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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 15:52:33 +0000
[2015-05-22 06:06:08] |
enemyspy - Posts: 306 |
Hi, I have made some modifications to the writebardatatofile study in order to instead output study subgraphs. I have replaced the float references to the OHLC arrays, with the following omitting everything except the key changes: SCSFExport scsf_WriteSGDatatofile(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) { SCInputRef Separator = sc.Input[0]; SCInputRef UseGMTTime = sc.Input[1]; SCInputRef DateFormat = sc.Input[2]; SCInputRef OutputMilliseconds = sc.Input[3]; SCInputRef StudyReference1 = sc.Input[4]; } if(sc.SetDefaults) { StudyReference1.Name = "Subgraph Input 1"; sc.Input[4].SetChartStudySubgraphValues(1,1,12); return; } SCFloatArray SGInput1; sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(StudyReference1.GetStudyID(),StudyReference1.GetSubgraphIndex(), SGInput1); //These references are later used to define the string variables below in the exact same way that the original study is done So in the Header section which I have currently modified to look like this: SCString fileHeader; switch(Separator.GetInt()) { case 0: fileHeader = "Date Time SGInput1\r\n"; break; case 1: fileHeader = "Date, Time, SGInput1\r\n"; break; case 2: fileHeader = "Date\Time\SGInput1\r\n"; break; } Is there a way to make the Header references Dynamic based on references to the subgraphs in the original study that I am pulling the SG arrays from so that I do not have to customize them for every application I require this study for? Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-05-22 06:09:43