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Date/Time: Sun, 05 May 2024 03:58:07 +0000

Post From: SC Forex data and TradeAndCurrentQuoteSymbol

[2015-10-19 15:21:21]
jesslinn - Posts: 108
Thank you for adding support for the SC Forex Data in trading instances of SC. Can you verify that, unlike with the SC futures, it is necessary to set the "Trade and Current Quote Symbol", in order to actually trade SC forex symbols on IB?

Is there a way to set up a symbol and trading symbol pair so that whenever the symbol is put in a chart (as via a link), that the trading symbol is also used? For example, I have a Quote Board (or an associated watch list) with many symbols and a set of linked trading windows. When I click on the QuoteBoard, the linked windows are now populated with the better SC forex data but I have to then manually add a trade symbol each time, or set up a separate DOM with the appropriate trade symbol.

If there is not a way to do this, by editing the GlobalSymbolSettings.xml or some other way, I suppose I can write a custom study that will set the TradeAndCurrentQuoteSymbol, but I thought I would ask if there is a better way before taking such an ad hoc approach.