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Date/Time: Sun, 12 May 2024 07:02:26 +0000

Post From: rithmic connection issues

[2014-07-18 13:49:54]
umair1 - Posts: 86
I contacted my broker and they said Rithmic was having no issue with their servers. They suggested it might have been an internet issue on my end.

But I have other data providers that I run simultaneously with SC and Rithmic and they were working fine when SC/Rithmic was having the connection issue.

Also I believe the problem may be related to running SC and R|Trader simultaneously. In the past I usually have run SC and R|Trader simultaneously without any problem. (The reason I do this is because R|Trader provides a better interface for trading options)

But this week I began having issues connecting to R|Trader and SC simultaneously. It seems like R|Trader every now and then would kick SC off the server or vice versa. So I began running SC by itself and only running R|Trader when I needed to make an option trade.

But it seems like if I am running SC, start R|Trader and then quit R|Trader then SC begins having issues placing orders, modifying orders and refreshing trade data from the server.

Also every now and then it doesn't report my fills correctly. For example today I sold TF at 1134.5 and it shows the fill at 1141.

I will inquire with Rithmic about using R|Trader and SC simultaneously to see if there are any issues. As I said before I used them both simultaneously for the past year without any problems but in the past few weeks I have noticed some problems running them simultaneously.

I wouldn't need to run R|Trader at all if SC could implement an options table Bid/Ask vs Strike, with tabs for the various expiration weeks/months.