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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:14:26 +0000

Post From: I need to know where the 'Break even' price is during multiple entries/exits!

[2023-01-30 01:04:21]
J DIDDY - Posts: 107
Thx SC engineering,

But Rui S's answer is much better and works for now - but you must understand that we NEED to see the BE point visually on the Dom in order to trade effectively - not in a 'list' type external window, where space is at a premium.

It's not intuitive to keep checking that list each time we enter or exit a trade and then referring back to the DOM to move positions to B/E.

There should be an option for 'ALL' B/E settings to show a 'B/E position indicator' that moves up and down from the 'entry position indicator' on the DOM as trades are entered and exited.

This is essential and urgent.
