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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 11:15:04 +0000


View Count: 1296

[2013-10-24 17:38:55]
User45578 - Posts: 49
Hi,when a friend of mine send me a new studie or chartbook ;what precisely i've to do to get integrated thoses elements in my plateform and found easely the new chartbook in my collect chartbook and my new study in the menu of studies Thanks
[2013-10-24 17:53:43]
Sierra Chart - Max - Posts: 5641
You will need to copy the files to your Sierra Chart Data Files Folder.

Please refer to the documentation here:

To use the chartbook select File >> Open Chartbook, and select it from the list of available chartbooks (provided that you have copied it to your Sierra Charts Data Files Folder.
Sierra Chart Support

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