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Date/Time: Fri, 04 Oct 2024 15:03:29 +0000

[User Discussion] - Zig Zag Alert - Higher Low on Higher Voume or Lower High on Higher Volume

View Count: 1509

[2014-11-23 07:16:05]
Halco - Posts: 92
Is such an alert possible? Thanks!
[2014-11-23 12:34:12]
Halco - Posts: 92
Lemme rephrase that: Is it possible to create such an alert with just a formula or would this require a spreadsheet study? I ask because if it's a formula maybe I can figure it out, but if it requires a spreadsheet study that's beyond my capabilities and I won't waste my time. Thanks much.
[2014-11-23 15:06:04]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4093
It's possible but it would require a spreadsheet study.
[2014-11-23 16:10:51]
Halco - Posts: 92
Argh! Ok, thanks Tom.
[2014-11-24 22:19:57]
lotus123 - Posts: 23
if i understand you correctly, Halco, you can do this.

use the indicator "color bar based on alert condition".

in the alert tab you can put this formula - "=and( L>L[-1] , V>V[-1])" ,don't type quotes.

which means color the bar when BOTH the low is greater than the previous low, AND the volume is greater than the previous volume.

i don't know what you would do with the zigzag part.

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