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Date/Time: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 01:15:12 +0000

Post From: Advanced Custom Studies DLL Loading Management

[2021-01-31 01:28:03]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
Since starting a new DLL Loading Management, another strange thing appears.

SC: You know for sure because it was one of the bugs in the lower version of Sierrachart. (scsf_OneTimeFraming in C:\SierraChart\Data\SierraChartStudies.dll. Error: Windows error code 127)

So it's more of a warning to other developers.

If you distributed a library to someone and then rename it scsf_xxxxxx to another name (or delete the study), after uploading a new version of the library, the entire library will be disabled for the end user. Error 127 is reported to him, but even after removing the study from the chart, the library no longer appears in the list, the library must be reloaded, or better for laymen, save chart without a faulty study and restart Sierrachart. Then the library will be loaded correctly.