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Date/Time: Wed, 01 May 2024 15:56:12 +0000

Post From: Connection Problems with OEC

[2014-03-14 17:19:54]
User36884 - Posts: 28
@ SC Support,

Thank you for the above message. I have to say that I am tempted to give you the benefit of doubt over OEC, given how responsive I have found you to be in the past. Also, the OEC support forum is useless. Most posts don't make it past censorship and hence it is reminiscent of a graveyard.

The only reason I chose to trade with OEC is, that they are the only broker who provides tick-accurate data and who you support server-side OCO orders for.

I have an account with IB, but they do not support tick-accurate data and I have no intention of paying for your own SC data.

I also have an account with AMP, but there is no support for server-side OCO orders with them and SC.

As much as I actually quite like SC, there is presently no data/ broker combo that I could use with SC that supports my tick-accurate data and server-side OCO order requirements (without paying extra for SC data).

I will therefore be looking for a new broker/ platform combo that meets my needs going forward, but I will keep an eye open to future developments at SC and would be happy to return, if my requirements were ever addressed.