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Date/Time: Fri, 06 Dec 2024 07:01:02 +0000

[User Discussion] - Linux

View Count: 82397

[2018-10-31 03:48:42]
ganz - Posts: 1048
Obviously some big players like Oracle and HP are fully disappointed by this new reality. (in case it will be done)
So KDE/Qt and Mir might be repaired to the production ready state around Debian ecosystem.
[2018-10-31 03:54:43]
ganz - Posts: 1048
if Redhad didn't do any help in stable linux desktops for years ...

it was very close with new Wayland tech and having predictable and acceptable behavior by business and community.
any new attempt takes another 3-5 years or more.
[2018-10-31 05:29:07]
User921987 - Posts: 236
It would be nice to continue this "opinion debate" but I think it doesn't give any value for others. Quite meaningless I would say.

Before I will stop posting to this matter I will sum up the situation so we don't forget what was it all about:

WHen IBM recently acquired the Redhat:

a) Your opinion: Linux Desktop is Dead
b) My opinion: Linux Desktop is *NOT* dead.

Now. I hope all the best for you and HAPPY TRADING!

the Clown
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-11-01 07:06:58
[2018-11-03 10:15:45]
ganz - Posts: 1048

WHen IBM recently acquired the Redhat:
a) Your opinion: Linux Desktop is Dead

There is no SC linux version.

What else?
[2018-11-03 12:33:01]
BeardPower - Posts: 51

It seems that we all have our glass ball we are looking into and it's all just speculation. What will happen, and why IBM was taking over RedHat, can only be answered by IBM. We find out soon enough.
Besides that, no one is hindered coming up with the next stable Linux Desktop, so why should it be dead? Systems don't sell software, but software sells systems. It's like claiming that ADA or COBOL is dead, which is neither right nor does it make much sense.

Regarding an "SC OS": I was thinking about this idea for a while now. The software and hardware landscape is transforming in the next years (thanks to the recent OOO vulnerabilities, RISC-V and other projects fostering Open Source). Many companies are implementing hard- and software from a clean slate, getting rid of legacy cruft and mistakes from the past, which finally enables different Kernel concepts like Exokernels, fast Microkernels and highly reliable and secure new Operating Systems possible. The old Commodore64/Amiga experience, which allowed you to directly "boot" into an IDE/Game/Desktop within seconds, is entirely doable. It does not help though, whining about what other companies did, do or will do. If you want things to change, act! Someone needs to get started, and I don't know why it couldn't be one of us.

Best regards,

Possibly another clown.
[2018-11-03 13:20:14]
User921987 - Posts: 236
Regarding an "SC OS": I was thinking about this idea for a while now.... If you want things to change, act! Someone needs to get started, and I don't know why it couldn't be one of us.
I also have been thinking this scenario a lot lately. The more I think it the more it makes sense. Yes to make a bootable (docker/VM/hard) image including all the necessary components for the sierra is not a very complicated task to do but I see the support is the real question here.

I too remember very well C64/Amiga in the '80 (My first micro was Vic-20). I did many graphics demos for the Amiga because it had those amazing copper/blitter and other features well suited for gfx. But I have to say the 8088/86 XT which I purchased 1984 with the MS-DOS (or was it PC-DOS) was a fast booting OS too.

btw. wellcome to group of clowns. Clown Power !
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-11-03 13:26:46
[2018-11-03 15:32:42]
ganz - Posts: 1048
Dear "group of clowns"

where is the stable, reliable and lightweight tool like winapi/gdi is?

do you know some? just point at it to inform these "silly" SC devs.

very easy.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-11-03 15:35:00
[2018-11-04 15:45:48]
ganz - Posts: 1048
Some funny graphs.

[2018-11-04 16:02:14]
ganz - Posts: 1048
Another part of a happy picture

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-11-04 16:02:22
[2018-11-11 16:20:17]
ertrader - Posts: 680
Good news!! In regards to post #53 and the replay issue I was having on wine 3.03 stable and Mint 18 and 19.

In the latest development release Wine 3.20, Crossover 18 and Wine 3.6 (Ubuntu 3.6-1), this is resolved.

At this point, I am unaware of any further compatibility issues with SC and Linux/Wine as long as CTS trading-DTC or IB Linux TWS is used.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-11-11 16:47:00
[2018-11-11 17:01:11]
AlexPereira - Posts: 197

Its not about wine 3.20 only, it has been resolved for some months now, that and the tradewindow also. ( you can now open and close trade window as much as you want ).

Also , 64-bit version , in the latest versions, have the "trade activity window" fixed ( previously, it was working in 32bit but not 64bit ).

Also, latest development of not needing FREEDLL also works nicelly with reloading dll's in linux ( I had an issue where it would work perfectly ( reload dll with freedll = 1 ) in windows but not on linux ).

thus.... I have searched and searched, and I cannot find any issue with linux version as of latest SC versions ( 32bit and 64bit ).

Is anything not working that I can test ?
[2018-11-11 23:18:27]
ertrader - Posts: 680
Good to hear and thank you. As best I am aware, all is working on my system with SC 64 bit and Wine 64 bit. I also had issues with trade window activity but it is working too.

I use my own custom ACSIL so have not tested anything relating to spreadsheets. If you have experience in this area, that would be helpful for others reading this forum to know.
[2018-11-12 02:35:17]
DevTrader79 - Posts: 44
I have Arch linux running with XFCE , Plasma , LXDE desktop time to time. These desktops are fast compared to others like cinnamon,Matte or Gnome. When I fresh install through wine. Then copy the chartbook from windows 7.0 OS to linux. The whole ordering system get messed up. I have to fix the limit and stop orders on both sides buy and sell. the trade activity window never worked. Today first time looks like fixed. Performance is great.After windows 7.0 I don't see any stable windows OS around. Good time to setup Plan B such as Linux.
[2018-11-12 13:55:28]
User921987 - Posts: 236
I tried the latest SierraChart in the Linux VirtualBox (5.2.20 r125813) as follows,

debian 9.6
kernel 4.9.0-8-amd64
xfce4 (4.12.3)
sierrachart 1837 64-bit

Everything else I tried is running ok except when I Open or Close the Trade Window (attached or not) I will receive a "ConfigureTradeWindowTabs exception" into Message Log. I think I should upgrade wine to latest and see how it then goes...

And it goes well. With the wine-3.2 there is no more messages in the log.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-11-12 17:52:14
[2018-11-12 14:13:45]
ertrader - Posts: 680
You may want to see if wine 3.20 works for you. This is a development version that has fixes for a number of issues. I do not know when the next wine stable is being released.

When I updated from Wine 3.03 stable to Wine 3.20 development, I did have a Linux configuration error message "W: Target package is configure multiple times" when updates would run. I have seen this before with other applications and was able to get if fixed using the following link:

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-11-12 14:17:01
[2018-11-12 14:23:11]
AlexPereira - Posts: 197
I am currently emerging wine 3.20, still on 3.19. I should have mentioned that I am using wine development versions ( 3.XX ) and not wine stable versions ( 3.0X ). So even if your distribution only has 3.19 or 3.18, it should work.

Also, to anyone interested, if you want to try wine-staging with gtk theme, it should also everything work. ( didn't catch any major usuability or performance problems )
[2018-11-12 16:00:13]
User921987 - Posts: 236
You may want to see if wine 3.20 works for you.

I updated to Wine 3.2 and the "problem" is now fixed.
[2018-11-13 07:53:57]
ganz - Posts: 1048

These desktops are fast compared to others like cinnamon,Matte or Gnome.

use mate tweak to get rid of any animations and compositors or try comppton GPU driven

[2018-11-26 12:27:52]
BeardPower - Posts: 51
Well maybe we will be big enough at some point, to take over some of this operating system development and do it right. We think that may come at some point.

And this is really not too much of a stretch, we already have in our active development plans and have partially started the development of voice, video, chat communication, screen sharing, and remote control functionality. All of this is going to be part of Sierra Chart.

Are you referring to adopting an existing OS or to create one from scratch?
Considering the big change in hardware (NEO, Mill, RISC-V) there are exciting times ahead where a company is able to make a dent again. There are a lot of exciting projects (Exokernel, Unikernel, Multikernel), which are, unfortunately, PoCs and of academic nature. Anyway, someone has to start, right?

Going to operating system level in SierraChart would change the whole thing. Big step but done properly would and will be a game changer. Definitely !
--- EDIT
Imagine you could boot directly to the trading environment tuned up for the trading only. Safe and stable environment with low latencies. What a great idea !!

For sure. Running on some passive cooled SBC (Single Board Computer) utilizing the FPGA which comes with it.

Another big advantage: only SC is to be blamed if things go awry, assuming they also provide SCOS (Sierra Chart OS) ;-).
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-11-26 13:50:15
[2018-12-06 16:53:07]
ganz - Posts: 1048
With GCC 7.4 being the first GCC7 update since v7.3 from this past January, there are a lot of regression/bug fixes. In fact, GNU Compiler Collection developers report that more than 100 bugs have been fixed in this latest stable point release

[2018-12-07 01:00:54]
ganz - Posts: 1048
Just in time for the end of the year, we have released Qt 5.12 LTS today. This is a long-term-supported (LTS) release that we will support for 3 years to come. We have had a strong focus on quality and fixed more than 2000 bugs since the last Qt LTS version, Qt 5.9.7 – make that over 5000 bugfixes since Qt 5.6.3. Of course, this is only the start, and we will work hard on continuously improving the quality of Qt 5.12 in upcoming patches

[2018-12-18 13:25:46]
T44 - Posts: 363
User Discussion: Configuration for Linux users

As Linux is not supported on Sierra, Linux users may wish to do the following

1. Register with an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS or “Cloud Computing”) vendor

In this example, we use Amazon. Depending on your Sierra use case, you may be able to run this free for a year in the AWS free tier.

2. Create a Compute Instance with Windows Server 2008

In AWS EC2, Instances, Launch Instance, search for ‘Windows’, and choose
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Base - ami-079c6d294ed9a73d0
Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 SP1 Datacenter edition, 64-bit architecture. [English]

Then select your desired instance type. T2.micro may be free tier eligible.

3. Follow the documentation to log in as Administrator

In AWS, you’ll need to provide (or generate) a *pem and then upload this to decrypt your password

Use your Linux package manager to install ‘rdesktop’
then run from a shell (where 2560x1600 is your desired resolution and ec2-XXXX.compute.amazonaws.com is your EC2 hostname or IP)

rdesktop -x b -z -K -u Administrator -g 2560x1600 ec2-XXXX.compute.amazonaws.com

4. Install the Desktop Experience in Windows 2008 Server

Start Server Manager.
Click Features.
Click Add Features.
On the Select Features page, select the Desktop Experience checkbox.
Review the information about other features that are required by the Desktop Experience feature, and click Add Required Features.
Follow the prompts and finish the installation.

5. Install remote desktop services on Windows 2008 Server

Log in to the RDS host as an administrator.
Start Server Manager.
Select Roles in the navigation tree.
Click Add Roles to start the Add Role wizard.
Select the role Remote Desktop Services.
On the Select Role Services page, select Remote Desktop Session Host.
On the Specify Authentication Method page, select Do not require Network Level Authentication (Linux rdesktop client can’t provide this)
On the Configure Client Experience page, select the functionality that you want to provide to users.
Follow the prompts and finish the installation.

6. Create a user for Sierra chart
Normal Windows procedure.

7. Disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security
Search the web for instructions.

8. Connect to your Sierra chart user with rdesktop

Download and install Sierra Chart with Internet Explorer

9. Optional step

Transfer your files and settings – web based email, your own webserver, or S3 storage works well.

10. Enjoy using Sierra Chart from your Linux desktop without any compatibility issues :-)
[2018-12-20 01:38:36]
ertrader - Posts: 680
Wine 4.0 RC2 development has been released and is working great. No known issues. Expecting Wine 4.0 stable within 2-3 weeks. Wine continues to provide great support with Sierra Charts and has eliminated the need for Windows.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-12-20 01:46:27
[2019-01-06 03:59:05]
ganz - Posts: 1048
Google Devs Call Open-Source NVIDIA Driver Unstable, Nouveau Blacklisted By Chrome

[2019-01-10 02:00:41]
ertrader - Posts: 680
I detected a memory leak in Wine 4.0 RC2. Updating to Wine 4.0 RC5 appears to have fixed the issue but I will be monitoring.

This issue was detected simply by using the System Monitor and watching how much ram SC was taking up over time. SC would start off with fairly reasonable memory usage (<500 meg) but then grow to consume all memory in a couple days (20 Gig).

Exiting SC and reentering solved the issue temporarily once discovered. Symptoms included complete system freeze requiring hard reboot. There was no error log created so that did not help find the issue.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-01-10 02:09:06
[2019-01-12 19:56:00]
AlexPereira - Posts: 197
ertrader, do you have problems with latest versions of SierraChart ?

I notice that testing with 15 loaded instruments, it has problems connecting at startup.
On contrary, no problems happen whatsoever in version 1837.

With 5 or less instruments, latests versions also connect.

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