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Date/Time: Thu, 02 May 2024 19:55:20 +0000

Post From: Button menu toggle

[2022-01-17 18:36:26]
ertrader - Posts: 645
This code has been working OK for the last few months. However, for this one study, I routinely see 80-200 MS calculation times across all contracts I trade (ES,YM,NQ,GC,CL) despite many attempts to optimize. It still worked...but for such a small amount of code, very high calc times. (there is more to the study than above but this section is the performance issue)

Additional discussion:
Code optimization

In the last 2 weeks, in updating my chartbooks, I noticed new chartbooks had significantly better calculation times (6-10 MS) for the IDENTICAL setup. This occurred even without recompiling my custom study.

After testing several possible scenarios (recompiling, different references etc), the only difference was a new chartbook. So, I duplicated my previous chartbooks (right mouseclick on the chart and duplicate) to new ones and now all are 10 MS or less for calculation times! And this same improvement is across two different installations with two different order routing services (this should not have any impact but is good for comparison)

Key takeaway: Something about recent release chartbooks (SC V2345 is what I tested) are much more efficient when calling this code, even without recompiling.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-17 19:39:50