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[User Discussion] - Clock code?

View Count: 4128

[2013-04-19 23:34:00]
SgtJ - Posts: 154
Has anyone created or modified the countdown clock code to display just system time...that they'd be willing to post/share? Trying to avoid loading additional sw. ty
[2013-04-20 14:14:41]
ganz - Posts: 1048

i've not seen the countdown clock code so this is just my exmpl

#include "sierrachart.h"


SCSFExport scsf_clock_b1(SCStudyGraphRef sc)
  if (sc.SetDefaults)
    sc.GraphName     = "clock_b1";
    sc.GraphRegion    = 0;
    sc.StudyDescription  = "clock >> beta 1 << @ganz ";          
    sc.FreeDLL     = 1;    
    sc.AutoLoop     = 1;    
    sc.UpdateAlways   = 1;    
    int Hour, Minute, Second;
    SCDateTime SysTime   = sc.CurrentSystemDateTime;
    SCString TimeStr;
    TimeStr.Format("%i:%02i:%02i ", SysTime.GetHour(), SysTime.GetMinute(), SysTime.GetSecond());     
    s_UseTool Tool;
    Tool.ChartNumber   = sc.ChartNumber;
    Tool.Region     = sc.GraphRegion;
    Tool.DrawingType   = DRAWING_TEXT;
    Tool.ReverseTextColor  = 0;
    Tool.BeginIndex   = sc.Index;        
    Tool.BeginValue   = sc.BaseDataIn[SC_HIGH][sc.Index];
    Tool.Color     = COLOR_YELLOW;
    Tool.FontFace     = "Arial";
    Tool.FontSize     = 10;
    Tool.FontBold     = true;
    Tool.Text     = TimeStr ;
    Tool.AddMethod     = UTAM_ADD_OR_ADJUST;
    Tool.LineNumber   = 55115511;
    Tool.TextAlignment  = DT_VCENTER ;

gd lck
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2013-04-20 14:20:03
[2013-04-20 17:18:19]
SgtJ - Posts: 154
Thank you much.
[2013-04-20 23:15:00]
Kiwi - Posts: 374
Among other things this has a countdown timer (it also gives the high or low of the bar the active tool is over).

SCSFExport scsf_Direction515b(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) {

SCSubgraphRef oO = sc.Subgraph[0], oH = sc.Subgraph[1],
oL = sc.Subgraph[2], oC = sc.Subgraph[3],
Dirn = sc.Subgraph[5], Up = sc.Subgraph[6], Dn = sc.Subgraph[7] ,
s6 = sc.Subgraph[16], s7 = sc.Subgraph[17], s8 = sc.Subgraph[18],
Bk = sc.Subgraph[9], s10 = sc.Subgraph[10], s11 = sc.Subgraph[11],
s12= sc.Subgraph[12], s13 = sc.Subgraph[13],
o1 = sc.Subgraph[21], o2 = sc.Subgraph[22];
SCFloatArray& O = sc.BaseDataIn[0], H = sc.BaseDataIn[1],
L = sc.BaseDataIn[2], C = sc.BaseDataIn[3];
SCInputRef fontsize = sc.Input[2], shiftleft = sc.Input[3],
ShowIBs = sc.Input[4], newdir = sc.Input[5];
SCDateTimeArrayRef barTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn;

if (sc.SetDefaults)
sc.GraphName="Direction 515 with chart extension";
sc.StudyDescription = "Direction for 5m and 15m HSI";
oO.Name="O Up/Dn Bar Colour";
oH.Name="H Day Inside Bar Colour";
Up.Name = "Up"; Dn.Name = "Dn";
s7.Name="lowesthigh"; s8.Name="highestlow";
s10.Name = "HH"; s11.Name = "LL";
s12.Name = "SwLH"; s13.Name = "SwHL";
newdir.Name="To start new direction"; newdir.SetFloat(9.5);
ShowIBs.Name="Show IBs"; ShowIBs.ValueType=YESNO_VALUE;
fontsize.Name="Font Size"; fontsize.SetInt(11);
shiftleft.Name="Text to left"; shiftleft.SetInt(30);
sc.CalculationPrecedence = VERY_LOW_PREC_LEVEL;
sc.ReceiveMousePointerEvents = 1;
// sc.FreeDLL = 1;

int as=sc.ArraySize-1;
int i,updown=1,os;
float up, dn, highestlow=0.0, lowestlow=0.0, swhighestlow=0.0,
lowesthigh=999999.9, highesthigh=999999.9, swlowesthigh=999999.9;
float& offset = sc.PersistVars->f1;
int& chartselected = sc.PersistVars->i1;
static int const upcolour = oO.PrimaryColor;
static int const dncolour = oO.SecondaryColor;
static int const oscolour = oH.PrimaryColor;

if(sc.UpdateStartIndex==0) {
offset = newdir.FloatValue*sc.TickSize;
o1.Name=" o1";
sc.SetACSToolEnable(SC_ACS_TOOL9, true);

for (i=sc.UpdateStartIndex-1; i < sc.ArraySize; i++)
int p = i - 1;
updown=(int)Dirn[p]; os=(int)s6[p]; if(updown==0) updown=1;
lowesthigh=s7[p]; highestlow=s8[p];
highesthigh=s10[p]; lowestlow=s11[p]; swlowesthigh=s12[p]; swhighestlow=s13[p];

float& h = H[i]; float& l = L[i];
if(updown == 1) {
if(l > highestlow) swhighestlow = lowestlow = highestlow = l;
} else {
if(h < lowesthigh) swlowesthigh = highesthigh = lowesthigh = h;

if(h>highesthigh) highesthigh=h;
if(l<lowestlow) lowestlow=l;
up = highesthigh - swlowesthigh;
dn = swhighestlow - lowestlow;
Up[i] = up; Dn[i] = dn; os=0;

if(h > lowesthigh+offset && l >= L[p] - offset) {
updown = 1;
highesthigh = lowesthigh = h;
swhighestlow = lowestlow = highestlow = l;
} else if(l < highestlow-offset && h <= H[p]+offset) {
updown = -1;
lowestlow = highestlow = l;
swlowesthigh = highesthigh = lowesthigh = h;

// if(H[i]>H[p]+offset && L[i]<L[p]-offset) {os=1;};
if(((H[i] < H[p] && L[i] >= L[p]) ||
(H[i] <= H[p] && L[i] > L[p])) && ShowIBs.BooleanValue)
{os = 1;}; o1[i] = 55;

if(os == 1) {
oO.DataColor[i] = oH.DataColor[i] = oscolour; o1[i] = 1;
oL.DataColor[i] = oC.DataColor[i] = oscolour;
} else if(updown >= 0) {
oO.DataColor[i] = oH.DataColor[i] = upcolour; o1[i] = 33;
oL.DataColor[i] = oC.DataColor[i] = upcolour;
} else if(updown == -1) {
oO.DataColor[i] = oH.DataColor[i] = dncolour; o1[i] = 66;
oL.DataColor[i] = oC.DataColor[i] = dncolour;

oO[i] = O[i]; oC[i] = C[i];
oH[i] = H[i]; oL[i] = L[i];

Dirn[i] = updown; s6[i] = (float)(updown);
s7[i] = lowesthigh; s8[i] = highestlow; s10[i] = highesthigh;
s11[i] = lowestlow; s12[i] = swlowesthigh; s13[i] = swhighestlow;

int Hour, Minute, Second; int& timesave = sc.PersistVars->i11;
SCDateTime BarTime = sc.SecondsPerBar;
SCString StrRemainingTime;
SCDateTime RemainingTime = barTime[as].GetTime() +
if(sc.IsReplayRunning()) RemainingTime = barTime[as].GetTime() +
sc.SecondsPerBar - sc.LatestDateTimeForLastBar.GetTime();

if(RemainingTime!=timesave) {
float uptool = 0, dntool = 0;
if (sc.MenuEventID == SC_ACS_TOOL9)
chartselected = sc.CurrentSystemDateTime.GetTime();

if( (sc.CurrentSystemDateTime.GetTime() - chartselected) <= 10 &&
sc.CurrentlySelectedDrawingTool == 2
&& sc.CurrentlySelectedDrawingToolState){
uptool = Up[sc.ActiveToolIndex];
dntool = Dn[sc.ActiveToolIndex];
uptool = (uptool > 99) ? 99.0 : uptool;
dntool = (dntool > 99) ? 99.0 : dntool;
up = (up > 99) ? 99.0 : Up[as];
dn = (dn > 99) ? 99.0 : Dn[as];

s_UseTool Tool;
Tool.Clear(); // reset tool structure for our next use
float High, Low;
Tool.BeginValue = High-((High-Low)/60);
else Tool.BeginValue = Low+(3*(High-Low)/60);
Tool.BeginDateTime =
barTime[sc.IndexOfLastVisibleBar - shiftleft.IntValue];
Tool.ChartNumber = sc.ChartNumber;
Tool.Tool = TOOL_TEXT;
Tool.LineWidth = 1; Tool.FontSize = fontsize.GetInt();
Tool.Region = 0;
Tool.AddMethod = UTAM_ADD_OR_ADJUST;
Tool.Color = RGB(28,28,28);

char output[40]="";
if(RemainingTime<=0 && RemainingTime>=-BarTime) {
Tool.Color = RGB(255,0,0);
} else if(RemainingTime>BarTime || RemainingTime<-BarTime)
Hour=(int) (RemainingTime/3600);
Minute=((int) (RemainingTime/60))-(Hour*60);
Second= RemainingTime-(Hour*3600)-(Minute*60);
if(Second>=10) {
// if(uptool || dntool) {
// StrRemainingTime.Format(" %d:%d %2.0f %2.0f : %2.0f %2.0f", Minute,
// Second, up, dn, uptool, dntool);
// } else {
if (uptool > 0) {
StrRemainingTime.Format(" %d:%d %2.0f %2.0f", Minute,
Second, uptool, dntool);
} else {
StrRemainingTime.Format(" %d:%d %2.0f %2.0f", Minute,
Second, up, dn);
else {
// if(uptool || dntool) {
// StrRemainingTime.Format(" %d:0%d %2.0f %2.0f : %2.0f %2.0f", Minute,
// Second, up, dn, uptool, dntool);
// } else {
// StrRemainingTime.Format(" %d:0%d %2.0f %2.0f", Minute,
// Second, up, dn);
// }
if (uptool > 0) {
StrRemainingTime.Format(" %d:0%d %2.0f %2.0f", Minute,
Second, uptool, dntool);
} else {
StrRemainingTime.Format(" %d:0%d %2.0f %2.0f", Minute,
Second, up, dn);
if(Minute==0) {
Tool.Color = RGB(0,0,255);
else Tool.Color = RGB(255,0,255);
Tool.Text = StrRemainingTime;
Tool.LineNumber = 164;

[2013-04-22 16:57:43]
SgtJ - Posts: 154
Thanks Kiwi
[2013-04-22 19:10:33]
M5amhan - Posts: 468
if you dont want to use code here is a free clock that i and others use

[2013-04-23 02:19:07]
SgtJ - Posts: 154
Thanks, I do use this on other pc's, just didn't want to load it in this case.

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