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Date/Time: Tue, 07 May 2024 21:12:57 +0000

Post From: Using Control Bars as Trade Window

[2022-03-12 07:42:12]
Acro - Posts: 436
Hello Rui,

I thought I would just write a clarification on your post here as regards trading doms vs chart doms

If one is not actually using a trade dom (eg because the volatility in NQ is so high and you can't see enough price levels) but instead a chart DOM your proposed method will not work but it is still useful
- ie if you just enter a digit and enter that will only change the chart period and not the quantity.

What you can do instead though is also have a Trade DOM that has the same same chart linking with "Symbol" and "Trade Window" and "Trade/Quote Symbol" checked between the Trade DOM and the Chart DOM.

Then you can write a macro in a program like macro express to activate the Trade DOM, change the quantity by digit + enter and then minimize the trade dom and activate the chart DOM.
This will work. There may be a delay of a few milliseconds before reflected in the trade window of the Chart DOM but it will work.

However, it would be much simpler if Sierra could entable a fast entry mechanism by keyboard to change trade quantity - eg by entering digit + q + enter.

I am writing this post becuase it is so useful to be able to do that in conjuction with the Risk Reward tool to dynamically change quantity size to keep you within the total dollar risk limit you have set for each individual trade.
Importantly, the RR tool is dynamic in that it will update the stop and target currency value based on what your current quantity is set at in the trade window so it will update automatically if you change it by the macro I mentioned
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-03-12 07:46:05