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Date/Time: Sun, 05 May 2024 04:50:00 +0000

Post From: Open and show already calculated formulas

[2014-02-09 20:31:32]
namlem - Posts: 94
Hello SC team,
I just downloaded the latest version (SC 1090, non-CLR).
As far I as I see "Auto Calculate" option prevents automatic propagation of formula calculation to the other cells in case the formula was changed (actually, this seems also not working, at least up to my understanding, but I need to test it more carefully with better timing measurements...). The most important, that I expected much more out of it. You see, once calculations are done, let's say for 80k rows in 3 hours, all results are saved in Spreadsheet (exp. Cell O76450=TRUE), what I wanted is when next time I start SC and open Chartbook with connected SpreadSheet, calculations for it would be disabled (formulas wouldn't trigger on start), SC would only load and read Spreadsheet file and put markings (arrows) for bars which have value (exp. O76450=TRUE). I would expect not to wait 3 hours again!
Do you have any plans to do improvements in this area?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-02-10 18:28:17