Text tool is active. If you click on the Volume Profile area again, it will again pop up the text entry dialog.

This clicking action only works in the Volume Profile (DOM Chart Study column), the other columns on the DOM are un-affected and work as expected.
For example you can still click to enter a Buy of Sell entry.

Maybe Sierra might want to add this to their documentation.
[2024-03-27 18:08:22]
Lorne McConnachie - Posts: 8
+1 on this.

Would be super efficient if we could click and type on a DOM column to quickly notes for what we see on the DOM
[2024-05-13 16:13:21]
Lorne McConnachie - Posts: 8
Is there any update on this feature?

I know there are workarounds but they are slow to incorporate when in a live trading session, and this text column is simple yet very powerful

Thank you kindly
[2024-05-24 02:14:01]
mastadom - Posts: 5
+1. Please make this happen

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