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Date/Time: Thu, 02 May 2024 17:00:00 +0000

Post From: Automate scanning possible?

[2014-05-14 07:40:53]
4646ed - Posts: 230
vegas. i don't know acsil, don't have the time to learn it; but as you say it might not be helpful in any case. how would you do a timed simple alert? you were talking about within the simple alert box, right? do you know the formula?
Tom. re:autohotkey-never used it before, have now checked it out albeit cursorily but i think it might be good for quite a few things but not what i'm trying to do. i want to have the alerts scanned for on a timely basis, as opposed to trying remember every 1-5 minutes to scan for them. this is on a notebook/tablet where opening many charts and setting up spreadsheets and many alerts is not feasible.thus the scan function if it goes off every few minutes would pretty well reduce the need of tying up lots of resources.
but thanks tom for the suggestion, it will probably help with lots of other things.i'll look at it more closely later.
odd that SC hasn't chimed in here...they would know the answer in a second...

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-05-14 07:41:50