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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Feb 2025 18:51:46 +0000


[2022-09-23 08:20:09]
User849502 - Posts: 355
John, sorry to bother you but you know how stupid I am and I don't want to blow up my SC all service on my live crypto perps.

First off, am I reading it right that I can have my SC with live feed running all normal and fine, AND then create a chartbook that would be say bonds or crude that would get the delayed data? Does ticking the box in instruction 4 to go from YES TO NO allow this? I am terrified I go to NO and I lose my crypto BMEX perp live data.

Sorry I am blond, old and dumb, but you all know that. In an ideal world I hope I have my live eth and btch chartbooks, and delayed crude and bond chartbooks all on the same SC. If this is not right can you explain it better so I don't blow up my crypto which is my income!!!

Thanks John.
