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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 02:16:01 +0000

Changing Timezone-Sessions after Importing a Chartbook

View Count: 1946

[2013-07-01 16:57:02]
Ares_Bowman - Posts: 5

I trying out SC for the first time this week and would like to know how to properly manage/adjust session times for charts in a chartbook that I've imported from a friend in a different timezone. The chartbook has 20 charts and a lot of studies (IB, VWAP, etc) that all need to have the correct session times. Is there a way to adjust all of the charts and studies or do I have to manually go into each chart and make the adjustments?

[2013-07-01 18:22:59]
Zosimus - Posts: 345
You will have to go to the Chart Settings (F5) of each chart and change the Session Times. This is a bit of work but the plus side is that each chart can work with different sessions.
[2013-07-01 22:21:20]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You will have to go into the Chart Settings for each chart and do this.

However, you can set up the Session Times in the Global Symbol Settings for each symbol. After this when you go to each chart, you can just press Apply Global Symbol Settings in Chart >> Chart Settings. For more information, refer to:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2013-07-01 23:09:46
[2024-05-23 18:57:23]
Technical - Posts: 153
You will have to go into the Chart Settings for each chart and do this.

Customers have been asking for a solution to this problem for over 10 years. This is a nagging problem for those of us who purchased preconfigured chartbooks from vendors. The time settings are hardcoded into every hidden chart. I have one chartbook with 39 hidden charts, each locked into a time-zone I unfortunately do not use.

Please provide a reasonable way to manage hard code chart times in chartbooks similar to the way you allow adjustments of drawings (Tools>> Manage Chart Drawings window). Or at least provide a way to export every chart’s time setting to a text or CSV file. That would allow us to inventory everything before we started the laborious process of manually adjusting every minute detail.

A way to bulk roll time settings in a chart book forward or backward would be perfect.

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