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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 02:16:37 +0000

What files to save B4 a computer crash

View Count: 967

[2014-03-25 23:37:24]
rick e - Posts: 51
Hi folks. I had a bad thing happen to me yesterday - I had a computer CRASH. Haven't had one of those in years! It seems a rather nasty worm got into the works. It's ok now, but I was wondering what specific files I should regularly backup if I ever had to start all over again by reinstalling SC and hopefully NOT having to re-construct and re-configure all of those lovely chartbooks that I have so carefully crafted over the years. Thanks for any input - Rick
[2014-03-26 00:38:50]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
we recommend backing up the entire Sierra Chart folder. To save space you can exclude files with a "scid" file extension.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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