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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 04:45:09 +0000

Post From: Not getting Update stocks since renewal.

[2022-04-04 21:18:39]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
The "older" Sierra Chart U.S. Equities is not active on your account. It did not automatically renew on April 1, 2022 and we do not have the link for you to re-activate it. We can take care of this for you, if you want. Just be sure to add enough funds to your account to have $10.50 available in your Services Surplus and let us know when this is done so we can activate the exchange for you.

Keep in mind that the data from the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed (older stock data) can only be accessed from one computer at a time.

As to the NASDAQ TotalView data, you should not be having any trouble getting this data, as you are setup properly and you are setup to have 2 separate computers connecting at the same time. Keep in mind that in order to get the data from the NASDAQ TotalView, you need to add the suffix of '-NQTV' to the exchange symbol. For example, if you just enter 'AAPL', then you will get data from the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed U.S. Equities, but if you enter 'AAPL-NQTV' then you will get the data from the Denali Exchange Data Feed NASDAQ TotalView.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing