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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Feb 2025 08:49:39 +0000

calculate (draw) Study on Bar Close

View Count: 3072

[2013-04-05 11:32:41]
Rainer - Posts: 110
Feature request:
Please add "Calculate on Bar close" (InputName) with (InputValue = yes/no) to the Study settings dialog box.
This will draw the Study for the last Bar only at the Close. (as the Study fluctuates constantly as the OHL bar develops giving you no clear indication, only when Bar closes)
[2013-05-28 02:28:48]
Rainer - Posts: 110
asking support, if this (simple) feature has been implemented and how to access?
As it is a standard feature in all other Charting Platforms and I really would like to make use of it.
[2013-05-28 05:03:19]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This is not supported and there are no plans for this.

We have no further comment about this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2013-05-28 05:03:35
[2013-05-28 06:02:22]
Rainer - Posts: 110
I don't think you really understood what is requested here, as your answer is brutally blunt NO; (like a car manufacturer saying NO to a customer's request of just having simple electric windows). And I am merely requesting a functionality as offered by ALL your competitors charting platforms across the board.

As the last Bar forms on a 5 minute chart with a Stochastic indicator (for instance), I the User only want the see the Stochastic's 'last stroke' (for that last Bar) drawn, at the end of that 5min bar (as the next 5min bar forms). Reason: "Your decision is to go Long on turn of Stochastic (or cross-over), which might change even in the last few seconds (of the 5min bar-cycle) and/but you don't want to be influenced otherwise (while the Stochastic fluctuates during the bar's 5min duration) particularly when glancing over many open charts on my six monitors.

Now having said all that: How would I (for instance) implement this feature in a Custom Study for Auto-Trading; whereas you program an automatic "BUY" on Stochastic cross-over command but only on Bar Close (not at any cross-over while the bar is still forming and its 5min duration is not complete)?
And if this is able to be programmed in a Custom Study then this parameter should also be available throughout the Sierra Chart platform! Don't you think? (Much like simple electric windows are found in almost all cars.)

[2013-05-28 07:53:14]
ganz - Posts: 1048



gd lck

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