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Date/Time: Sun, 05 May 2024 17:55:40 +0000

Post From: How can I have Tradovate CQG and Apexfunding Account setup at the same time?

[2022-05-04 22:32:12]
John - SC Support - Posts: 31379
From the little we can see, it looks like you are having an issue connecting to Rithmic. It could be an issue on the Rithmic side if you have two different connections trying to be made. You would have to check this with Apex to make sure.

We would really need to see the entire log to know for sure that this is a Rithmic thing. Refer to the following for how to get us your Message Log:


With regards to the exchanges - if you only need data from the CME exchange, then you would not need the Full CME Group for Non-Professionals. But, if you want to get data for the COMEX, NYMEX and CBOT without Market Depth, in addition to the CME exchange with Market Depth, then keep the exchanges as you currently have them.
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