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Date/Time: Tue, 14 May 2024 11:47:53 +0000

Post From: .DLY files not able to be joined manually

[2016-06-13 20:15:36]
rick e - Posts: 51
I am using the 1307 still because I'm reluctant to give up the old spreadsheets I already have. I don't really have the time now to learn the new spreadsheets and not being a programmer, it took me quite a while to get a grasp of the format to be used even with the old style spreadsheets.

I would have upgraded long before this and I guess I will have to soon anyway. As for the data problem - I did already use that technique - I deleted ESM16.dly without SC being open and simply downloaded a copy of ESM16 from "Find Symbol" then "Open Historical Chart" onto a blank chart.

It can now be used to replace the original long version of ESM16 that I had built up and the Chartbook with all the studies intact that I couldn't open without it freezing is now useable again.

The only thing is that I now have only a "one month" type June file for ES without the continuation of historical data I had built up. I will try to join ESH16 with ESU16 to regain that long term chart.

I had a thought that it may have been a "bad" sector on the hard drive because this has happened before with CL. I now have to use CL# anyway just to get a longer term chart that I can use with this symbol.

I will check with run chkdsk and see.

Also, regarding the "continuous contract" feature - I have found that over the years almost all sites that offer volume based rollovers or date rollover rules or whatever always have significant large gaps that virtually destroy the visual continuity of the contract (Quandl, Stevens etc.etc.)

I prefer to look hard at the data and find a place where the close is pretty equal and take that maybe 2 or 3 weeks and add the new to the end of the old file and then copy the old file to the deleted new file.

I've done this for a long while with pretty good success (up until now at least). I have also used TOTAL VOLUME and OPEN INTEREST figures from CME's site which they post daily for their contracts at least. This provides great continuity.

It's a wonder to me that more people don't use this and get virtually useless, choppy Vol. and OI.

Also, for "Global Settings >> General Settings >> Use Default Study Collection for New Charts enabled?" NO I haven't got this enabled.

Yes, all my studies are the same for every chartbook but I'm afraid it will goof up something like the spreadsheet setup (which is probably going to be useless anyway), so I don't do it. Rick

P.S. Edit-Join Intraday Data work really good for me! I will try the things you have suggested and if I have trouble I will talk to you again. Rick
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-06-14 09:01:01