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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Feb 2025 18:50:35 +0000

[User Discussion] - Ackin's indicators (SCH users requests for studies) - Update list

View Count: 70712

[2021-04-07 16:10:06]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
If not could you please consider?

I had a very complicated last month and there weren't many updates. That should improve from this week. To your question: I don't want to send notifications directly to email, but I can display new updates somewhere .... for example Twitter. I'll think about it.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-04-10 12:59:36
[2021-04-08 10:33:48]
Ackin - Posts: 1865

do you have any notification service available for a new update? If not could you please consider? I regularly check the folder with new files. It would be more convenient to receive notifications. You have a thousand people on the forum, it would certainly welcome many others :-)

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-04-13 07:33:57
[2021-04-08 19:57:15]
User573721 - Posts: 26
Thanks Ackin :-)
[2021-04-11 08:58:20]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
New updates (April)

Library Zdislav OFA bars
(ver 11c)
Edit Bear Momentum Print
Edit Bull Momentum Print

Library Free1 (2019)
ver 131h)
New Numbers Bars: Sum Mid-H/L
New Numbers Bars: Sum Mid-H/L Trades

ver 131g)
New Numbers Bars: On Close Sum HL Trades
New Numbers Bars: On Close Sum HL Volume,Delta
New Numbers Bars: Sum POC-HL Trades

ver 131f) ......//today
New Numbers Bars: On Close Delta Diagonal
New Numbers Bars: On Close Trades
New Numbers Bars: On Close Volume

(ver 131e)
New Numbers Bars: Delta Top/Bottom Diagonal
New Numbers Bars: Delta Top/Bottom Horizontal
New Numbers Bars: On Close Delta Horizontal

(ver 131d)
New High/Low levels
New Numbers Bars: Volume Value Area V1
Edit Bar Numbering - Parabolic

(ver 131c)
Edit Bar Numbering - SuperTrend Stop
Edit SuperTrend Stop - improved
Edit SuperTrend Stop - improved2

(ver 131b)
New Volume At Price (Max Total Volume - Automatic) Modify v1
New Volume At Price Threshold Alert V1 modified
New Volume At Price Threshold Alert V2 modified

(ver 130f)
Edit Numbers Bars: Pullback Range
Edit Text Display For Study from chart
Edit Bar_Size Marker

(ver 130d)
New Bar_Size Marker
New Bar_Min Volume Marker
New Numbers Bars: Pullback Range

Library Free1 (2020)
New Hurst Exponent V2
New TPO ID: Right Side POC/High/Low

Edit AskBid Volume coloring Bars (Histogram)
Edit AskBid Volume coloring Bars
Edit Volume Value Area for Bars - improved

New VbP ID: Right Side POC/High/Low

Library Free1 (2021)
New ATR levels

New Alert Extension Lines

contact link:
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-04-25 13:08:57
[2021-04-24 09:10:47]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
Yesterday, the number of thousands of free library users was exceeded. The forum is open to visitors from other countries for just two years. I appreciate your trust and thank all active members ....

There will be three Time and Sales studies in tomorrow's update. These will be the first studies in my libraries from this area (everything else is almost available).

Write further requests for new studies and modifications directly there or to my email .... Thank you
imagestats.png / V - Attached On 2021-04-24 09:05:00 UTC - Size: 22.86 KB - 434 views
[2021-04-24 12:03:10]
Rui S - Posts: 196
Hello Ackin.

I am still a recent user of Sierra and not yet a big user of your studies (just using two so far).

Nevertheless, I want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all your work and for making all this studies available for free.

Best regards.
[2021-04-24 12:05:13]
58LesPaul - Posts: 429
Ackin, I've requested to join your indicator forum twice in the last week. Waiting for email.

[2021-04-24 12:20:21]
User907968 - Posts: 826
Nice work Ackin, thanks.
[2021-04-24 16:04:07]
caligola - Posts: 116
Elias as admin of the biggest Sierrachart Telegram group
what group is?
I've searched telegram and what I have found is in spanish ( https://t.me/SierraCharts )
[2021-05-06 15:11:02]
User628616 - Posts: 132
Do you have a custom study similar to the one in link, that plots those levels automatically

[2021-05-09 15:22:49]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
Do you have a custom study similar to the one in link, that plots those levels automatically
Unfortunately,no. Next month, if there will be time and your request will be still current, I'll take a look at it .... Apologize, I don't have free time for that at the moment.

A new cooperation with Trade_Your_Plan has been established. Everyone knows from Youtube his perfect Sierrachart tutorials. From the discussion in his Discord chat, new studies arise, for which a Subforum was created. All members of T_Y_P Discord have these new (and future) studies free to download .....
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-05-15 12:44:35
[2021-05-27 23:08:12]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
Free for Trade Your Plan Discort Group

Last month's update

(ver 2a)
New Sweep orders (Region)
Edit Sweep orders (Dots)

(ver 1f)
New Members: Cumulative Delta Bars Volume filtered
New Members: Cumulative Delta Bars Volume filtered (at price)
New Members: Depth imbalance - Histogram
New Members: Volume imbalance - Histogram

(ver 1e)
New Members: Cumulative Volume Point
New Members: Numbers Bars Multi level Delta
New Members: Delta volume VM

(ver 1d)
New Sweep orders (Dots)
New Members: Emma lines
New Members: ZigZag Tool Linear regression
New Members: Numbers Bars Multi level AskBid

(ver 1c)
New Volume Depth Cluster


Several users have written me that they cannot register. The reg form sometimes filters repeated requests from the same address by deleting them all as spam.

My recommendation:
If you do not receive an answer by the next day, send me an e-mail directly: zyp.sierra@gmail.com
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-05-29 20:15:59
[2021-05-29 20:27:11]
User573721 - Posts: 26
Hi Ackin,

I would like to create zones for Iceberg according to the instructions from Trade_Your_Plan. Can you advise me how to do it? Or can you create an indicator for it?

Thank you :-)
[2021-05-31 18:21:35]
User628616 - Posts: 132
Hello Ackin, do you have a Custom Study that can plot an Alert when a Candle Opens below Moving Averages & Closes above those same Moving Averages? I attached a chart with boxes around the Candles that demonstrate that.
imageCapturepb.PNG / V - Attached On 2021-05-31 18:21:31 UTC - Size: 18.7 KB - 411 views
[2021-06-01 07:16:03]
User573721 - Posts: 26

Thank you vey much:-)
[2021-06-01 22:02:46]
Ackin - Posts: 1865

Try study from Sierrachart default list

"Color Bar Based on Alert Condition" with alert:

You can find the collection for that on my forum in the free section ...
[2021-06-02 19:11:01]
User628616 - Posts: 132
Hello, I copy/pasted the alert wording, and in the attached pic is how it displays(the pick candles), what ID Numbers do I need to change so it only prints a Pink candle when it Opens Above 8EMA & Close Below 200EMA and vice versa(Opens Below 8EMA & Close Above 200EMA).
Thank you very much for your Time & Assistance.

Also I went to the Free Section but my username/password for registration hasn't come back for acceptance.
imageCapture.PNG / V - Attached On 2021-06-02 19:06:16 UTC - Size: 124.67 KB - 436 views
[2021-06-04 12:06:58]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
Check your email ...

If you can't find anything there, write me on my email your sc account name and nick what you want to have on the forum.


I received the honorary position of "moderator" in the Discord chat Trade_Your_Plan.
So we can now communicate with each other there as well.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-08-08 14:21:31
[2021-07-05 17:16:34]
User573721 - Posts: 26
Hi Ackin,

I've seen almost all the videos from TradeYourPlan. I can't setup his chart. Does he share it somewhere?

Thanks :-)
[2021-07-05 17:46:27]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
I've seen almost all the videos from TradeYourPlan. I can't setup his chart. Does he share it somewhere?
Do you mean OrderFlow chart?

Trade_your_plan is an excellent trader. One of the few fulltime traders who is willing to share his experiences.... for free on his discord chat. In the YT videos he shows in great detail how to set up an Orderflow chart and others but I understand that someone can have problems with small nuances.

He doesn't share exactly the same chart anywhere, but on my forum there is a very similar chartbook to download from one user. Of course also other charts. Everything is in the T_Y_P section so the condition is to be in Discord chat (Trade_your_plan) and then you can download it for free from my forum ....

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